Chapter 15

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After Cristian came back from seeing Vampires Everywhere and Kuza he went straight up to his room. I sighed, we aren't as close as we used to be...when he got into high school just something in him clicked and he changed. I don't know what to do...I looked at the sky, "Layla if you can help me please...Just please tell me what to do." I said. The door bell rang as I opened the door Kuza, Ricky, and Michael were here. I let them in as they sat in the living room when I was about to shut the door I saw Josh and Axe. I let them in as I shut the door; "What's up guys?" "We need to talk about the twins and Cristian.." "I had a feeling this was going to come up." I said as I sat on the floor. "what's wrong now?" "After the concert Aria and Tyler didn't talk at all Cristian just came home." "He just got home." I said as Axe looked at me. "Just now?" I nodded, "Yeah he didn't say anything to me just went straight up to his room. "Have you seen the way he draws it's amazing Chris." Kuza said as Michael nodded.

" did you guys get to see?" "We asked he said it was fine since Aria stole his sketchbook and invaded his privacy with it." "What!!!" I said as I looked at Aria and Josh. "We didn't know till Tyler and Cristian yelled at her for it. I shook my head; "He doesn't even get along with Aria he doesn't talk to Tyler much..." "He's been talking to Tyler a lot lately." Michael said as I nodded. "Did he even remember you?" I asked both Michael and Kuza. "No all of the drawings are of Layla in different forms spirit, angel devil hell there was one when she was a still alive she was pregnant and hanging onto your arm." I nodded as I sighed. "I don't know what to do I haven't actually talked to him since he got into high school it's like once he hit hs he avoided everyone and everything." They all nodded at me as I sighed. "I just...just I died instead of Layla." I said softly. "Don't say that Chris." Axe demanded and Josh looked at me. "Why?" Josh asked me. "Because none of us would be like this Cristian would probably be happier and talkative! It's like he hates everything and no one is good enough for him!!" I yelled as I saw Cristian standing right there. "Is that what you think of me dad?" I opened my mouth to say something. "This whole family doesn't get it! I can never explain or talk to anyone because it's bad enough everyone thinks of me as a freak that should go kill himself!" he yelled as he ran upstairs.

He came back down in his 'Austin Carlile Or Die shirt Grey Skinnies, and combat boots with his car keys in one hand and his FIR hoodie in another. He opened and slammed the front door shut. I just put my head in my hands as we all sat in silence.


I got into my car and left for the park my bag still in my car I looked to see my razors were still in there I drove to the park as I sat on my hood with a razor in my hand. I looked around to make sure no one was around... "mom I'll see you soon" I whispered as I cut deep... and blacked out.

When I woke all I saw was white walls everywhere and the smell of hospital I groaned softly as I turned to see Uncle Tyler. "Be thankful that Aria was going to talk to you at the park." I looked at him. "I wasn't going to talk to Aria I don't want to talk to Aria." I said as he looked at me. "What's going on with you Cristian?" he said as I looked at him. "You may be close to Aria and sometimes Ty but you aren't getting close to me." I said as he looked at me shocked I said that. "I don't want to talk to anyone right now." I said as he nodded and left the room I looked out the window I'm such a failure...


Chris's phone went off as he answered it, when he did he got up right away. "I'll be right there." I said as I got up. "what's going on?" I asked as he looked at me. "According to the hospital Cristian tried to take his life at the part." Everyone stood up as we all ran to the cars. We got in the car as I teared up, he is like a son to offence to Chris but he comes to me a lot more than everyone thinks... I looked out the window as Chris drove when we got to the hospital we saw Tyler, Axelia, Josh, Tyler Jr. and Aria already here. "What happen?" "I went to talk to Cristian at the park and I guess I was too late..." she said as I cried. Tyler went into his room as we heard Cristian yelling at Tyler. "I wasn't going to talk to Aria I don't want to talk to Aria!" we looked at Aria just looked down and broke down crying.

We heard Tyler talk softly to Cristian as Cristian yelled again, "You may be close to Aria and sometimes Ty but you aren't getting close to me!" my jaw dropped what's going on... I thought as we heard him yell again, "I don't want to talk to anyone right now." I went outside as I took out my cigs. I smoked a couple before I went back inside everyone was talking so they didn't see me go into Cristian's room. I shut the door and pulled the curtain as he looked at me than looked at his hands. "You okay?" he shrugged. "First Aria steals something extremely personal to me, than with everything at school and dad I couldn't do it any more I just wanted to leave." I sighed. "Cristian your dad didn't mean it Axelia kind of provoked it a little." He nodded but sighed. "He's right though I don't want to touch, talk or be around anyone silence is my best friend it's the only thing were I could just be creative and ignore everyone."

"I know dad has been talking a lot about me to people because he wanted the little kid me I know he does because I feel like he looks at me like a toddler I get that I will always be his baby boy but it get frustrating." He said softly as I nodded. "It's understandable Cristian." "But really...really got me is when Aria knew my sketchbook was personal and private and took it anyway and looked through with it...The doctor already told me he wants to put me on suicide watch. I heard one of the nurse's say I should be in the loony bin." I looked at the nurse who came in as she got wide eyed as she left the room. I shook my head. "What do you want?" I asked as he looked at me than looked outside to the window. "I want to be happy I want to see my dad going back out there and dating again I want my mom back." He said the last part softly as he looked out the window.


"What do you want?" I asked him as I looked at him, "For my nephew to be happy and call me mommy Ricky again." I laughed, "I don't think I would ever call you that again." He laughed. "But it was cute when you said it though most of us laughed." I just smiled. "I remember." I said as he looked at me. "Most kids don't remember that stuff but you remember a lot of things." I smiled. "It's just something that comes to me every now and then." Ricky laughed. We heard the door open again as I saw dad. "Ricky can I talk to my son?" " it okay if I stay?" dad looked at him than me than him again. "fine." dad said as he sighed. "Cristian I didn't mean it I just got so frustrated because Axe likes to poke at things that still hurts a lot." I nodded. "I noticed. She never stays at mom's grave when she comes to drop things off for me." Dad nodded. "I know she didn't even stay long at your mom's funeral...she closed her self off for a while like I did and then got over her

grieving and started to poke where it hurted the most." I nodded.

"Did you hear what I said." I said softly as he nodded. I couldn't help it..." dad said as I nodded. Ricky sat on the other chair as I looked at him than dad. "What are the doctors going to do with me?" I said softly as he sighed, "I'm going to try and have them let you come home but when you go to-" "I'm not going to Aunt Axelia's house." I said as he sighed, "Were else are you going to stay Cristian?" "Can I got to Texas and stay with Uncle Danny? Or Uncle Sam?" "Or can I stay with Aunt Jessica? Or Aunt Kaylie?" Dad sighed, "I'll call a band meeting and talk about it." Ricky said as dad and I nodded.

"Thanks." I said softly. Ricky and dad hugged me as the nurse made them leave. "Visitor time is over." She said as they left. I sighed as the nurse looked at me than scowled. "If you have a problem can I switch nurses?" I asked as the doctor came in. "Can I have a different nurse? My Uncle is going to make a complaint about this nurse since she said I need to a loony bin." The doctor looked at her as the nurse ran out of the room.

"You serious about that?" I nodded. He sighed, "I can get you a different nurse." "Thank you." I said softly as I just looked at the wall and just stared at it. "here your dad wanted me to give this to you." I nodded as I got a sketchbook from her. I opened it to see a new one, I texted uncle Ricky to hide my other one...hopefully he will I trust him.

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