Chapter 20

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I hugged Aria for being strong as I smiled, "Mom always knows what to say." I chuckled as Aria just smiled. Dad was talking to Gage as I was just watching them; "So what are you guys going to do while you're here?" I tore myself away from looking at them as Uncle Ricky stood next to me. "Probably checking out the city mama Ricky." He laughed and shook his head. "Don't let your dad hear you say that." I just smiled as I said, "You both raised me though." I said as he smiled and shook his head I felt someone hold my hand as I looked at Gage. I smiled, "Hey dad." "Hey Cristian, did you call Ricky mama Ricky?" "Me never?" I said as dad looked at me suspiciously as I said, "Geeze Ricky getting me in trouble." Ricky laughed, "Love ya Cristian." "You too Mama Ricky!" Dad looked at me as I smiled. "I didn't doo it!!! It was Aria!!" I yelled as Aria came in. "What did I do?" "Call Ricky, Mama Ricky." She crinkled her nose. "Why would I do that." I shook my head. "I do."

She looked at me weirdly, "what? I was what 4 or 5 months?" I asked as Ricky and dad nodded. "It's true I think I said, 'Let's go wake mama Ricky.' As we woke him up the thing that really got Ricky was 'Mama Ricky.'" I saw Gage shake his head. "So where are we staying tonight on the bus?" "no we are getting a hotel." I nodded. Gage and I sat on the couch as we started to talk Aria came through again as we just stopped talking and watched her. She was just going back and forth between the bunks and the front. "Aria what the hell are you doing?" "Cleaning." "Leaving Nick all lonesome?" "No he's helping." I heard Gage mumbled, "That's a first." I laughed as dad said, "Alright let's get going." We got up as we grabbed our bags. We started walking to the hotel as we (Gage and I) held hands and Aunt Axelia stayed back on the bus with Tyler Jr.

We got to the hotel as we got checked in as Gage, James, Craig and I had one room; Aria, Nick, Ben and Tyler (Jr.) shared one, Ricky, Jessica, Ashley, and dad shared another room, than Josh, Axelia, Brandon and Ashley shared a room and finally Devin, Kylie, Ryan and Allie shared a room. Gage, James, Craig and I went to our hotel room as I opened the door as we had the full kitchen, dining room with four bedrooms. James and Craig dropped off their stuff as they left again I laid on the bed with Gage climbing in next to me. He kissed me softly as I kissed him back, "Gage!" we heard Nick yell as he groaned against my lips giving me a quick peck before running out to the door. He came back in as he said, "I guess we all got rooms with kitchen's your dad is taking us shopping." I nodded as I got up and closed the door so I could take off his hood I smiled at him as he smiled back and kissed me. I kissed back softly as he put his hood back up as we left the room.

We walked around for a while getting food; and other things as Gage and I went back to our room as we put things away I made some homemade sweet and sour chicken as Gage made the Rice. "Do you think James and Craig will come back?" "Not daring the day around midnight is when they usually get back to anything except band practice Nick would have their heads if they were later." I laughed as I went into the living room as I found a movie it was Anchor Man. We waited for dinner to be done so I sat on the couch as Gage put his head in my lap.


While we were waiting I saw Cristian sit down as I smiled as I laid on the couch putting my head on his lap. He put his hand in my hood as he played with my hair a little, I bit my lip and smiled at him. He smiled back as someone knocked on the door. I sighed and got up so Cristian could get it, I checked on the food as I saw his dad and him talking at the door I got curious but I shook my head. "His dad gave me the talk but basically said the same thing as Cristian's mom. I took the sweet and Sour Chicken out of the oven since the chicken was cooked as everything looked cooked I set it on the stove as Cristian came in shaking his head. "what?" "Dad is just being a dad I guess." I laughed, "Are you worried this will get back to your parents?" he asked as I shrugged, "If I get kicked out think I can move in?" He nodded. My phone started to ring as I answered it. "hey mom." "Gage Tyler Hanson do not tell your father this news he will kick you out."

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