Chapter 29

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I was home after everything I was finally home; Gage and I went into my room after a while spending time with my family. Tyler told me he had good news but didn't tell me what it was because I guess I don't look so well... I laid in bed as Gage held my hand. I laid on my side thought it hurt because Aria didn't heal everything my door was shut so I took off his hood. He had red puffy eyes, and bags under his eyes. "I thought I would never see you again...I prayed so hard that you would come back." he cried softly as I hugged him close to me. "I'm here now Gage." He nodded as I made him look at me as I kissed him softly. "Let's get some sleep arlight?" He nodded as he cuddled into my as we fell asleep.


I can't finish tour...I can't I need to be here for Cristian. Danny, Myca, and everyone came in as they looked at me. "Where is he?" "Sleeping, he and Gage where talking and fell asleep." "Gage really took it hard." Danny said as I nodded. "They really love one another. I can see it in their eyes. You should have see Gage run up to him and hug him when we got back here." "I would too if it was Brianna." We all looked at him. I nodded, "I tried when it was Layla." I whispered as they all looked at me. "Did you tell Cristian yet?" Tyler Jr. Shook his head. "he...he looked like death warmed over." I sighed. "I don't think Aria fixed everything." I told them as they nodded. "Chris do you have Cristian's Inhaler?" Gage asked hurriedly. I went into my room grabbed it and handed it to Gage. He ran into Cristian's room. I sighed. "Think you'll have refill it a lot?" I nodded. Cristian came out holding Gage's hand as Cristian smiled at me tiredly. I hugged him he hugged me back, "I'm not finishing tour." "Dad you have to please I'll stay with Gage's parents." I looked at him.

"Please dad I don't want to take you away from your fans." He looked at me as I sighed. "Alright but please call me everyday." I whispered as he nodded. "I love you dad." "I love you too Cristian." He left to the kitchen as I sat on the couch as Ashley sat next to me. "Can we go out and talk?" She asked as I nodded as we went outside.


I went into the kitchen with Gage as I told him everything I just told him I couldn't keep it to myself...Gage was really upset but he just smiled at me. "You're with me now and you will always be with me." I chuckled. "I believe you." "How is your mom?" "She had the baby early dad was stressing her out I haven't seen her and my little sister yet." I smiled at him. "We can go now?" He looked at me. "What about your family." I closed the spiritual connection between Aria and I as I said, "They'll understand and I want to talk to Nick too." "He's really mad at your family." I nodded. "It's my fault just call him and tell him to meet us here." He nodded as he called Nick. I went outside to see dad and Ashley Making out. "You know if you wanted to do this Gage and I could have left." Dad looked at me. "you and Gage are leaving." "Yeah his mom and his little sister early and I am getting out of the house I guess." I said as dad looked at me worried. "Dad I'll be back I promise." He nodded but had that tint of worry and fear in his eyes. When nick came he looked at me angry. "This is all my fault I know but you have no idea went I went through this past week."

He looked at me confused as I raised my shirt to show him the scars and lashes I have. "Oh god what happen?" He asked softly. "Something that Aria was trying to make sure you didn't get in the middle of." I continued to tell him what happened as he looked guilty and sad at me. "Don't blame Aria for these things..." I told him as I said before he could speak, "Give her red roses and tell her that your sorry. She may not forgive you right away but she still loves you and trust me Aria and I are link spiritual level she may be my cousin but we share things like seeing ghosts and visions unlike anyone. She was so heart broken when you screamed and left her she hated herself for everything you've yelled about just let her slowly trust you again bring her out on a date. Bring her to the because Gage and I can set it up...Hell I can get here there if you and Gage set up." He smiled at me as he looked at me. "Tonight?" "I'll try." I said as Gage said, "After we all go see my mom and little sister." We nodded as we got into Gage's car and headed out. We got to the hospital as we got out and went inside.

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