Chapter 31

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It was about 4pm and I started feeling sick, I had opened my spiritual connection to Aria again because I felt bad as I felt something…I never wanted to feel again I felt like I was being tortured all over again. I ran to the bathroom and started throwing up. “babe are you okay?” I heard Gage ask as he put my hair up so iit wasn’t in my face. “God whatever Aria is looking at is making me sick.” I breathed as I flushed the toilet as I looked at the time. I sat in the bathroom as Willow walked in. “You okay?” “Peachy.” I mumbled as I got my phone and called Aria. “Hello?” She said sleepily and tiredly. “What were you looking at Aria?” I whispered as she and I stayed quiet. “You opened the connection?” “I felt like a stupid bastered for yesterday .  So I opened the spiritual connection again…I’ve been throwing up for ten minutes or so.” “A case the police called me on.” “Okay…” I said quietly. “I think I’m going to not come home Aria…I can’t be in big crowds…and I can’t…I can’t do it.” I whispered as she sounded more awake. “What’s going on Cristian.” Gage looked at me sadly as I looked at the floor. “What grandpa did to my mom…it…it was 10 times worse…He had me tied in the basement he had Gina Choking me…even on of his old…old friends from high school…tried to stop him…but he died trying to save me…” “Why didn’t you tell any of us?” “Because…I know where all…when  I mean all I mean all 20 bodies are baried.” I said as I started choking up.

“Tell me.” She said. “I can’t…that means going back.” I said crying as she said. “Please…Please Cristian show me.” “I will pack and come home.” I said quietly as she sighed. “You can just tell me.” “But I’ll need more support than just Gage.” I said looking at Gage as he kissed my cheek. “I’ll be there most likely tonight.” I said as she said an okay as I packed everything. Gage and I got our stuff into the car as Willow looked at me. “I’ll be back for Christmas…I’ll probably bring Aria and her boyfriend with me.” She nodded at me as she kissed my cheek. “You’re the bravest of us all Cristian.” She whispered as I looked at her. “No the brave people sleep better at night.” I told her as she nodded. I quickly went back inside and got the rest of our stuff. Uncle Ronnie hugged us I told Ty and Brianna goodbye as we headed home.

-skipping the ride home-

When we got home Gage and I went straight to bed…though he fell asleep and I didn’t I stayed up because of the fact that I was replaying where they were buried over and over and over again. There was one mom was supposed to be in that their little girl now has. There were six little girls buried there 5 little boys, 3 teenage boys, 3 teenage girls, 2 adult women and 1 adult male. I shook the thought from my head as Gage put his hand on my chest I looked over at him sleeping as I thought ‘how…how can he love someone that is now damaged?’ I sighed as Gage got up and looked at me. “What are you thinking?” “That…How could you love someone as damaged as me?” “because I’m damaged too.” I looked at him as he smiled. He kissed me softly as I kissed him back as he pulled back as I snuggled into him. I tried to sleep but all I had was nightmares. I looked at the clock it was now 8 am I got up and showered but I dropped the fucking Shampoo…My day just keeps getting worse. I picked it up with the other hand as I washed my hair and body. My Right thumb is gone and my left Toe is gone. I have freak cut into my side that no one knows about besides Gage. I got out wrapped a towel around my waist as I went into my room as I got dressed in my All Over From Death To Destiny shirt, my half diamond half black skinnies my TOMS boots and put my cologne on.

Gage was dressed as he handed me my phone, I saw Aria was calling as I answered. “Hello?” “You sound like you haven’t slept.” “Because I haven’t.” I told her as she sighed. “I’m bringing the officers with me.” She said. “Okay.” I said as Gage offered me food. “I can’t eat.” I told him as he looked at me worried. “I’ll get sick if I try to eat like this.” I told him as he sighed and kissed my head. “Everything okay?” She asked. “Yeah peachy.” I said as she said that she’ll meet us there. I handed Gage my keys as I put my hoodie on and the hood up. I got into the car and tried to sleep, when we got there I was covered… I mean my shirt was drenched in sweat. I took it off as I went to the trunk; I grabbed a shirt as Aria came over. “Ugh you smell.” She said as I looked at her. “I had a nightmare and I sweated really bad.” I said putting on my shirt. I walked into the woods following the path as I stopped. “Twins are buried here.” I said as I continued walking for a while. “A little boy and a little girl 50 yards that way.” I said as I walked to a tree that said my mothers name.” “My mom was supposed to buried here.” I said as I traced her name. “But a little girl, Gina and Marks little girl his buried here.” I said quietly as Gage held my hand. After I showed them were everyone was buried as Aria touched my shoulder as I zoned out.” “Right here..” “What about it?” she asked as she looked to see a park. “Right here is where I was I’m supposed to be buried.” I whispered. “They locked me in a coffin twice and buried me once.” I told them. “Why didn’t you tell us that part?” Aria and Gage said. “because I felt trapped like when people ask me questions or want to hear the story. I give them the short clean, non detail with torture story.”

I told her as she looked at me as she nodded. “What’s going on?” An officer asked as I looked at him. “Nothing just looking.” I said as I said, “I need to see Uncle Tyler.” I said as Aria looked at me confused. “Why?” “Because…I think mom’s been here before.” I said as I Video called him. “Hey Cristian what’s going on?” “I have a question.” “Shoot.” I turned my phone to show the park as I turned it back to me. “have you guys been here before?” “Yeah…when your mom and Aria’s mom was little I used to take them to that park. Why?” “Because it’s close to some of the bodies that have been buried here.” He looked at me shocked. “I think there is another one…I think grandpa said something about a woman that he cheated on.” Tyler nodded. “He always denied it but he did.” “Cristian can I talk to you in private?” I nodded as I walked away from Aria and Gage. “Have you had any visions?” “No I can see into people’s pasts though.” He nodded. “Do your hands tingle when you saw the little ghost girl?” “Well yeah but I figured it was from Aria’s power.” He nodded and hung up on me. I shrugged as I went back to Gage and Aria. “What was that about?” “He just asked me a couple questions.” She nodded as we all headed back to the police.

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