Chapter 6

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Once everything was packed I got on the bus to see Cristian and Lala cuddled together on the floor. I chuckled softly as I picked up Cristian as Lala looked up at me, “come on.” I said as I laid Cristian and I on the bed as I patted the bed as Lala jumped on the bed as she looked at me as I smiled. I feel asleep as I woke up about an hour later; “Hey Cristian.” I mumbled as I saw Cristian look at me as he giggled, “Dada!” he said as I got up, I saw we were stopped so I picked Cristian up putting him on my hip as I grabbed Lala’s leach as I put it on her as I went outside as Lala went to the bathroom our manager grabbed the leach from me as I went inside as Cristian grabbed my ear. I looked at him as I kissed his nose. He giggled at me as I went inside as I handed Cristian to Josh. I went to the bathroom as I came out Cristian was walked to me; “Uncle Josh didn’t watch you very well did he?” I asked as he giggled. “Chris has him!” Ricky yelled as I grabbed Cristian’s hand as we walked over to the cold drinks.

I got Cristian Milk and myself a monster, as I grabbed some Peach Rings, because I found out he’s like his mother in that way he loves them. I found out because Ricky gave him one to test it out to see if he would eat them and he ate 4 of them. “spoiling him?” Ricky asked, “this is the first time in a month.” I chuckled as he smiled, he got a HUGE box of popcorn I laughed an paid, “Thanks for paying Chris.” Ricky laughed as I chuckled, “I figured you left your wallet in the bus.” He smiled as we got our thinks as I picked up Cristian as we went onto the bus, “Shit!” I yelled, “what, one of us needs to go back in and get dog food.” The manager chuckled, “I got it already.” “Thanks.” I said as I sat on the couch as I than put Cristian on my lap, “I heated up some broth for Cristian.” Devin said as he set the bowl on the coffee table, “Thanks Ghost.” He smiled at me, “no problem.” He replied as I kissed Cristian’s head as he giggled, I fed him as he ate before he fell asleep again. I laid on the couch as I put Cristian on my chest as his head was on my chest. I smoothed out his hair as Lala was sleeping on the floor next to us; “Were to next?” I asked as josh totally ignored me. I looked at Ricky as he sat on the floor next to Lala as Josh left to the bunks as Ricky said, “He is pissed at you, Axe told him you yelled at her and didn’t explain why.” I handed Cristian to Ricky.

I went to the bunks as I pulled Josh out of his bunk; he glared at me, “If you think I yelled at your fucking wife over nothing you need to talk to her again. I yelled at her because she’s pushing me to a point that I can’t do anything and I will break down and never come back.” He looked at me, “Why do you think I try to ignore you guys because you’ve been pushing and pushing me to the point where I just want to crawl into bed and never come out, I’m trying to get better. I’ve been happier but with Axe being at the hotel and pushing me to a limit where I just snapped. If you don’t believe me fine I don’t care but I will fix everything with or without you just keep your shit about my wife to yourself.” I said as he just looked at me with wide eyes. I went back out to the living room as Cristian was awake again as I picked him up as I kissed his face all over making him giggle. I was Ricky take a picture as I rolled my eyes but smiled, my phone dinged as I got my phone out and gave it to  Cristian as I set him in the playpen as he just played with my phone.

I smiled at him as I went to the bunks as I grabbed a diaper and the wipes as I went back into the living room to see Allie, Ryan, Brandon, and Ricky just sitting there. “hi?” I said as they laughed, “Hey we were just watching Cristian play with your phone.” I laughed as I put my phone on the floor as I picked Cristian up as I changed his diaper, as he started to play with Lala again. I smiled as I watched them play as Ricky handed me a burrito from Taco bell, “Thanks.” I said as I ate, when I was eating Cristian came over I debated with myself before I gave him a tiny bit. He looked at me as he ate he giggled, as I felt his forehead, still a little warm but he’s better. When we looked away for a second and turned back we saw Cristian eating a chicken wing; we all laughed as he looked at us, “Alright no more eating.” I told him as he giggled. I brought him to the bathroom as the bus stopped as I had to fill the sink since we didn’t have a tub. “Crap.” I mumbled, “Hey Rick can you get the shampoo and soap from Cristian’s bag?” I yelled as Cristian was splashing water all over, I checked the time, “it’s about 10” I mumbled as I sighed, “Alright little man we go to bed after this, and if your uncles are loud we will show them who’s boss.” He giggled at me, “The unopened or opened.”

“Opened.” I said, as he came in with the purple bottle of Johnson’s shampoo and the blue bottle of Conditioner as I got Cristian clean as I put a diaper on and changed him into his Hatley Toddler Ice Monster pajama’s as I got changed into sweats as I laid in bed as I tucked Cristian in as he fell asleep. I feel asleep after Lala got onto the bed; When I woke I didn’t see Cristian in my bed I jumped up as I started freaking out, I ripped opened everyone’s curtain as they all looked at me as I ran into the living room to see him And Lala eating the Wings that no one put away. “Cristian don’t scare me like that.” I said as he giggled, “You are going to need another bath.” I laughed as Cristian giggled at me as I picked him up. “Everything okay?” “It is now.” I said, “what happen?” they asked, “Cristian wasn’t in my bunk so I freaked out he was just eating the wings no one put away.” Ricky laughed at me as I brought Cristian to the bathroom again as I gave him another bath as I changed him into his Circo toddler tee, his camo pants and his converse. We were in Jackson Mississippi and we met up with New Years Day. This will be an Interesting day…

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