Chapter 4

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Cristian has been fussy all day, “Guys are we in Texas?” “Yeah, we are getting a hotel.” I nodded as I looked at Ricky, “Hand me The Vicks thermometer/pacifier.” After he handed it to me I put it in  Cristian’s mouth, “shh baby boy you’ll be alright” I cooed as he looked at me, When his thermometer beeped I saw he had a slight fever. “I knew this was going to happen.” I said as he looked at me, “He sick?” I nodded as I changed him into his ‘My Dad’s tattoos are better than your dad’s’ onsie with his monkey pajama’s. I put his little elephant slippers on as I kissed his head. He fussed a bit as I just laid him in the Playpen but it was a little warm on the bus. Someone turned down the AC…Great…. I picked Cristian up again as I held him, “I know Cristian we are almost to the air conditioning.” I said softly. I kissed his head as I sat down, the bus stopped as I packed a couple pairs of clothes for the both of us as I walked off the bus. We went inside Cristian’s head was against my shoulder as I held him; “do you need your own room?” I shook my head, “I’ll share.” Ricky said as I nodded.

Once we got to our room Ricky went out with the guys and Allie as I stayed in the room as I grabbed his Skull and Cross bone with a halo I smiled remembering the time Layla just begged for this blanket….


Layla and I were shopping for Cristian she was about 6 months pregnant, “Layla are you sure you want to be shopping?” she looked at me as she glared, “Shut up Chris, yes I want to be shopping.” I put up my hands as she giggled. We got a lot of stuff as she saw this blanket, “Oh Chris can I get it?” I looked at it than back at her, “Why do you want it?” she looked at me and smiled, “Just imagine our baby boy looking kick ass in that blanket with you holding him.” “I’m not sure.” “Please?” I looked at her as she was giving me the puppy dog eyes, “PLEASE CHRIS!!” I bit my lip, “I’m not sure…” I said teasing her a little as I saw her pout. I kissed her softly as she looked at me, “PLEASE CHRIS I’ll do anything.” I chuckled at her as I said,  “can you reach it?” I teased as she pouted, “I can try.” She tried as she couldn’t reach it as I kissed her cheek as I got it for her. “Really?” She said as I smiled, “You got me at the kick ass part.” She giggled as she looked at me and smiled. “Love you Chris.” I smiled at her, “I love you too Layla.” I kissed her again as we finished shopping.

~End of flashback~

Cristian fell asleep as I sighed as I got up slowly as I grabbed a water, I closed my eyes as I stepped onto the balcony. I let the hot air hit me as I sighed, I heard a soft cry as I stepped back inside closing the doors as I went over to Cristian as I laid by him. “Dada.” He said as I put my face close to his as I kissed his nose. “I’m right here.” I mumbled as I took the pacifier out I sat up on the bed and picked up Cristian carefully as I held him I saw Ricky come in with a gallon of milk and some other stuff. “I though you went out with everyone.” “I did but I figured I could watch Cristian while you take a nap he’s been keeping you up since Halloween.” I nodded, “It’s only been a day.” I said as he rolled his eyes, “Sleep Chris.” He demanded as he got Cristian out of my hands.


Once Chris was asleep I gave Cristian a bottle as he quietly drank it as he looked around as I got up cause there was a knock on the door. I carefully maneuvered Cristian as I held the bottle for him as I opened the door to see Danny, “Hey Danny.” I said quietly as he looked at me a little confused. “Chris is finally asleep and Cristian is sick.” He nodded, “When he wakes up tell me I want to hang out with you guys for a bit.” I nodded, “Thanks, and the V.I.P.S will be here?” “around 7 but I’ll tell them you’re taking care of Cristian and Chris is also getting sick.” “Thanks man.” He nodded as I smiled as we heard Chris shuffle, I looked to see him sitting up, “Need your boy back to sleep?” He nodded as I said goodbye to Danny as I went back into the room. “Is he your Nightmare fighter?” I asked him randomly as Chris chuckled. “I guess he is; but I am doing better, I know Layla wants me to move on but  I think I’m going to wait till Cristian is a little older before I bring someone home.” Ricky chuckled. “Sounds like a plan Chris.” He smiled as I handed him Cristian. Chris put him on his chest as they both fell asleep as I took a picture;

Ricky Horror (@Ricky Horror): Father son moment, always cute, Taking care of the little guy with Chris because he’s sick :(

I posted the picture with it as I laid in bed, I guess I can take a nap too since I have nothing to do till they get up; I texted Jessica till I fell asleep.


