Chapter 40

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When Ty jr. And Aria were talking Brianna came in the room; I just smiled at her as she asked, "Ashley said something and now I am starting to wonder." She trailed off. I looked at her as I raised my eyebrow. "Is it a touchy question." I asked her as she shrugged. "She asked why everything bAd happens to you...She asked me when Ty and I got here." I nodded. "Actually I had this brain tumor for a while I found out before I got kidnapped." She looked at me startled as I shrugged. While TY jr. And Aria Were talking still I got to know Brianna a bit better.

When Ty Jr. came in he picked up Amira as he smiled at her and said; "she looks like Selena..." I nodded. "I thought that too but I don't care she is my little girl who brings this ray of sun in my dark life." "A little poetic are we?" Uncle Danny said as I shook my head. "No just spitting out the truth." He smiled again. "Hello Cristian, how are you feeling?" I looked at my doctor as I shrugged. "I'm a immune to pain so I can't really feel anything." I straight up told him as everyone looked at me. "When did....never mind..." My doctor said as I nodded.

Ty Jr. handed me Amira since she was being fussy as I was handed a bottle by a nurse as I gave it to Amira as I fed her Brianna and Ty jr. left to eat after they hugged me, everyone started to leave as Aria stayed. "Thank you." I told her as she looked at me weird. " why are you thanking me? After everything I've done" I smiled at her, "because I know Amira is Selena's baby and you helped her get this beautiful baby to me." Aria looked at me. "I...Uhm...when did you figure it out." I smiled. "Your perfume I smelled it when we found her." She nodded as I said. "Whose Seth?" I asked as she explained to me.

After she left I was alone with Amira alone I don't mind it's finally peaceful." I heard someone come in I saw Willow and Caige. "Hey guys." I said as they carefully hugged me. "How are you guys?" "Fine just tired we wanted to come see you before we went to our hotel rooms." I smiled. "Alright we'll go sleep I'll see you tomorrow." They nodded as they held hands. I smiled I knew they would get together. They are cute.

I put Amira in her bed as I just laid back trying to get comfortable, I gave up since I couldn't. I saw uncle Ricky along with Uncle Ghost come in again with some Taco Bell. I smiled a little as they sat down. "Are You coming home soon?" I shrugged as they sighed. "Please?" I sighed as is looked at them. "Did Gage ruin the house?" Copeland walked in. "Nope I checked." I nodded as she sat next to me.

I laid Amira on my legs as she laid there she looked around. Uncles Ricky and Ghost left just Copeland was in my hospital room as she looked at me. "I have good news about my secret band." I chuckled as I looked at her. "What?" "We are getting signed to Fearless." I smiled and hugged her as she smiled hugging me back.

"Have you told Uncle Kellin yet?" She shook her head as she smiled. "It gets announced soon." I nodded as she kissed my head and left. I sighed as I looked at Amira who giggled and looked at me as I hd her as I smiled.

I love my baby girl<3

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