Chapter 13

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Allie and Ryan took my shopping I got new posters, I got the following band posters:

All Time Low ‘Don’t Fucking Panic’

Relapse Symphony

The Nearly Deads

Of Mice & Men

Bring The Mosh Since 2008

Farewell My Love Band Member posters

I also got an Asking Alexandria Wall Flag along with some clothes I sighed I spent time with everyone except my Aunt Axelia but I was always a little hurt every time I went over there…I don’t know why but every time I end up in the basement by myself drawing.. I stopped at home as I put my shot glasses on my dresser and grabbed my car keys. I put my Batman hoodie on as I grabbed my Anthem Made bag putting my sketchbook, pencils in it. I told my dad bye as I ran out I drove over to Aunt Axelia’s house as I knocked on the door. Uncle Josh opened it, “You don’t have to knock.” I shrugged as he let me come inside. I put my bag next to the couch as Aunt Axelia dragged me into the basement. “I want you to have these candles and let me tell you what they mean.” I just nodded. She handed me an Indigo candle, “The Indigo candle means Deep relaxation, restful sleep, to invoke the righteous spirit in you when doing good work.” I nodded putting it down as she handed me the silver candles, “These are used for Intuition, dreams, cancellation, neutrality, stalemate.” I didn’t question my aunt…she can get scary…

“This dark blue one is used for Impulsiveness, depression, changeability, to create confusion (use with white candles or you can create confusion in self).” I nodded as she handed me the candle. She got out another one, “This is the Blue Back candle it’s used for Wounded pride, broken bones, angelic protection.” I just looked at it as I just thought of my mom. My Aunt snapped me out of it as I looked at her. “The orange is used for General attraction, energy, assertiveness, endurance, encouragement, adaptability, stimulation, to seal a spell.” She handed it to me as I put it with the other candles she has given me…How many candles is she going to give me…. She gave me a lot of yellow candles, “these are used for  Intellect, confidence, divination, charm, communication, eloquence, travel, movement, happiness, success, self esteem, attraction, persuasion, healing.” “Healing is something dad needs.” I said softly as she nodded, “I know.” Is all she said as she got out a light blue candle, “These are used for Healing, peace, psychicism, patience, happiness, inner peace, friendship, tranquility, understanding, protection of home, young men, protection of new buildings.” I nodded as I grabbed them all as my aunt held my elbow,

“Please use them.” She said softly as I nodded. I went upstairs as I put them in my bag as I grabbed my sketch book…Wait… “Uncle Josh did you see anyone take my Sketch book?” I asked as he looked at me, “No ask your cousins.” I nodded as I went to Tyler’s room. I knocked on his door as he opened it… “What are you doing here?” I shook my head, “did you see anyone take my sketch book?” I asked him. “No why would I want your sketch book?” I shrugged, “Ask Aria she always knows.” I nodded as I walked to her room. I knocked on the door as she opened it. She looked at me with wide eyes, “Have you seen my sketchbook?” She shook her head than slammed the door in my face… “Yeah today’s great.” I mumbled as I went downstairs as I sat down there as I saw some chalk I grabbed them and went outside, I drew my mom the last time I really saw her as a Angel well I’m not sure if angel is the right word but you know what I mean I saw her spirit.

I was drawing as I heard the door slam, I jumped up to see Josh I looked at him as he came over to me sitting on the sidewalk as he just motioned me to continue what I was doing so I continued drawing. When I was done I stood up as I looked at Uncle Josh. “is that…” “Yeah it’s my mom.” I said softly as he ran back inside. Great now my uncle thinks I’m a freak too. I thought as I went inside grabbing my bag my sketch book still missing as I went out to my car as I left. I went to the woods by the park. I grabbed my bag as I went deep into the woods as I grabbed the razor from my bag…What that’s gone too what the fuck!!! I screamed as I punched the tree really hard till I heard something snap. I groaned as the tears went down my eyes. “Mom I just want you to be here to make everything better.” I cried as I sat there cradling my arm. “why?” I cried over and over again.

When I was done crying I got into my car and drove myself to the hospital; I signed myself in as I still had tears rolling down my cheeks. “Cristian?” I got up as the nurse smiled at me, “Could you get doctor Hanz? I need to talk to him.” She nodded though a bit confused she led me to the room as I sat there waiting for Dr. Hanz. When he came in he looked at me; “What happen Cristian?” “I punched a tree till something snapped.” He just nodded, “Let’s get it x-rayed” I nodded as I saw my family sitting out there I couldn’t even…I just looked at the floor and walked to the X-ray machine. “you’ll have to get a cast.” I nodded as we went through that process as I went to my car. “Cristian.” I heard my dad say as he looked at me. “Josh told me you just took off.” I nodded, “After my sketchbook went missing I had a mental break down so I went down to the basement found chalk so I started to draw…Uncle Josh came out watched me freaked out. I grabbed my bag and went to the park” “to sit alone?” he asked as I nodded.

He kissed my head, “we are going to dinner tonight with everyone.” I nodded as I got in my car and drove home. I went to my room placed the candles lit some and just sat in my room with pure silence dad probably went to talk about me with every one…like normal… I just wish my mom could be here to see me…

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