When I woke I saw Cristian squirming as I picked him up I set him on the floor as I changed his diaper quickly. “hey Danny wants us to go to his apartment he said that dinner is on him and Myca tonight.” I nodded as I got the Vicks  thermometer/pacifier in again when it beeped it went down a little, I just had Cristian in his onsie now as I got his blanket, “Alright let’s get going.” I said as I put Cristian on my hip. I went into the kitchen making him a bottle as Ricky grabbed the hotel card as we left we walked about a block and a half before we got to Danny’s apartment. Cristian started to cry as I face palmed as Ricky handed me his pacifier. As I sighed in relief I checked his diaper “Great” I mumbled, “what?” “Part of him being sick is diarrhea.” Ricky made a grossed out face as we went inside as I went straight for the bathroom as I changed his diaper putting him on my hip again I threw the diaper in the outside garbage. I kissed Cristian’s head as he looked at me, “You’ll be okay soon.” I said as he made a cooing sound at me as I went back inside as Cristian got fussy I made sure it wasn’t his diaper but I noticed he was cold so I held him as he burred his face into my neck.

I put the blanket around him as he fell asleep again, “is the little man okay?” Ben said as I shook my head, “He’s sick.” “I’m sorry man must really suck.” I shrugged, “he just needs rest and food for a while.” He nodded as we ate as Cristian woke up, I fed him some of my dinner as he ate he looked around before he wanted Ricky to hold him. He does that he goes between Ricky and I…I have no idea why but I love him for it. “He has a favorite Uncle.” Myca cooed as I laughed, “No I’m daddy and Ricky is mommy.” I playfully said as Ricky playfully glared at me. “OH hell no you did not just call me mom,” I just smiled at him as Ricky laughed along with the rest of us, He got up as he grabbed the diaper bag. “So how you been Chris?” Samantha said as Ben and them nodded. “I’m getting there I have nightmares time to time but I’m getting their slowly.” They gave me sympathy smiles as I just smiled. “whrtr does Cristian sleep?” “lately with me but usually we all switch off except Allie and Ryan.” Allie and Ryan gave me a dirty look. I shrugged it off as Ricky came back. “hey Josh you better pick up your phone Axe called as she sounded pissed off.”

He sighed as he walked into the back room, “They been having issues?” I asked randomly as everyone looked at me, “what?” “I thought you kept tabs on them…” I shook my head, “I JUST got back on tour I feel like I keep getting reminded by Axe that Layla is gone so I don’t hang around them much unless one of these guys drags me out. Cristian looks at Axe and starts crying.” “ouch…” James said as I nodded, “It’s been hard but we are working through it.” They nodded as Cristian started wailing as I got him from Ricky as I went into the living room. “Will he be okay?” “He’s fine just takes time to heal, some people can’t just rip off a bandage without it hurting others can but it’s not worth people thinking that they are heartless.” I sighed at Brandon’s analogy. It was true but she’s my wife…I looked at my ring as I smiled; “Layla I’m finally starting to heal.” I said as I looked at Cristian who looked at me I chuckled as I kissed his nose. He giggled a little before I put his pacifier back in. I smiled as he looked around I let him crawl a little as he went to Danny as Cristian raised his hands to him Danny picked him up. Cristian fell asleep as we continued to talk. It’s a good day, Josh came back in as he smiled at us, “So Axe is flying out tonight, than flying back when we leave.

I grew pale as everyone looked at me as I got Cristian from Danny I got Cristian’s diaper bag and bottle as I left I heard Ricky say, “Nice one Josh you know he and Cristian both can’t handle seeing her or the kids yet!” “I want to spend time with my Wife and Kids Ricky it’s not like she can see me on the road or come along!” I shook my head as I went to the hotel, when I got in the hotel I grabbed Cristian’s pillow as I went to the couch as I put it under his head and on the arm of the couch as he fell asleep I watched TV Ricky came in pissed and all I could think was; so much for being a great day…  

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