Chapter 44

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I looked at Chris then Cristian, I saw Ashley as I smiled at her as she looked sad. "Chris can I talk to you and Ashley alone." They nodded as everyone left as Cristian kissed my cheek. "Love you mom." "I love you too." He smiled as he picked up Amira and left. "I don't want to break you guys up. Your happy together I am moving back here but don't let me get in the way. I'll be living here in Texas I already have a house situated and IF Cristian wants he can stay with me." They nodded Chris was going to say something as I held up my hand. "I may be well I guess your ex wife but it doesn't mean I don't want you to be happy." He nodded as I got up and left.

I saw Cristian passed out with Amira awake on his chest I sat next to him as I grabbed Amira an held her as Axe came in. I smiled at her as she looked upset. "What's going Axey?" She glared at me. "Don't give me that Layla Kaylee Cerulli don't give me that shit." I raised my eyebrow at her as she sighed. "You left us all behind and now years later you come back and hurt everyone." I looked up to see Josh. "Axelia she hasn't hurt anyone and wouldn't you do the same?" She opened her mouth then closed it looking down. "I guess. But Layla he went through so much." I looked at my son as I smiled as I looked at her. "But he is a survivor." They nodded as I looked at Amira she cooed at me as I smiled.

I woke Cristian as he grumbled at me as I said, "let's get you into bed." He nodded as he got up I did too and left to his room. "I heard I'm getting a new neighbor." I heard Danny say as I chuckled. "Yeah you are." He chuckled as Cristian asked. "Can I live with you? We'll be right next to uncle Danny." I smiled "course sweetie." I said as he fell onto his bed as Amira was asleep too I put her in her crib and shut the door. I put my band through my now reddish brown hair.

"What's wrong?" I looked at Myca as I sighed. "I miss my husband." She nodded. "He misses you too him and Ashley aren't really good together don't get me wrong they are cute but they have that space that couples shouldn't have you know?" I nodded as I put my handon my head trying to figure out what to do.


I but my lip I know that he misses her and that this baby wasn't planed I feel that I should break up with him...but I don't know... I looked at Chris as he said; "you can say what's on your mind..." He trailed off. "I think you should be with your wife..." He looked at me. "Are you breaking up with me?" He asked as I nodded. "I just don't feel that connection like we had and I know Cristian doesn't like me..." I said he sighed. "What about our child " "we can split custody." He nodded as he looked at me. "Thank you Ashley." He said as he kissed my cheek as I left. I sighed and felt relief wash right through me.


When Ashley said that I felt better I knew we were falling and growing apart I sighed as I walked into the room where I saw Layla, Axe, Tyler and Aria meditating as I watched for a while I noticed Axe looking at me. "Need something?" She snapped. "Axe shut up." Tyler said as he pulled her out of the room as Aria passed "good luck." I nodded as I went over to Layla and kissed he or hard and passionate.

She smiled but then pulled back quickly holding her lips. "Ashley and I split up." She nodded as we heard, "so are we going to be a family? I'm not moving back just so we can be a family." Layla and I looked at one another. "Why would you say that?" She asked him. "I'm not living in that tiny town any more." We both sighed as Layla said. "I'll pay for the house here and have those kids that want you in their band to live with you." My jaw dropped as I looked at Cristian who was happy, excited and relieved all in one. He grabbed Amira As he held her he started talking to Aria.

I looked at my beautiful wife. "I missed you so so much." I missed you too Chris I'm sorry I had to hide all these years I just didn't want to hurt anyone with my gift." I kissed her again as she smiled. "I love you Chris." I smiled "I love you too Layla."

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