Chapter 33

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I was sick of watching Cristian run out all the time at night so tonight I thought that following him would be better. I got Nick to go with me to follow Cristian. Nick’s been moody since Aria told him she cheated on him…Poor Nick this isn’t the first time he’s been cheated on before he is getting his trust issues back…he can trust me, Cristian, Craig, James, and the rest of our gang. Though he was starting not to trust Cristian because he’s been running out at night all the time; we followed Cristian to this house where we saw a man and woman. Nick and I looked at one another as we watched Cristian get into a truck and into the back. I looked at Nick who looked suspicious. “Boy are you done loading that truck?” he appeared from the back as the woman looked at him. “Get the damn truck Cristian.” “I need the new tarp!” he yelled back as she was about to do something when the guy stepped in. “Gina it isn’t worth it and it was reasonable since he doesn’t know where the tarp is.” I watched her as she looked around. “You better hurry the sun is coming up soon.” She said as the guy said. “I’ll get the tarp you go inside and say hello to the pregnant girl inside.” He nodded as he ran inside. I looked at Nick who was already on the phone. I drove away from the house as I hoped to god Cristian wasn’t getting himself into anything.


I went inside to see Samantha from school, “Hey Sammy.” I said as she looked at me. “They got you too!” she screamed before hugging me. I hugged her back, “god where have you been you don’t go to school anymore it’s like you dropped out or something. I sighed, “I got suspended and I really haven’t been doing my homework either.” I said as she nodded. “I’m thinking about dropping out and getting a job so I can be there for my little girl.” I smiled. “Well…” I trailed off when I saw the police lights as I covered her mouth as we looked out the window they arrested Gina and Mark as we saw Aria. “Great.” I mumbled as she stormed inside. She’s been super moody since Nick and her broke up, no one ever told me what was going on… She looked at Samantha and I as she said, “So this is where you’ve been disappearing to?” She demanded as I looked at her. “That or be killed and I’m sure you’d be happy about that.” I said as her face just changed to guilt and sadness. “I’m sorry Cristian I’m just not myself.” “What did you do anyway? Fuck Damon?” She looked away. I glared at her as Samantha looked at me. “She fucked Damon? The guy who got me pregnant?” I nodded as she laughed. “Honey be careful with him you might end up like me.” She said. “You need a ride home?” I asked her as she nodded. “See you Aria…maybe I shouldn’t leave you with my friends anymore if you are willing to cheat on Nick with them.” She looked like she was about to cry as I shook my head.

I left the house as I explained what happen and told them were the kids were buried. I got into my car as Sammy got in also. She tried kissing me as I put my hand up so she kissed my hand. “Cristian.” She said as I looked at her. “Look Samantha…I’m gay.” She looked at me shocked as I started driving as she put her hand on my leg. I stopped the car. “Get out.” I said as she looked at me shocked. “Why?” she stuttered. “What part of I’M GAY! Don’t’ you get?” I asked as she looked down. “Show me.” She said as I looked at her as I drove home. I got out as she came inside with me as I rolled my eyes as I looked at Gage and Nick. “Can I talk to Gage and Nick quickly.” I asked my family as they all looked at me then at Samantha. “I’ll explain everything after words.” I said as they nodded. I turned to Samantha. “Do not touch anything or anyone. I forgot you were the whore of our school.” I said bluntly as her jaw dropped. Gage Dragged me along with Nick to my room. “What’s going on?” “I know you two followed me.” Gage and Nick looked at one another. “Look what you saw probably confused you but if I didn’t help them they would have killed me.” I said as they looked at me now. “what?” Gage whispered. “They were still killing girls even after my grandfather is dead.” I said as they nodded. “I’m sorry…if you guys don’t trust me anymore that’s fine.” Gage rolled his eyes as I smiled at him as he kissed me.

I kissed him back as I looked at Nick, “I’m sorry my cousin doesn’t know how to control herself.” Nick shrugged as he said, “Just I’m getting my trust issues back…I don’t think I should have let her back into my life.” He told me as I shrugged. “You gave her a second chance…everyone deserves that.” I told him as he nodded. We went back downstairs as Samantha was all over my uncle Chris as he looked at me with the look of help. “SAMANTHA!” I screamed as she looked at me. “You wonder why people call you names?” I asked as she blushed. She sat down again, “This is my boyfriend Gage and our best friend Nick.” I said as she rolled her eyes. “I still think your straight?” “Why because you want to have sex with me because I am the only guy besides my cousin Tyler Jr. to have sex with you?” She looked at me as she smirked. “Where is he?” “with his pregnant girlfriend in Vegas.” Uncle Josh said as she looked at him. “You should leave.” I said as she left. “What’s going on?” Dad said as Ashley nodded. I rolled my eyes at her as I explained the story from the beginning. When I finished they hugged me as I rolled my eyes but laughed. Aria came in as Gage, Nick and I looked at her. “Hey.” She said quietly as Nick looked at the floor. “Hey Gage, Cristian?” “Yeah?” “Could you come over to my house tonight?” “Yeah come upstairs with us.” I said as we got upstairs as dad said. “What just happened?” I heard Aria sniffle.

“Nick and I broke up for good.” “What happen?” “Drop it dad please.” She started to cry. “Hey Gage will you pack my stuff?” he nodded as I dragged Nick downstairs. “What’s going on Cristian?” Uncle Josh asked. “I can’t trust Aria anymore around my friends.” I said as they all looked between me and Aria. As we glared at one another. “Don’t do this.” She said. “okay have fun.” As I heard nick say, “I hope you enjoy him better then me.” As we headed back upstairs as we heard Aria start to cry. I looked at Nick who had regret written over his face. When we got upstairs as Gage was in the middle of packing my shit. “Hey babe.” “hey love.” He said as I hugged him. “Are you ready?” I mumbled as he nodded. “Let’s get going.” I said as we headed downstairs. “I’ll see you all tomorrow.” I said as I waved as we all left to Nicks. Once we got there Craig, James, and everyone was there. “my parents and brothers(?) and sisters (?) will be here later. We nodded as I watched them do their band practice and write.

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