Chapter 17

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After the concert Ty and Aria dropped me off at Jessica's from there I went home. People just won't leave me alone anymore. I sighed as I walked home, showered and went to bed when I woke in the morning I changed into my DC Comics Batman Vintage Logo Raglan Shirt, I got my RUDE Grey Cloud Wash Distressed Skinny Jeans. I put my Argyle Suspenders on and my Batman belt on; I changed my IPhone cover to my Black Pyramid Stud case. I looked around as I found my Rock Steady Loaded Lady hoodie on and my Embroidered Skull Slip-on TOMS. I put a little Ralph Lauren Purple Label Cologne on as I headed downstairs as I gave Gage my address as I started cooking breakfast. There was a knock on the door as I put the stove on low as I unlocked the door and let Gage in. "I hope you don't mind I brought James with me." I shrugged "No problem." I said as I went back to the stove they came into the kitchen.

"So why aren't you in school?" "I'm suspended for hitting a guy who called Aria a freak." "let me guess he still gets to stay in school?" I nodded as I put food on some plates. "Thanks." James said I nodded as he ate and so did Gage. "do you guys go to school?" They laughed, "No we dropped out." I nodded, "So what do you think about your sister and Nick?" I shrugged, "It's her choice I'm not going to stand her way of happiness..." they looked at one another. "is something wrong?" Gage said as I looked at them I sighed. "I just hope she doesn't rush into this relationship I've seen it happen and it ended up badly. Really badly..." I said as they nodded.

"So what do you do around here for fun?" I laughed, "There is nothing I'm at my mom's grave most the time." I said as they nodded. "Why were you uncomfortable yesterday at our concert?" I put my food in the fridge. "I'm not like my cousin's uncles or dad I'm so shy and I hate being in a big crowd especially when people touch me I freak out." "Because you see people's past?" I nodded. "Sometimes they are pretty, than I get called a freak for staring." They nodded. "We live the next town you have a skateboard?"

I nodded, "it's in my room." They smiled at one another. "get it." I nodded and went upstairs grabbing my Anthem Made bored as I went downstairs. "Ready?" I nodded as I grabbed my keys, set the alarm and locked the door. I got into Gage's car as we headed to the next town over. When we got there we went straight for the Skate park and was there for a couple hours I meet some of their friends as we hung out for a long time. We stayed there till Craig, and Ben got here; "Where's Nick?" "He went to see Aria again." They all looked at me as, "What are you doing here?" Craig said as Gage said, "he hung out with James and I since he doesn't have school." "But Aria does." "I got suspended." They nodded and smiled at me. "So what are you doing next week?" "Going to see my dad I think." They nodded. "Think you could get us tickets." "Sure if Aria can't." "She's only getting one for Nick." I laughed, "Yeah I'll get you tickets." My phone rang as I saw it was Aria.

"Yeah?" "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!!!" "why?" "Because Jessica came over but the door was locked." "I'm hanging out with Gage." "Oh..." she said as I shook my head. "I'll be home later." I told her as I hung up. "Cousin issues?" I shook my head. "I just didn't tell anyone I was leaving the house." "You're not supposed to?" "Not unless I get permission and no one cared to come by last night anyway." They nodded as I rode my skateboard in circles for a while before James jumped in front of me. I pushed him out of the way. "Not cool!" he yelled as I smiled, "I'm cooler than you!!" I said like a little boy. "nu uh!" hey yelled as I jumped off my skateboard as I picked it up as we started fighting like two little boys. Everyone laughed at us as it got to be around 9pm when Nick got here. "Still here?" I shrugged, "It's better than home." He shrugged, "I like where you live." I laughed, "Till you get my dad, he's not as laid back as you think." I said as he just looked at me with no expression. I shrugged, "your dad is my idol."

"Try living in his footsteps I don't want to be like my dad at all my dad and I are way, way different." I said as he sighed. "Gage could you give me a ride home." He nodded as we got into his car as we left. "I'm sorry about Nick he doesn't like when people talk shit about his idols." I shrugged, "It's the truth...what I said." I told. We got to my house as we both got out as he pulled down his hood to show his blue hair, he has snake bites, the perfect face. He looked at me with his blue eyes. He took a step closer to me as he kissed me. I felt the cool metal of his lip rings on my lips, I was shocked at first but kissed him back.

He pulled away as he looked at me with wide eyes I just smiled as I took a good look at him, he had snakebites, and eyebrow pierced a tattoo on his neck. He was pale but had that perfect complexion. When he put his hood back on as I was blushing a little. He smiled as he left, I unlocked my door as I just smiled to myself. I undid the alarm as I sat on the counter as I heard a knock on the door as I opened it, it was Aria. "Hey Aria," "We need to talk before Jessica and mom rip you to shreds." I nodded as I got out my phone as I texted Gage. "What do you need to talk about?" I asked.

"Why were you with Nick's friends?" I looked at her, "I'm friends with Gage and James. They are awesome guys." She looked at me skeptically as she nodded. "Get your shoes off Aria, dad will have my head." She nodded as she took her shoes off as she sighed. "Are you okay Cristian?" "Yeah why?" "Just you seem different..." I shrugged, "I'm just in a good mood." I told her as my phone vibrated. I saw Gage Texted me back as I smiled Aria tried to look as I turned my phone from her and texted him quick and kept it in my hand. I saw Auntie Axe and Auntie Jessica come in. "Where were you!!" they both yelled. "with some friends in the next town over." they looked at me, "With Aria's friends?" I rolled my eyes. "Yeah they are pretty awesome." They both looked at me a little shocked, "But...Never mind I'm happy for you." "Thanks." I said as I texted Gage once again. When everyone left I made dinner and fell asleep watching Breaking Bad I recorded.

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