Chapter 27

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After he called Aria on my phone he picked me up putting me in the trunk again, this time he didn't close it he had a knife in his hand as I got wide eyed. He chuckled as he looked at me. "I have a surprise for you." He said as he slammed it shut as I looked for a way out of the trunk but it was an old car so it didn't have one of those emergency escape things they have in the trunk now days. I looked around as It felt like days as I heard two voices. "What did you do Charles." "Don't worry about it." He laughed as he opened the trunk as he dragged me out. "Charles not again." He groaned. "this is the bitchs son and you know how to cut limbs off." I tried to scream as they both laughed. "What did you want taken off?" "This left thumb." I screamed as I tried to get out of his arms as he held on tighter as he laughed. "Let's get inside before the wife gets home." He nodded as they dragged me into the house as they put me in the basement. "This might hurt..." the guy laughed as I screamed bloody murder.

=Chris (the next day)=

I saw a package on the porch I was confused, "Hey Aria did you and Nick make-up?" "No?" She said with confusion as I put my coffee down and opened it I saw the thumb as I yelled. "WHAT THE FUCK!!!" everyone came in here I set the package on the table as I went to the kitchen and started to throw up. "Is that...Cristian's thumb?" Gage said hoarsely. "Yeah." Aria said as Gage started crying all over again I wiped my mouth than I hugged him. "What's going on?" Axelia said as Aria looked at all of us. "Mom...I can't track them I had Cristian but I think their using either blood magic or forbidden magic." She said as Axe froze. "They could get killed for that." Aria nodded as I let go of Gage and went to my room. "God please let this hell be over I can't go through with Cristian getting killed too.." I said as I sobbed as Ashley came in as I said. "I can't Ashley just leave me alone." She nodded and left. Ricky came in as he sat next to me. "I can't do this Ricky I can't I won't." He hugged me.


They sowed my thumb as they left they left the knife in the room I tried to grab it but I forgot they chained my leg to the pole in the basement. I sat in the room as I meditated to try to see if I can communicate with Aria.

"Aria?" I asked but there was nothing so I tried again. "Aria? Please if you can hear me you need to hurry and find me each time you guys don't play the game I'm going to be beaten, wiped, a body part getting cut off, getting cut I'm trapped in a house with grandpa's friends I think he is in the medial field because he knew how to sow me up get grandma or someone who knows him to answer your questions but be careful...tell whoever is there that I love them and I'm okay for probably got my thumb already since they left late last night...Aria...cousin I love you and I'm sorry for all I put you through take care of my dad.."

When I opened my eyes the knife was close to me as I was confused, as I couldn't get it just yet as I went back to meditating.

"Cristian?" Aria's voice echoed through, "Aria! I need your help can you put energy through me and into a ghost?" "Cristian I can do it but It'll get complicated." "I need to see who is helping me Aria." "Okay I'll try." She said as I kept meditating for a while.

When I opened my eyes as I saw this little girl in front of me, "You can see me?" she said in a tiny voice as I nodded. She took the tape off my mouth as I asked, "Why are you helping me?" "MY parents and that man killed me for something.." she said as I nodded. She handed me the knife as I heard foot steps she put the tape over my mouth again and hid the knife somewhere behind me. "Time to call your dad." I looked at him. "Chris." Is all he said as I heard. "Let me see if my son is still alive please." "Only this time." He grumbled as he took the tape off my mouth. "Dad." I cried as he sobbed. "Your okay thank god." He said. "Dad I love you please tell everyone I love them." I cried as Grandpa hit me so my head hit the metal pole causing me to black out... I woke up screaming because of the pain on my stomach and arms. I looked up to see a woman she smiled evilly at me as she wiped me as I cried out. She laughed as she came closer to me as she put the wipe around my neck...


After the phone call I had a panic attack and was in the hospital; "Sir we need to know what caused your panic attack. "Stress and I thought my girlfriend was leaving me because I haven't had the best of luck with women." I said lieing through my teeth he nodded as I laid back again the pillows all I ever want right now is my son back why can't that man leave us alone....


She was still choking me when my grandpa came in as he looked at her, "GINA WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I TOLD YOU!!!" she let go as she ran out of the room. "What did I tell you, you bitch!" "not to kill him. I was waiting for him to pass out." She cried. I started to have an asthma attack when he came back in. "What's wrong with him?" "Gina where you choking him?" "Inhaler! MY Inhaler!" I yelled through breaths as they all look at one another. "Inhaler?" "YES INAHILER!" I screamed as I screamed that I could feel air getting into my lungs anymore...

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