Chapter 14

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I was at the park when I heard a car door close when I finally looked up Tyler (jr.) had my razor and my sketch book and my razor. He sat next to me as he told me, “Here I found this in Aria’s desk drawer along with a razor.” My eyes got huge as I got my sketchbook from him. As Tyler took the razor our and snapped it in half, and threw it away. Once he came back my eyes were wide, “Thanks.” I said softly as he sighed, “No problem.” We were just sitting in silence the one thing I love. “You know I don’t think you’re a freak, I just don’t know how it feels to not have a mom, we just trying to understand why you do things you do?” I looked at the grass trying to hide my tears from him, “Cristian just know I’m here for you if you want to talk.” He told me as I nodded. He got up as he said, “Well see ya” and left before I could tell him why. I sat at the park for another hour till I heard a car door slam, I turned to see Aria, I got my car keys. “Cristian I need your sketchbook.” “No Aria you don’t get it do you?”

She looked at me, “I need my sketchbook to stay sane, I don’t care what your reason was for taking my sketchbook. But don’t just please don’t do it again.” I said as I went to my car I looked at Aria again just this look of hurt and guilt took over her face. I got in my car as I drove home, “Hungry?” dad said, as I saw Uncle Josh, and Ricky. “No...I’m good I’m just going to go to bed.” I said as I went upstairs, as I heard, “Tyler was the same way our kids are acting strange.” Josh said as dad agreed. I locked my door as I grabbed my razor from my dresser, I just stared at him. I cut a few times washed up and got on my BB shorts and went to bed. I woke to my phone beeping, I looked at it to see Uncle Tyler texted me saying I needed to explain myself.” I just got up took care of my tattoo and cleaned my piercings as I carefully took a shower and got my Falling In Reverse ‘Here’s Ronnie’ shirt, I got my boxer’s on as I got my Adventure Time Lump Space Princess Seamless Hot Pants (That is what they are called.) I got my Grey Converse on, I wrapped my Pierce the Veil Necklace (Rosary) around my wrist I put my Falling In Reverse Snapback on, grabbing my Anthem Made Eagle messanger bag putting my Sketchbook and homework in it.

I grabbed my phone and texted Tyler (Jr.) to see if he wanted a ride, he told me that he didn’t have to drive Aria so yeah. I went downstairs as I saw dad he didn’t look happy, Uncle Tyler was here with Aria. “Cristian what did you do?” He yelled, I looked at them confused, “I told Aria to leave me alone she stole my sketchbook the ONE thing that keeps me sane at times!” I yelled as everyone looked at me as they looked at Aria. “You stole his sketchbook?” She froze than ran out of the room. “I have to get Tyler Jr. I’m giving him a ride too school.” Dad just nodded as I walked out, “Why would Aria steal? Josh was telling me he had to pull Aria off Tyler last night because they were fighting.” I shook my head as I got into my car and went to uncle Josh’s. Tyler got in quickly, “Drive just drive.” I nodded as I drove off. “what happen?” “Aria came home crying and mom automatically blamed me.” I shook my head.

I gave him my phone, “click Uncle Tyler’s message to me.” I said as he did and he looked at it as he read it out loud, “Cristian you have a lot of explaining to do why did you yell at Aria at the park?” “wait…what?” he said as I looked at him. “She came to the park demanding I give her my sketchbook back and I told her it’s the only way I stay sane.” He nodded. “Why did she tell Uncle Tyler?” I shrugged, “because they are close as fuck with one another.” He nodded. “Mom doesn’t get it, I don’t want to be Wicca like them I just want to get through high school and leave Pennsylvania” I nodded, “I agree I’d to go Cali or Hell New York~” Tyler laughed, “Why New York?” “They have the best Art school I heard.” Tyler nodded. “Become a fashion designer.” He joked as I laughed.

“I’ll make your wedding dress.” I joked back as he shook his head and laughed. I pulled up to the school and parked my car. “See you in music.” I said as he nodded we went our separate ways as I looked through my bag…I brought my razors just in case Aria desides to ‘look’ around my room today. She’s been acting really weird she doesn’t think that either Tyler or I notice but we do. I went to my first class. “Did you hear?” I heard a girl in my music class say.. “About what?” Another girl asked. “A famous band is coming to our music class.” The girls squealed as I heard my name. “Cristian!” I looked up, “yeah?” “Mr. Hanson needs you in the music room please get Aria and Tyler on your way.” I nodded as I went to the Sience Lab, “MR. Cerulli what do you need?” “Mr. Hanson said I need to get Tyler.” She nodded as Tyler got my stuff. “Why?” I shrugged, “I guess we are going to have some bands in class today.”

“Let’s hope they are good bands.” “Amen.” I said as we laughed. I went to the front desk; “Mr. Cerulli I hope you aren’t in trouble?” Mrs. Fanon said. “No I’m just wondering if Aria is here today?” She looked it up. “Yes she is.” I nodded as I went to the Computer lab. “Mr. Cerulli do you need something.” I nodded. “Mr. Hanson told me to come get Aria.” He nodded as Aria pushed passed Tyler and I as we all walked to the Music room. “Good! Good you’re here!!” Mr. Hanson said as we nodded. “I want you to meet Kuza, also Michael, DJ, Chris, and Frankie from Vampires Everywhere.” I nodded, “I’m Cristian Cerulli.” I said as Kuza smiled. “I remember when you were a baby.” I blushed as everyone laughed. “I’m Tyler Balz, this is my sister Aria.” Aria slapped Tyler. “I can speak for myself. And I think you meant Twin.” I rolled my eyes as I sat on the floor. “Why are we here exactly?” I asked as Mr. Hanson looked at me as Aria hit me. I glared at Aria, “You can get away with Tyler for that but don’t hit me.” I said as she nodded.

“You are here because I thought you would love to talk with them.” I nodded as I than said, “I’ll be back.” They nodded as I grabbed my Scout Bomber Hybrid Glamour Kills Jacket. I went into the bathroom as I got my razor out I cut five times on my thigh and three more on my wrist. I cleaned it up as I broke the razor in half and threw it away. I walked out of the stall as I put my jacket on. I went back into the music room to see everyone talking they stopped when I came in. “I can always leave again.” “No get over here.” Tyler said as I nodded.  “So what do you guys like to do?” I froze as Tyler and Aria looked at me as everyone did. “I draw, I got to my mom’s grave and sit in silence every day.” I said. Tyler nodded as he put his hand on my shoulder. “You look like your mom.” Kuza said as I looked at him. “Thanks. I’ve only seen pictures.” “can we see the pictures you draw?” “I usually don’t show anyone but since Aria has already seen them I don’t see why not.”

Aria was about to say something as Tyler cut her off, I got out my sketch book as I handed to them. “Whoa these are amazing Cristian.” “Thanks.” “Do you sing/scream like your dad?” I nodded. “I used to till I got bullied for it.” I said as they nodded. “Well what do you two do?” DJ asked as they handed my sketchbook back. I started to draw Kuza for the hell of it. I made him demon like as Tyler looked at what I was doing. “HO-“ I covered his mouth. “I will show it when I’m done.” I whispered as he nodded. He went back to talking as I continued drawing and putting details in it. When I was done the bell already rang. “Hey You hungry?” Kuza asked as Michael came over to me. “yeah just have to show you something.” I said as I handed Kuza my sketchbook. “Can I keep this?” I nodded, I signed it as I gave it to him. “Thanks.” He said as I nodded. “We are going to be taking you, and your cousins out to lunch.” I nodded as we went out to their cars, “I can take people in my car?” I said as DJ Tyler and Kuza came over to my car.

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