Chapter 28

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-Three Days Later-


They were putting me in a trunk again as I suddenly had the knife in my hands as I got the duck tap off as I looked at my grandfather as he was about to put me in the trunk again thinking I was dead, I quietly and quickly shifted as I stabbed him. He screamed loudly as I quickly cut off the duck tape on my feet as I ran I ran as fast as I could. I was in the busy part of town I was shirtless bleeding from the whippings I got I pounded on four doors before someone answered the door. "Help." I said breathlessly as they took me in. "Dad get Tyler." He said as I couldn't breath again. "Oh god!" I heard someone say as I looked out the window to see them... "HIDE!"I yelled as I pushed them all into a room "Tyler call Aria tell her I'm running and to set my inhaler on my car...I have to go...I love you Tyler you're the best cousin I've had besides all of them." I heard him sniffle and laugh a little. "If I die please...please take care of my dad. I know you hate it here but please he'll need as much help as he can." I said as I took off running again. When I got to the house I grabbed my inhaler as I took it as I they stopped in front of the house. Aria came out as she said, "Grandpa?" She asked as he grabbed my by the hair as I let out a scream. "The little bastered stabbed me." He said as he stabbed my arm as I screamed louder as she looked at the house and nodded.

I saw a whole bunch of people as I saw little little ghost girl back. "These are the ones?" She nodded. "They killed me...They killed others too." She said quietly as she walked over to me hugging my leg. "Cristian you need to go inside." My aunt Axelia said. I nodded, "Derek will fix you up." I nodded again as I went inside as I saw dad as I hugged him and cried. "God Cristian it's been only a couple days and I've already put myself in the hospital." I looked at him confused. "I had a panic attack after we got your thumb." I nodded "I guess you haven't gotten the whip yet?" "What Whip?" Dad said asked as I looked at him. "The one they thought they killed me with." He hugged me again. "IS Gage here?" "He's been in your room...he hasn't came out." I nodded as I went into my room as I shook Gage as he looked at me. "C-Cristian?" "I'm here babe." He cried as he hugged me. I hugged him back and held me. "God you have scars all over?" I nodded. "They whipped me and beat me to make sure I was dead." He nodded as I said, "Must be a good thing I can hold my breath for a long time." Gage laughed as he smiled at me. "I love you Cristian." "I love you too Gage." I said as I kissed him we heard a huge boom come from outside as we looked out the window to see that grandfather and his "Friends" were tied up.

I shut the curtain again, as Derek came in; "I heard you need stitches?" I nodded. "And I need the stub where my thumb used to be checked." He nodded as I sat on my bed as he checked me over...


I woke and noticed the little girl with the knife She handed it to me and I knew what I had to do. I cut the duck tape off my wrist right as he shifted I stabbed him. He cried out as he dropped me. Only this time it was different. I was grabbed behind as I was being choked I punched whoever was choking me as I looked to see it was that woman Gina. The other guy looked at me as I was going to run as he had a gun. I gulped weighing my options I got up as I felt a knife held up to my throat. "You little shit." He said as I gulped as I looked at them...All it was just a dream... "I hope you know that my family is all wiccas and they are better than you I'm sure they will find you." I spit as they laughed. "Why aren't they here than?" "Planning." I said as they all looked at one another. "We need to sacrifice him now." Gina said as my grandfather laughed. "No he's getting a toe cut off." I bit my lip as grandpa grabbed two of my four lip piercings. "After I rip these out." He ripped them out as I screamed. "No one can here you Cristian. I promise you that." I looked at him and said, "Is that what you did to mom? Just beat her because she wasn't good enough? Because she didn't want to become like you and Tyler? Or Axelia?" I asked as he looked at me.

"Must have been a real shocker when you found out that Uncle Tyler was still alive? Did you beat yourself up everyday because you could save him? Because in high school you were always getting made fun of and you finally pushed the one person that loved you away. She hates you she told Axelia that she had always loved you till you kept forcing her to beat her own children." I looked at Grandpa who had Rage mixed in with guilt and sadness. I turned to Gina, "And you did your sister leave you? Because you were stripping? Because my grandma told you that that's all you could do with your life? Your worthless you got into killing and sacrificing your own children because the guy you married taught you his line of work." I said as she came over to me as she started choking me. I looked at Grandpa as he came over backhanded her as he smashed my head against the trunk of the car.


I haven't left Cristian's room in about three days...I just want him back I want my lover, my best friend, my soul mate and my savoir to come back to me. He was my everything...He kept me happy and always cheered me up when I was down or depressed he's made me laugh and smile when I couldn't or didn't want to. He understood everything I went through why him? I sighed as I laid in his bed as I thought. 'Cristian is the only one who can make me confident enough to show my face to the world..." I sighed as I just laid here as everyone was talking about something happy I was stuck I didn't want to go out heart is broken and shattered into tiny little pieces. Someone came in as I looked over to see Ricky and Jessica. "hey Gage." I nodded I haven't even spoken at all since he left. "We are going out looking for him you want to come?" I nodded again as I grabbed my phone off the charger and my headphones from my IPod that I now plugged in as I heard Ricky say to Tyler Jr. "He's still not talking." Tyler Jr. sighed as he said, "I wouldn't either if it was Brianna Ricky...Haven't you noticed from the day they started dating they both changed one another? They are great for one another and they...they are the only perfect Gay couple I know." Ty Jr. said as I walked out of the bedroom as I put my hood up and got into Ricky's car in the back seat.

I put my headphones in and plugged into my phone I started listening to Cristian and I's song 'Without The Bitter, The Sweet Isn't As Sweet' By Mayday Parade. I started crying as I pressed my head against the window. 'Cristian please be okay please come home soon....

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