Chapter 12

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-Years Later-

-Cristian (16)-

Dad was out with my uncles…again and I was at my mother’s grave, I got my sketchbook out as I started to draw some things that reminded of my mother. Tyler and Aria were always on my case about coming here… I looked up when I felt a hand on my shoulder as I looked to see my Aunt Axelia. “hey Aunt Axelia.” I said softly as she said, “Tyler told me you were here after school, your dad will be here soon.” I nodded as she handed me my Falling In Reverse hoodie. As she left I continued my drawing mode, I heard a car door close as I looked to see my dad coming over to me.

Once he sat down, “hey dad.” I said quietly as he smiled at me before sighing. “Another bad day at school?”” I nodded. “It’s hard dad how did you do it?” “Music.” He said as I smiled. “What about mom?” He smiled at me, “Music also.” I chuckled lightly. “Can  I get something for mom?” I asked out of no where.” “Anything.” He said softly as I looked at him. “Can I get a tattoo for her?” he nodded. “You do know that Josh and Tyler, along with Aria come too?” I nodded as he took off my beanie and messed up my hair. I got my beanie back, “thanks dad.” I said as he laughed.

-Let me pause you here in my life, If you don’t know who I am my name is Cristian Clifton Cerulli, I’m now 16 I’m a year older than my cousins Tyler and Aria. I try to keep stuff about my mom to myself my cousins don’t seem to take much notice about it. Also if you don’t know I’m the son of Layla and Chris Cerulli (Motionless). I don’t have many friends besides the band and my cousins…Everyone else thinks I’m a freak because of the things I draw…I draw what I remember of when I was a baby. Now your thinking that’s impossible but I swear to you I remember. Well I better let you get back to the story of my life-

“When do you leave for tour again?” I asked dad as he sighed, “A few days, you’ll be staying with your Aunt Axelia and your cousins.” I just nodded letting it go into silence. I got my stuff as we headed to the car. When we got in Dad called Uncle Josh telling him where to met us. I was listening to Monster by Kuza as dad drove away from the cemetery. When we got to the tattoo shop dad filled out a couple forms as I told them what I wanted:

‘Layla Kaylee Cerulli

Ocober 30th, 1990

-January 10th, 2013

In loving memory’

(if you wanna see the version he’s getting see External Link)

When I got the tattoo done on my wrist as I gotten pulled by Aria to the piercing side. “Your getting shark bites I don’t care what you say.” I looked at Tyler for help as he raised his hands. “If these don’t look good on me I’ll kill you Aria.” She laughed. “Are you?” she asked as I looked at her, “Okay I believe you.” She said as I got them done I sighed. When I finally got home I made dinner for dad and I both as we ate he got up, “I’m heading to bed and so should you.” I nodded as I put the dish in the sink as I went into my room as I stripped into my boxers as I crawled into my bed. I looked at my phone quickly as I saw a text from Uncle Ryan.

Ryan: See you tomorrow since you don’t have school we (Allie and I) want to spend some time with you before I have to leave!

Me: Okay I’ll see you tomorrow!!

I put my phone away as I just fell asleep. I woke around 11am as I rolled out of bed as I showered and changed into my RUDE Red Cloud Wash Skinnies, my OF Mice & Men Tee and I grabbed my Falling In Reverse Fashonably late hoodie and I put on my Anthem Made Beanie. I went into my room as I got my Converse on as I went back into the bathroom putting eyeliner on…don’t judge… I went downstairs to see dad talking to Ryan and Allie. “Hey.” Allie said jumping up and hugging me. “Hey Aunt Allie.” I said as she laughed, “Ready?” I nodded as we headed out the door for a very long day.

Hey guys!!! So what do you think of this chapter?? Good? Bad? Okay? Well either way I hope you all enjoy please don’t forget to vote and Comment!! Much love!!! –Typing Fairy

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