Chapter 34

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=Skipping to Christmas.-

Everyone was home this year, My birthday has passed I’m now 18, Gage turns 19 soon and though I’m pissed at Aria it would be nice to have her here. Gage’s family was coming over along with Brianna’s family and some of our band family. Good thing that dad book the Venue. Gage was at his parent’s house right now as I went to go pick up Tyler Jr. and Brianna from the Airport. I had Attila blasting in my car as I sat and waited for them. I slowly feel asleep, next thing I know I hear  a knock on the door I jumped as I saw Brianna, and Tyler Jr. I unlocked the doors to let them in as they smiled at me. “How’s it going.” I shrugged, “Good Aria moved to Washington, and isn’t coming up for Christmas, she missed my birthday she didn’t even call me she called my dad to tell me.” Tyler Jr. shook his head. “I’m not surprised when she told me she cheated on Nick I told her to never talk to me again.” I nodded as I turned my music down. “Sorry Brianna.” She giggled, “It’s okay.” I nododed as I sighed. “You do any Christmas shopping?” She asked me as I froze. “Son of a-” Tyler Jr.’s cough cut me off. “Sorry I just have been through a lot lately if you haven’t heard.” “We haven’t.” Brianna said, “The married couple that were with grandpa called me told me that if I didn’t help them burry the girls that they killed for their demon they would kill me and my family. So I decided that my life meant less then everyone else’s and I helped them against my will. One day Gage and Nick followed me and called the cops. Every night I get nightmares about those girls.” I said as they didn’t speak. “I’m sorry…I’ll just drop you off at Uncle Josh’s.” I said as I turned my music on again as I just ignored everything.

After I dropped them off I went home to change, dad wasn’t even home…again…he wasn’t home for my birthday either. I went upstairs and saw a letter sitting on my bed. I grabbed it and saw it was from dad.


I’m sorry I haven’t been around for you lately…I know I’ve been a terrible dad but I want to let you know I always love you. No matter what happens or what you do wrong you’re still my baby boy. Your mom and I talked before Aria left I know she is a bit disappointed in me since I really haven’t been in your life lately. Tonight at the Christmas party/dinner I will make it up to you. I love you Cristian.


I sighed as I  threw the letter on the bed as I went to my closet, I am not wearing a suit… I just looked in my closet as I put on my Black Skinnies and my Attila shirt. I got my skinnies on as I went into my bathroom I heard a knock on the front door. I sighed as I headed downstairs as I opened the door. It was Copeland. “hey come in.” I said as I shut the door as we headed upstairs. I did my make-up (Again I say this don’t judge.) I watched Copeland as she came in, “Cristian?” “Mhm?” “DO you live here alone?” I shrugged. “Dad’s been at Ashley’s lately so I haven’t seen him he missed my birthday and he doesn’t really apologize in the letter he gave me and I just am so sick of life.” She sighed. “It gets better hun you have Gage who loves you, I love you our band family loves you but more importantly your mom always love you.” I nodded as I wanted to cry. “Anyway I was sent to get you.” I nodded as we headed downstairs. I got my black TOMS on as I got into Copeland’s car. I sighed looking at all the snow, “Shouldn’t you have a jacket on?” “I’m fine.” I said as she looked at me strange, “I don’t mind the cold at all.” I said as she just shrugged as I looked out the window. When we got to the Venue we went inside as I just went to find Gage, Nick, Craig, and everyone else. I found them as I hugged everyone and kissed Gage. “Hey how you guys been?” they looked at me. “Fine you?” I shrugged, “Not sleeping as well as I thought.” I said as they nodded. When it was time to eat I hated using silverware, we ate… I just ate the slowest since I am still getting used to not having a thumb.

I sighed as my dad came over, “how you been doing?” I shrugged. “fine, but you would know if you were home.” He sighed, “Cristian I don’t want to fight today.” Fight? I am not trying to fight.” I said as my dad sighed as he left. “What’s going on between your dad and you?” “He has moved in with Ashley but he is still paying for the house.” They nodded, “Wait so your all alone?” I shook my head, “Gage lives with me and Nick stays with us time to time.” They nodded as Gage’s parents came over. “Hey Cristian, everyone.” We all smiled at them, “Hey where’s the baby?” I asked they smiled, “With a baby sister.” I just nodded, “Go home and be with her.” I told them as they looked at me confused then smiled. “Thanks.” Jaylace said. “Welcome mom.” She giggled as she kissed my cheek. “See you later?” I nodded. She smiled as she hugged and kissed everyone’s cheek. After they left I went around talking to people I looked around and thought I saw Aria. “Guys’ I’ll be right back.” I said as I ran out of there and went the direction I thought I saw Aria. When I got over there I didn’t see anyone I looked around for a while till I thought I saw her again. “DAMN IT!!! ARIA IF THAT IS YOU QUIT PLAYING GAMES WITH ME!” I screamed as I heard a soft sob. I looked to see a baby. “What the fuck.” I said quietly as I picked the baby up. I saw a little note.

-To the one who saw me,

Please take care of my little girl, she is the world to me but I cannot take care of her, Please adopt her and take wonderful care for her. You looked like a nice guy I seen you before with your boyfriend I’m guessing please…please take care of her and treat her like your own.’

I looked at the baby as I called Gage and my dad, along with Uncle Josh, Aunt Axe and Tyler Jr and Brianna. I sighed as I looked at the ceiling as I she looked at me she had this little twinkle in her eye. When they got here they just got wide eyes and I sighed and told them the story.

_Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed this lovely Christmas story for Cristian, Marry Christmas everyone I hope you enjoy it :3-

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