Chapter 25

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When it was finally time to go home I was relieved but heartbroken at the same time since I haven't seen my family like this for a very long time. Gage hugged me, "I know the feeling." He whispered as I nodded. I hugged Gage before I saw Tyler and Brianna, I looked at Tyler as I gave him a small smiled. "Where you headed off to now?" Tyler (Jr) asked me. "back to Texas for a while than go home." He nodded I hugged him, "I'll see you guys later unless you need to get a ride I'm driving everyone home anyway." Brianna laughed, "We'll be okay Ty and I took turns driving my car." Gage chuckled. "We did that with the Van but I think we are going to go home after we drop everyone off before we go back to Texas." "right we need to see your mom." He nodded as Tyler Chuckled at us. "Whhaat." I said as they all laughed at me. "I'm tried as hell still." I said as everyone looked at me. "Why?" "Just not sleeping yell I keep having visions or something." They nodded as I hugged them both again before we left. We got everyone's stuff into the Van as we headed out. Once we got everyone home we went back to Scranton, PA. we got to my house as I fell onto the bed. I smiled at Gage as he smirked as he crawled on top of me.

=I am skipping Sex scene but I will put one in next time=

I smiled at Gage as he smiled back I kissed him as he smiled at me; "I need to call my mom." He mumbled as I chuckled. "Than call her." He laughed as he got up I admired his body. He was so beautiful... I love him. I got dressed quickly when I heard a car drive up to the house. Gage came in and got dressed quickly too while he was on the phone. I put a bit of cologne on before I went downstairs. I saw Aria and Nick. "Great..." I mumbled, "Gage Aria Nick and everyone is here." I heard him mumble something as I opened the door. "What are you guys doing here?" "We just wanted to hang out." I nodded. "Well after Gage see's his mom we are going to bed, we drove around the country side today." They all nodded as I rolled my eyes letting them in. "SO can we touch the guitars." "NO!!" Aria and I yelled as everyone looked at us. "Don't touch any instruments in the house my dad will kill us because most of them are my mom's." I said as they looked at me. "why would he have them hanging up?" "Because she's my mom and most of them are handed down from our family." I snapped as Aria mumbled. "Way to go James."

Gage came down, "My parents, sister, Tyler and Rayland will be here soon." "Wait...your dad is coming here?" Craig asked as he nodded. "I'm just as surprised as you are." Gage said as I hugged him kissing his cheek. I sighed, as I looked in our fridge and gaged. "Don't open the fridge." I said as I closed it as I called dad. "Yah?" "You didn't empty the fridge." I said as I gaged some more. He made a discusted sound. "Clean it please. AND DO NOT LET ANYONE TOUCH THE GUTIARS OR INSTRAMENTS!!!!!!!!!" I held the phone away from my ear as everyone looked at me. "I'll put you on speaker so you can threaten them." I said as I did and put it on the table where everyone was at as I starteded to throw stuff out. Gage came over and started gagging. "That is so nasty." "your telling me." I said as Gage opened the window. I finished when I heard a car coming up the drive way. I quickly threw the bag outside as I stood out there as Gage came out. His mom got out of the car and ran over to Gage and hugged him. "I missed you!!!" Gage and I laughed. "I missed you too Cristian." I smiled as I hugged her. "Thanks I missed you too you're an amazing mom...your remind me of my mom." She looked at me confused. "A story for a different time."

Gage's dad got out of the car as May parked beside her dad, "Gage." "Dad" he said as I said, "Why don't you guys come in." I said as I saw Aunt Jessica with groceries. "Thanks Aunt Jessica." She smiled. "No problem Cristian." I laughed as I went inside as I started making burgers with Aria as I felt a hand on my shoulder as I froze as I saw the past of Gage's dad. Aria snapped me out of it as I looked at him. "I'm sorry I don't do so well when people touch me." I said as he nodded. "Take care of my son." I nodded as he left to sit back next to his wife. Aunt Jessica said, "Anyone like a drink? I just got Mountain Dew and other pop." They all said yes except Gage's mom Hillary. "Tea for me." Aunt Jessica nodded as I put the burgers on the grill as Gage came out. "Thanks for everything babe." I smiled at Gage. "Not a problem love." He chuckled as he kissed me. "SO what did my dad say to you?" "To take care of you." I whispered as he smiled at me. "At least I know my dad isn't the heartless man I grew up with now." I laughed as Aria gave me the hot dogs, corn (on the cob), "Aria will you make the coleslaw?" She nodded. "I already started making potato salad and mom's carrot cake." "I Hope it's not your mom's recipe." I said grossed out as Gage laughed at me. "Hell no that's gross." We all laughed as she went back inside."

I love the relationship I have with my family now even though Tyler isn't getting along with Aria she is still trying that's our family never give up till you succeed...

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Hey guys I'm sorry it's short it's about 1am and I wanted to make a short chapter please comment and tell me what you thought and please don't forget to vote and add!!! :3

p.s. I'm sorry it took me so long...

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