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After we got Amira adopted it wasn’t an easy thing to go through but we did it, Since it’s the day after Christmas Tyler Jr. Didn’t really want to stay here which really sucked…I missed him he was one of my best friends, even though he is my cousin he’s still my best friend. I sighed as I looked at Gage, “we need to go shopping.” He chuckled, “Yeah we do.” I smiled as I looked at Nick who looked out of place. “You can come too.” He looked at me in shock as Gage handed him Amira to hold her. He smiled at her. “I always wanted a baby.” He said softly as I put a hand on his shoulder, “All you have to do is wait.” I said as he nodded. “Cristian?” I heard my dad as I groaned softly. “Yeah dad?” “I got you something.” I headed down stairs as I saw dad holding a already set up car seat for Amira. “Thanks dad.” I said as he hugged me. “Welcome.” He said as he followed by, “I’ll be around later with Ashley.” I nodded as he left. Nick and Gage came down as Nick was still holding Amira as he put her in in the car seat as I buckled her in and picked it up. “Ready?” I asked them as they nodded. We got out to my car as I put the blanket over the car seat as I buckled her in. I sat in the back as I Gage came running out of the house as he handed me a hot bottle with a warmer on it. “When did you get this?” I asked.

“Nick brought it over before he came over.” I chuckled as Nick turned and just smiled. “I couldn’t help it.” I just smiled as I said, “My dad really hates this.” I said quietly as they looked at me. I opened my connection with Aria even though she has it closed I know that she’ll hear me time to time.

-Hey Aria I know you helped with this don’t even deny it because I know I saw you and I know that you helped someone I may not know who it is but thank you, you brought this little girl into Gage’s and I life. And if you and whoever is wondering what we named her,, her name is Amira Natile Cerulli. No matter how pissed off I am at you I still love you your my cousin though you fucked up badly doesn’t mean I didn’t stop loving you cousin. I hope you enjoy where ever you’re at…-

After I sent her that hoping she was listening I looked up to see Nick and Gage looking at me. “You okay?” I looked at them weirdly. “Yeah why wouldn’t I be?” I asked them. “You’re crying…” I touched my cheek to see that they were right. “I’m fine I was just thinking…” I said as they looked startled, “About?” “Aria…” I said softly as Gage parked the car in the parking lot they both looked at me, Confusion in Gage’s eyes and hurt in Nick’s. “Why?” Nick said softly. “ Because she’s my cousin I was just so pissed I hurt her…now I don’t know where she is and I regret everything bad I’ve said to her.” I said as they both looked at me, but nodded. As we got out Gage got Amira as we all walked into the mall. I saw Demon as I glared at him as I walked up to him and punched him as hard I could. “You just had to fucking do it didn’t you!” I screamed as he looked at me. “YOU BROKE UP MY FAMILY!” I screamed again as I punched him one last time as everyone just looked at me. “What was that about?” a girl whispered as I looked at her she looked down. Nick put his hand on my shoulder as I looked at him. “Let’s go.” I nodded as we shopped.

We got a lot of things as we got home Uncle Danny and Auntie Myca were there with a whole bunch of things that Gage, Nick and I didn’t get. Gage was holding Amira because she was crying. “Babe can you hold her while I open her pacifier.” I nodded as I was Handed Amira as Uncle Danny and Aunt Myca smiled and awed at us as I smiled. “So did someone just leave her at the Venue?” I nodded, “She looks like a girl I knew.” I said softly. “Which one?” Dad asked. “Selena but she’s too preppy to have a kid.” I said as dad laughed. “She changed a lot.” I nodded. “She did when high school hit she became preppy and left me alone.” I said softly as I looked at Amira. I smiled at her as I cooed softly. Gage handed me a pacifier as I gave it to her as I rubbed my face. “Still not getting enough sleep?” Dad asked as I shook my head. “Just I’ll get through it.” I said as they all nodded. Dad, Nick, Gage, and Danny started to put stuff together as I laid on the couch as I put Amira on my chest as I fell asleep.


I looked over at Cristian and Amira I smiled to myself to see them both asleep Amira laying on Cristian’s chest with his hand around her to make sure she doesn’t fall. ‘Maybe she will be able to keep the nightmares away.’ I thought as I got out my phone as I took a picture of them as I know that everyone including myself is mad at Aria but I sent it to her and put ‘Thought you would enjoy this he really misses you.’ I sighed as I put my phone away as Nick came in and chuckled. “Like father like daughter?” I laughed as we started putting the crib and dresser together.

Trace Out The Heart (Sequel Until Your Heart Craves In)Where stories live. Discover now