Chapter 18

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I woke in the morning as I showered getting into my boxers, than changed into my 'Lose Your Mind' Asking Alexandria tee, I blew dried my hair as I Texted Cristian that I still have to pick up James. I got my RUDE Grey Drip Skinnies on I changed my lip rings to my Black Stripe Circular barbell lip rings. I looked around looking for my James Bond 007 cologne when I finally found it I put some on as I got my socks an white Converse on I grabbed my Misfits hoodie putting it on and my hood up. "Sweetie where are you going?" "To James than the next town over to hang with a friend." My mom nodded. "I don't get why you won't show anyone your face. Even your dad and I don't know what you look like now." I shrugged at her as I grabbed my Monster Rehab from the fridge and left. "Be home before midnight Gage!" yelled my mom as I got into my car as I forgot my keys and phone. I saw my dad come out handing them to me. "Don't forget your mom and I will be gone for the next week." I just nodded as I got my keys, wallet and phone from him.

The thing is with my parents they would kick me out for being gay, they kicked my older sister out and disowned her from the family for being bi. That week she moved out and never heard from her again... I shook the thought of my head as I drove to James's house. I saw him come out still in pajama's; "I'm staying home today I'm not feeling great." I just nodded, "Smoke too much?" He nodded, "And mixed with drinking I'm going to be home for a while." I was about to leave as he said, "Oh Nick cancelled band practice the rest of this and next week since we are going with Cristian and them." I nodded as I smiled to myself. "I blasted Motionless in white when Devil's Night Came on I just sang/screamed along with it as people gave me weird looks.

I got to Cristian's he was heading out, "Cristian get back here now!" I saw a woman come out screaming. "You can't tell me who I am! I'm Never going to be like my dad!" "Cristian please!" she screamed as he got into my car. "Please just drive." I said as I heard him cry. I bit my lip as I drove to the random park I found. "Are you okay." I asked him softly. "No my family is driving me insane." "Stay with me at my parent's house they will be gone." He looked at me as I wiped his tears away as he kissed me. I smiled and kissed him back. We pulled him apart as he looked at me. "What does this make us?" he asked softly.

"Secretly boyfriends?" I asked as he looked at me smiling. "Sounds good to me." He whispered as he kissed me again. I smiled as I kissed him back. When I pulled back I just took everything about him in, he was wearing black and gold lip rings black and gold on each side, his shirt was unbuttoned I bit my lip as I saw he was wearing RUDE Blackstorm Wash Super Skinny jeans. And let me tell you he looks fucking sexy as hell. He was wearing Grey converse and a black beanie. "Will you drive me home?" I nodded as I smiled at him. "Think Nick will come over." I shrugged, "Usually he does but not lately since he's been seeing your cousin." He nodded. I drove back to his house as he ran in locked the house and stuff and got back into my car. He texted most likely whoever was supposed to check on him as I drove back into the town I live in and to my house.

I saw my parent's were gone, as I sighed in relief; Cristian chuckled at me as I looked at him as he smiled at me. He got his stuff as I got out of the car and went in, "Uhm I hope you don't mind sharing a room with me." I said as he looked at me, "It's fine." He smiled at me as I smiled hugely at him as I showed him my room as he put his bags down. "what day do we leave?" I asked him. "Sunday I think." I nodded, 3 days in the house by ourselves." I said as he chuckled at me. "So what happen back at your house?" I asked as he sighed sitting on my bed. I sat next to him as he held my hand; "That was my Aunt Axelia she's my mom's twin. She thinks I should follow in my dad's footsteps become a rockstar since my cousins don't want that life either." I nodded as he sighed. "I just-just don't know what I want to do I know I want to get out of this state." I nodded again, "I agree I hate this town and this state." He nodded as he laid back on the bed.

"Hey Gage!" we heard Craig yell I let go of Cristian's had gave him a kiss on the cheek and went into the living room. "What's up?" "Aria is looking for Cristian he here?" I nodded, "He needed to get away from home I guess his Aunt's driving him crazy." He nodded, "I'll tell Nick to tell her that he's here." I nodded as I went back into my room as I looked at Cristian's body it's nice a four pack and overall a nice body. "Aria is looking for you I guess." He shrugged, "She's been over protective of me since I was in the hospital. Her brother said she drove herself crazy trying to think of something to say to me." I shook my head as I sat next to him as I put my hood down. "Wanna know something." I said quietly as I shut the door and put blanket's over my window but turned on the light.

"what?" he asked as I smiled at him, "You're the first person in a long time that I've ever shown my face to." He looked at me with surprise. "Why?" "I just feel that I can trust you with my heart and soul." He smiled at me as he kissed me. I smiled as he pushed me against the wall. "You're the first person I've ever felt this way about." He whispered to me as I smiled. We pulled apart again when we heard, "Cristian!" he cursed. He kissed me one more time as he left the room I sighed and smiled. I'm falling so hard for him... "Cristian you have to come back my mom is freaking out." "This is her fault anyway!" he yelled as I heard Aria yell, "SO WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING TO STAY!!!!" I could tell he was smiling, "Gage is letting me stay here Aunt Jessica already told me to have fun guy bonding."

She sighed as I heard the door close, as Cristian came back in he shook his head. "What?" I asked as he shrugged, "My family is driving me insane." I chuckled, "I think you've said this once." He laughed as he sat on the floor. "want to watch a movie?" I asked, "you have Freddie Vs. Jason?" "Who wouldn't?" I said as he laughed. "My family." He replied to me as I shook my head. "no taste." "Well let me refrase. My Aunt Axelia hates horror movies though my cousins love them." He chuckled as he looked up at me as I smiled softly at him.


He smiled at me, his smiled just made me melt inside. He got up and put the movie on he sat back on the bed as we watched the movie. When it was over we heard the front door open again I groaned as Gage fixed his hair as he put his hood back up and went to the door. I leaned my head against the bed as Gage came in with Nick and Craig; they just nodded at me as Gage handed them some colonge as they put it on Craig looked at me, "So what are you doing here?" "I don't have school and I don't want to be at home. My family is insane." Gage laughed, "Next time you say that you owe me." I rolled my eyes and nodded. "So where are you staying then?" "Here." Gage said as nick nodded. "His Aunt isn't thrilled Aria got yelled at for not bringing him home." I got up and got my phone out and called Aunt Axelia.

"hello?" "What the hell do you think your doing!" I yelled as she didn't say anything. "Don't blame your daughter for me not wanting to be at home your driving me crazy! Just leave me out of everything leave your kids out and just live your own damn life!" I said as I hung up I threw my phone on the floor as I sat on Gage's bed as I looked up to see everyone looking at me. "What?" I asked as Gage sat next to me and the other two left. Gage hugged me as I hugged him back. I buttoned my shirt as he pouted I laughed and pushed him playfully. "So where are they going and why aren't they in school?" I asked, "half day and they are going on dates my babe." I laughed but nodded.

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