Chapter 42

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I got to watch the video with Ty jr. Proposing to Brianna I'm happy for them. I looked at Amira as she was rolling around. I got up like I wasn't supposed to fell and blacked out.


I saw nurses and doctors run into Cristian's room as Ty Jr and I looked at one another as we ran to the room. "HIS HEART RATE IS DROPPING!!" One if the nurses yelled as I ran over to Cristian as a nurse handed me Amira and pushed me out of the room.

The last thing we both heard was the heart monitor beep and the doctor yelling for paddles. Ty jr. and I both waited in the waiting room as we saw Balz and Aria walk in. "What's going on?" Balz asked as I looked up with tears in my eyes. "We got here and he was about to flat line they gave me Amira and pushed us out of the room and he flatlined."

"I can't get a hold of Uncle Chris." Aria said as I told her, "he left since Cristian was doing okay." Josh looked at me with tears in his eyes. "Family of Cristian?" I got up as I said. "I'm his guardian right now." Since Danny is here. "He'll be fine he just over worked himself." I nodded as she smiled. "He can go home but please keep an eye on him." I nodded as I went into Cristian's room.

I saw him lying there tired and dark circles under his eyes. He was holding Amira as he looked up at me he tried to smile but couldn't. Your coming home bud." He looked at me like I was crazy. "Back to Danny's." He nodded as I handed him some clean clothes that Myca brought him the other day. He said a quiet thanks as I was about to leave I heard him say, "love you daddy Ricky." I smiled as I said; "love you too CC." I heard him chuckle as I left.

I saw Myca and Danny as Danny looked pissed and Myca standing away from him. "What happen?" I asked. "Chris is taking Cristian's house back." I sighed as I said, "I have an idea but we should all pitch in." They nodded as I began to tell them my master plan.


After I got dressed I picked up Amira as I bounced her making her giggle. "My little Sunshine." I said as I kissed her cheek. "hey Cristian. " I looked up to see Nick and Seth. "Hey guys what's up?" "Nothing I wanted to see you before I left." Nick said as I put Amira to my shoulder as she grabbed my hair. I hugged him, "I'll see you later man. I'll get back to you about the band thing." He nodded as he smiled. "You and Aria talk?" He froze as he looked at me. "No but I had a feeling we wouldn't she's moved on and I guess I should too." I got upset as I nodded he waved as I waved goodbye back.

Seth looked at me as he raised an eyebrow. "Where is she?" I said angrily. He backed up a little as Amira giggled. "Hanging out with everyone out there." I just nodded as I walked out of the room as I looked. At Aria as I pointed to her then to my hospital room. She looked a bit frightened because I guess since after everything that has happened I have anger issues...who wouldn't?

She went passed me into the room as I shut Seth out. "You didn't talk to Nick Aria." Her eyes went wide as I rnaised an eyebrow. "He gave up a lot to come down here to talk to you. And you blow him off." She wAs about to say something when Ricky came in with Amira's car seat. I put Amira in there as I buckled her in put her blanket up to her chest. "I'll see you around Aria." She just nodded as I walked out.


Aria came out after Ricky And Cristian left as she said, "I think Cristian is bipolar." "Leave it alone." She nodded as she left with her band. When Myca and I got home we heard Cristian singing 'Death Beds' by Bring Me The Horizon as I sighed and went into his room so we could talk. This should go great.......not.....

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