Chapter 46

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The band and I were in the middle of recording as I bounced my little girl on my knee. “I love you Amira.” I whispered as my phone binged. I looked at it and saw it was Seth. It’s been a couple months so he is on the road a lot and we just got off the road. I texted Seth back as my phone rang. “Hello?” “Is this Cristian Cerulli?” “Yes?” “This is The owner of Warped Tour.” “I’m sorry but if your inviting me because of my dad-“ the guy laughed. “No your boyfriend Seth? He said their band wouldn’t go on warped without your band.” My jaw dropped. “Yeah we’ll accept your offer have you invited Copeland Quinn’s band?” “I have she is the one who recommended you guys.” I smiled and chuckled. “Thank you.” I said as I hung up. I put Amira on my hip as I looked at the guys coming out. “Guys we are going out to lunch I have great news.” They all looked at me as I smiled. Amira cooed as I chuckled. I got her into her Car seat as I buckled her in and picked it up. I walked out to my car as I saw Copeland. “Hey Cousin.” I said as she smiled. “I’m riding with you dad dropped me off.” I nodded as she got into my car as she squealed as I laughed. I got Amira buckled in as I got in and started the car.

“Alternative press just let out a release tweet that your going to warped!!” I laughed. “Yeah we are. Though I’m going to get it since I haven’t told the guys yet.” “Oh…shit.” She mumbled as I nodded. “They JUST got off the phone with me.” I told her as she nodded I drove to the restaurant as I just got out got Amira as I saw the guys look at me with excitement and happiness on their faces I saw my Uncle Danny, Uncle Ben, Uncle James n Cam n Sam and I saw my mom dad and my other uncles. “We just saw congrats.” I smiled and hugged uncle Danny then the guys come and hugged us Amira just started giggling as she put her head on my shoulder. I kissed her head as she giggled more. I just smiled as I sighed, “Let’s eat I’m kinda hungry.” I said as they all let go as we went and ate I looked at Amira as I smiled as I kissed her cheek. She just leaned into my face as I chuckled. Copeland handed me her diaper bag as mom put a highchair down. “Thanks mom.” I said as she smiled and kissed my head. “At least I can do for my baby boy.” I smiled and nodded.

-Flashback (Layla’s)-

All to each person, “Are we sending those out tomorrow before I drop you off for your hair and nail appointment?” “Yeah, I don’t want my sister to get mad at me cause I don’t look normalish.” He chuckled at me as I got up and hugged Chris, “What you going to do tomorrow?” “Nothing much just going to hang out with the guys their girlfriends and you sister,” I smiled at him, “Enjoy that.” He laughed, We walked into the kitchen as he started making dinner. I just sat on the counter as I rubbed my stomach as I felt him kick! I squealed as Chris looked at me, “He’s kicking!” Chris came over as I put his hand on my stomach he smiled and kissed me softly, I kissed him back as he smiled at me again and kissed me one more time as he started cooking again. Another knock on the door, “IF ITS ANYONE WITH A BOX DROP AND LEAVE IT!!” I yelled as the door opened. I turned to see Ricky, “what’s up Rick?” “Too much cuteness over at their house.” I nodded, “Get over here feel your godson kick!” he ran over here and he just smiled, “YAY!!” Chris and I laughed.

“Wait, I’m godfather?” I smiled, and looked at Chris, as he smiled also. “Well, yeah why wouldn’t you be?” I said as Ricky just jumped up and down. I chuckled as he smiled, “Do you need to eat?” Chris asked Ricky, “Uhm, if it’s not any trouble.” I nodded, “okay, well what movie do you want me to put on?” Ricky asked from the living room. “uhm anything I guess.” I said as I got up, and watched Chris cook, I love watching Chris cook. Chris smiled at  me as he flipped the burgers, “we need to see your mom soon.” I said as he chuckled, “I know, we’ll go sometime later.” I nodded sounds like a plan to me.” He chuckled, “Bring them out to lunch?” I asked as he nodded, I hugged him as he kissed my head. “go, I know what you like on your burger.” I nodded as I went into the living room to see Edward Scissor hands on. “Awe bro you know me so well!” he laughed, “I just saw it was on.” I laughed as I sat down on the couch, “Must suck you can’t sleep on your stomach.” I shrugged. “Not really, I don’t mind much.” Ricky hugged me as Chris came in handing me food. “Thanks babe!” I giggled as he smiled


I looked at my mom and smiled, She smiled back as she said, “One of my flashbacks?” I nodded. She smiled hugely as I just put Amira in her highchair as I got Amira’s baby food out as I got her little pink spoon. I fed her squash and applesauce. She loves these two foods. When I was done feeding her my food came. I burped her as she giggled as I wiped her face as she was giggling as I ate some as she started fussing as I picked her up changed her and came back out as I got a box for my food as I saw an angry aunt Axelia. I gulped as she looked at me and smiled, then looked at my dad pissed off. “Dad what did you do?” I asked as he looked at me then at aunt Axe. “Oh shit.” He said as he put money on the table and ran out the door. The manager looked at us as I pointed to the money on the table. He nodded as he smiled at me and went back into the kitchen. “mom what did dad do?” “Told me that I wasn’t going to have any more kids yet since he got Ashley pregnant.” I nodded as I chuckled. “Oh boy.” I laughed as mom nodded. I sighed as I got up. “I’m going to bed I’ll see you guys at the house later go celebrate.” They all nodded as Amira was asleep on my shoulder. I got her into the car as I hooked my Bluetooth up to my car as I called Seth. “Hey babe.” He said tired. “Hey how’s tour?” “Fine I saw you were going to Warped.” I chuckled. “Only because you got me to.” He chuckled.

“Copeland is going too with her band and Willow.” I said as he smiled. “This will be fun…I ran into your ex Gage with Aira.” I said as I groaned. “I’m so sorry.” I said as he sighed. “It’s fine because I can handle you and I love everything about you who cares if your missing limbs or you had sergury only that your alive and I’m glad I have you.” I smiled. “You didn’t fight did you?” “Yeah but you should see him.” I chuckled. “Alright.” I said as I smiled. “I don’t hear Amira.” “She’s asleep.” He smiled as he said, “I can’t wait to see you I’ll be seeing you soon.” I smiled to myself. “Alright you have the key you and  your band can sleep in the extra rooms.” He chuckled. “I’m going to go I just got off the stage.” “Alright Seth I love you.” I knew his smiled got bigger as he said, “I love you too Cristian.”

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