Chapter 43

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I am in Texas I just need to see my baby boy. I know you thought I was but let me tell you what happen. When I was lying on the hospital bed I was still alive I just couldn't let anyone know I had to get a grip on my powers. I left for Japan and learned what I could do I can make myself a ghost I can lend my powers to people like Aria. I had a note in my hand as I looked at it as I put the note on the pillow along with the picture of when he was born with me holding him.

I left as I bit my lip as I left...what kind of mother am I?


When I got home I got Amira who is in her car seat unbuckled. I went into my room with her as I laid the sleeping Amira in her crib as I looked at my bed to see a note and a picture. I looked at the note it had 'son' on it I was confused maybe Danny found it when he went through my stuff. I opened it as I read it.

'My baby boy,

I know you must be so confused right now reading this not thinking Danny or Myca had found it. But they didn't it's your mom Layla. I know a lot has happened and you don't think I could be alive but I want you to go to the spot your dad always took you in Texas tonight with Amira.

P.S. Give Seth a try.'

I teared up as I hid it as I looked at Amira. I smiled at her as I heard Danny say, "get dressed Cristian.." "Kay.." I said as I got dressed in my RUDE Black and White stripped skinnies, 'Sleep All Day Party All Night' Motionless In White shirt. Uncle Danny came in. "Are we going to talk about my tempers?" He nodded as I sighed. "I know it needs to stop." He sighed. "I understand what your going through and Myca and I are here for you." I nodded. "Finish getting dressed we are meeting your new cousins." I looked at him confused as he sighed. "Axe and Josh adopted." I looked at him wide eyes.

"I'll keep those kids in my prayers." Uncle Danny laughed and nodded. I got my BVB beanie on and my cologne on. I got Amira changed into her black Batman Onesie and then her cute pink lacy shirt and blue jeans. I put her pink socks on then her bright pink boots. I got her into her car seat again as she started to cry as I put her pacifier in she calmed down a little as I put her blanket over her car seat though I did peak in to see if she was asleep which she was.

I got Amira buckled in as I took the blanket off since I have tinted windows as I got in I waved at Uncle Danny he waved as I drove to Outback Stake house as I sighed I saw Seth as he came over to my car as I nodded at him to get in. When he got in I kissed him he froze up a bit before he kissed back. I pulled back as I said, "let's take it slow..." He nodded as he said, "whatever you want Cristian." We heard Amira giggle. I chuckled as we got out I waved at Aria who just nodded.

I didn't want to be here I have a headache Seth handed me my mess anger bag with Amira diapers and stuff in there. I saw two Korean kids goofing around I got Amira as Aunt Axe introduced us as she notice the really dark circles under my eyes. We went in ordered I tried to not fall asleep but it didn't work. I felt a sharp pain on my side I woke up as I saw one of the two boys as he said, "I've been doing this for the past 10 minutes." I looked at him. "I wouldn't do it again if I were you." Uncle Josh heard me as he gave me a look as I looked at him darkly as Uncle Josh and Uncle Danny got Amira and pulled me outside.

"You didn't have to come!" Uncle Josh said as I looked at him, "I'm not going to have Auntie Axe do her daily bitch fit to me if I didn't come." Uncle Josh's jaw dropped. I saw Aunt Axe as she looked hurt. "Look I'm sorry I'm tired I miss my mom and I don't want to be here." They nodded as Amira started to cry. I unbuckled her from her car seat as I bounced her. "Sh baby girl I have you." I said quietly.

-night fall-


I waited at the park when I saw a car pull up I saw Cristian my baby boy. I walked into the light as he walked over to me with Him holding Amira. "Mommy?" He asked quietly. "Hey baby." He had tears running down his face as I did also. He carefully hugged me as I hugged him back he started to sob. "Baby I'm here. In the flesh." "Why not sooner?" He asked. "Because I had to take care and make sure my powers didn't hurt anyone I loved. But I guess I did that myself..." He looked at me. "Mom this is your granddaughter Amira." I smiled as I held her she cooed at me as I smiled. "She's a cutie." I nodded as I handed her back. "Are you going to tell everyone?" He asked as I frowned. "Not yet." He nodded as I kissed his head. We talked for what seemed forever before I had to get back to my hotel. "I love you mom." He said as he handed me his cell number. I smiled as I went back to my hotel room. I smiled to myself I finally got to see my baby boy....


Oooooo Layla's not dead!!!!

Hey guys I hope you are loving the update!!!!

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