Chapter 11

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We were still hanging out as Max crawled from one person to another when he got back to me as I picked him up as he smiled at me. I smiled as I heard Lala Whining from the bus which made Cristian fuss a little as I got up Ricky looked at me. I smiled as I got Lala out of the Bus I walked her as Ricky took the leash from me as I went on the bus changed Cristian’s diaper and gave him a bottle, I grabbed his blanket and went back outside I sat back down as everyone looked at me. “What?” “Just wondering what you’re doing after tour?” “Uhm…I’m going to email someone about Warped Tour and find a babysitter for Cristian.” They nodded, Josh got up as he got his phone out. I shrugged as I looked down to see Cristian asleep, “your not going to have Cristian along for Warped?” “it gets crazy I don’t want him there yet.” I said as they nodded. I just looked around at everyone as I rubbed my thumb back and forth on Cristian’s cheek.

“chris? Chris??” I looked up as I saw Nick looking at me, “yeah?” “are you okay?” “yeah I’m fine I was just thinking.” He nodded. As I looked around, “We’re going out do you wanna come?” “I’m fine you guys go.” They nodded except Gabby and Craig. Leila was coming over to me as she sat next to me. “Can I hold him?” “Maybe when he’s awake.” She giggled and nodded. “So what are you guys up to?” I asked as Gabby smiled at me. “Nothing we didn’t want to go out either I don’t feel like getting mobbed.” I chuckled. “Same it happen twice and I had to have Angelo hold him. But he’s been good he signs stuff for the fans if they want it.” Craig smiled, “I should do that with you.” He told Leila as she giggled.

“so how’s your band taking everything going on?” I shrugged, “They keep pushing me, exepcally Axelia I told josh that they need to lay off or I’m going to be at a point of no return.” Craig nodded. “But why are they pushing so much can’t they see the progress?” I shook my head. “According to Axelia I’ve been pushing everything back. I’ve been getting through this by myself and with Cristian I’ve learned that I need to be there for my fans, because Layla always…always told me that if I was going to do anything not just for her but for anyone just do something for my fans just go out there push all of my feelings out into a song and be happy.” Craig smiled, “Wise, she’s very wise.” I nodded, “She has gone through a lot, anyone could be wise.” Craig laughed. “I don’t think I could make it if I ever gotten to that point.” I nodded.

“How are you guys?” I asked as Gabby smiled, “We are slowly fixing our problems, with the new baby coming and Leila in 3rd almost 4th grade it’s been great.” I smiled. “You should have seen Layla freak out when she saw Leila in your ‘Your Insane’ Video it was funny.” Craig chuckled, “she said that Layla could be an actor but most likely a singer.” He laughed. “So you meeting up with Falling In Reverse?” he asked as I nodded. “yeah, in Vegas.” I saw Max coming. “Hey Green.” I said as he laughed. “Hey Motionless.” I chuckled. I felt Cristian shift as I looked to see him awake, I smiled as I handed him to Leila. She giggled at him as he cooed at her. “Well she’ll be a good mother when she grows up.” I said as they smiled. “we know.” Craig said as I chuckled.

“I’m glad for you, you seem to be better.” Max said as I nodded. “I’m feeling a lot better. I’m doing great.” I said as he smiled. Leila handed me Cristian back as I smiled. “Where you headed after this?” “Miami I think than the border of SC and NC than meeting up with All Time Low in Baltimore.” They nodded as I wrapped Cristian in his blanket it got a little cold. “I better get him in the bus.” I said as they nodded. “You guys are welcome to come.” They all chuckled. “We have to get to our bus and get ready.” I nodded, “Oh you better wear your own paint today a lot of fans were complaining about your paint lately.” I nodded as Cristian and I went onto the bus to be greeted with Lala. I put Cristian in his playpen as I went on twitter quick.

Chris Motionless (@ChrisMotionless): For all the ‘fans’ who have been complaining that I haven’t worn my usual paint please stop my son loves to do it so please just ease up a little.

After I posted it the fans were going crazy as I made some food for Cristian. “Dada!” “yeah?” I said making Cristian giggle at me. “I’m making food don’t worry.” He giggled as I cooked it as it was done I put it on a plate as I picked him up. “time to eat.” I said as he giggled I let him grab it himself as he ate the guys came onto the bus. “Someone said you were an ass on twitter.” Josh said as I shrugged. “I was told that people were complaining about my paint on twitter so I just posted it.” I said as he nodded as he chuckled at Cristian. “Still on the healthy streak.” I nodded. “At least until we get wings next.” He laughed. “I’m glad your doing well Chris I’m sorry for before and acting like such an ass.” I shrugged. “I expected it from everyone, I know that I kept Cristian and myself from people but I just had to deal by myself why doesn’t Axe get that?” “She’s learning bit by bit that your better.” I nodded.

“guys start getting ready.” I handed Cristian to Jessica as he looked at her, She washed him up as I got ready. When I came out Jessica had paint of little hand prints all over her. “What happen to you?” I chuckled as she looked at me. “He got upset that he couldn’t do anyone’s paint tonight so I let him do mine.” I smiled. “Thank Jessica.” She smiled at me, “It’s not a problem I promise.” I chuckled as I washed his hands. I had my vest on over my shirt as Cristian looked at me he kissed me. “Thanks baby boy.” He giggled. “His birthday is really coming up fast.” Jessica said as I nodded. “His first birthday is soon.” I said as she smiled. “Going to let him have Cake Mr. Healthy.” I nodded. “Why not.” I said as she laughed. I smiled a little as I put Cristian on my hip. “Let’s get going!!” I said as we walked out.

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Hey guys I know it’s been a while since I’ve update I’ve had a major writer’s block for this story that’s why I’ve been working on my other stories. If you read my other two stories about Alexandria Bruce, and my Delilah Olson stories I’m so sorry but I have been having a writer’s block for those stories too so if you could bare with me for a little while I would appreciate it. Also I’m sorry if I put any of the stories you have been reading on hold I will update if I get any ideas for those also. Alright guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter please let me know in the comments on what you want to see or if you want anything included.

Love you all XOXO XIdobelieveinfairies

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