Chapter 10

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When the show was over we had V.I.P.S. coming to the bus as I saw Cristian rub his eyes, “let’s get you fed before bed time?” he looked at me, “I can’t believe he’ll be one soon.” Josh said as I nodded. “It’s crazy but it just sucks.” I said as Josh nodded at me, “Does the manager have the water hooked up? “Uhm I don’t think so I’ll get some water from the showers if you need me too.” I looked at him, Take his bath with you.” He nodded as he ran onto the bus as I got Cristian to just into his diaper, he giggled at me as I kissed his head. “Your birthday is so close baby boy.” He giggled as I smiled, “Bath dinner bed.” I said as he pouted. “Chris lala followed me to the showers and well she got a shower.” I laughed, “Alright I bet she smells really bad now.” He laughed, “A little but the manager went out to get shampoo for the dog.” I nodded as I moved out of the way so he could put the bath down.  When he did I took Cristian’s diaper off as I got him into his bath. He was splashing water as I was scrubbing his face to get the paint off. When it came off I washed his body and shampooed his hair; The bottle was finally empty as I threw it away.

“The manager hooked up the water!” Ricky yelled as I turned it on to make sure it was working. “IT works!” I yelled back as I emptied the bath in the shower as Cristian rubbed his eyes again as I gave Cristian some of the ham that was in the fridge as he ate in happily as I kissed his head as I gave him a bottle of warm milk as I put him in the playpen as I put his Misfits blanket over him as Jessica came in, “Can you watch him while I take a shower?” she nodded as I hopped into the shower I changed into sweats as I went out to see a bunch of Fans as I went over to the playpen to see Lala in there, “Did you guys put her in there?” they nodded, “She kept whining because she couldn’t get in there.” I nodded as Lala Looked at me as I picked her up as I put food in her dish as she ate it as I pour water into her water dish she looked at me and barked. I laughed as I went over to Cristian who was now crying, I picked him up; “Sorry guys looks like I’m going to bed I’m sorry I can’t hang out with you.” They looked really disappointed as I sighed, “Let me get Cristian back to sleep.” I mumbled as I put a leash on Lala as I took her out as Cristian was being fussy as I rubbed his back a little I cleaned up after the dog as I threw it away and went back inside.

I finally got Cristian to sleep again as I put him in my bunk as I put him there, “watch over him Lala I’ll be right back.” She barked as she laid right next to him as I went back to the fans as we talked for a bit before Cristian started wailing, “Now I really have to get to bed guy I’ll see you next time.” They nodded as Jessica handed me a bottle I went to the bunks as I carefully crawled into my bunk as I put Cristian’s head on my arm as I gave him the bottled. “Shh I’m here Cristian.” I said softly as he looked at me as his eyes closed slowly as I sighed softly as Lala looked at me as she came over to me as she started licking my face, “Love you too Lala.” She barked as she circled in between Cristian and me and fell asleep. I sighed, “were we going next?” I called quietly as Ricky said, “According to the sheet Georgia.” “alright.” I said as I gave him the bottle as he started drinking the milk I laid on my side looking at him. “I love You Cristian.” I said as he looked at me as I chuckled.

When Cristian fell asleep I put the bottle on the shelf as I fell asleep also. When I woke I got changed and saw Cristian was up, I changed his diaper as I changed him into his ‘Brith: Nail It’ onsie I put on his shorts and socks I put on his Van’s and his black and blue hat. I grabbed his Shark hoodie as I went out to the front to see no one was up still I saw Get Scard’s bus and Escape The Fate’s bus. I saw Craig, Leila, Gabby and their son, “Hey guys.” I said as Craig looked at me, “Nice to see you out man.” I laughed, “Yeah I decided it’s what I needed.” He chuckled, “Have you seen your twitter? There are fans complaing about your make up man.” I shook my head. “Cristian likes putting war paint now.” He chuckled, “sorry to ruin your family moment.” I said as he chuckled, “It’s okay man I’ll see you later.” I waved as I headed over to Starbucks. I had an the bottle from last night as I got my coffee as I signed a few things for people. I wet back to the bus to see everyone awake Cristian giggled as he saw Nick.

“Ick! ICK!!!” he squealed as we laughed as Nick looked over at us as he chuckled. “Hey little Cerulli.” Cristain giggled as Nick held him. “how you been?” He asked as I shrugged, “I’ve been good just trying to figure out what to do for Cristian’s birthday it’s coming up soon.” He nodded as we started talking with the others.

Hey guys I know it’s short I’m sorry but I promise I will make the next one longer:3 Please don’t forget to comment rate and fan!!! I want to thank you all for being patient for this story!!!

Also I have a new story out called What’s So Good About Picking Up The Pieces!!! Please got check that story out and comment and tell me how you like it please!!! Alright? Alright I love you all:3

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