Chapter 30

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When Tyler came to sit next to us as our uncles followed him and Brianna; I didn't want deal with people so I told Gage that I was going to the nearest beach as he told everyone we will be back. We went to the beach as I sighed. Gage held my hand as we watched the sun set. "Is everything okay?" I looked at Gage as I nodded. "I got a little closterphobic." He nodded as he turned his head. "Willow and two others are here." I looked to see Leila and Caige. "The other two are Leila and Caige Mabbitt Craig Mabbitt's kids." I said as they sat next to us. "Everything okay?" Leila asked as I nodded. Leila is older than us she was 9 when I was about a 5 months old. "I'm fine I got closterphobic with that many people in the house." They nodded as I sighed. I leaned my head Gage's shoulder as he put his head on mine. "So what's going on?" I asked as they shrugged. "Tyler Jr. is acting like he's all grown up just because Brianna is having a baby." I shrugged. "He's doing his thing." I said as they nodded but rolled their eyes. "I kinda want the fun Tyler Jr. Back he was always hanging out with us...and mostly you." I nodded. "I guess he has more responsibilities than us Willow." She groaned. "What about Aria?" "She's acting the same as her brother." Gage mumbled as I nodded. "So you have just us?" I laughed. "You guys, and all the kids in our HUGE band family." Leila laughed. "That's a lot of people." I nodded. "Agreed."

"So what's up with your dad and Ashley?" I shrugged. "Doing their thing dad bounced back pretty quickly if you ask me." I said as Gage nodded. "Why does it seems that it's just most of us that care for one another? Unless we are in trouble?" "Because that's the way it is." Gage said as I nodded. "It's true thought Leila is older than us but she hangs out with us more." She laughed at me. "I can't help it! I used to baby sit you." She said as she pointed to me. "I know and I loved it because when your dad and mom had an a fight you'd take Caige and I to your room putting us in your little play doll cribs." She laughed. "Do you think everything will go back to normal?" Caige asked as I looked at him. "Not for me." I said showing him my hand." He frowned. "All because of your grandpa?" I nodded. "My grandfather has always been evil." They all nodded as Leila looked at me. "I kinda miss your mom." I nodded. "I miss her too." Gage sighed. "I wish I actually meet your mom." I nodded. "What's Aria doing now days...why aren't you in school?" Leila asked as Gage and I laughed. "I stood up for Aria which I got into a fight for her. I got suspended he didn't. And Aria is using her supernatural abilities to work for the police after school." "That must suck being the only cousin not being able to do anything." Gage looked at me.

"Trust me it's getting worse for him and us." Gage said as I nodded. "My dad is getting a fucking babysitter for me because I guess I understand but he's dead and I just want to move on but I can't...we can't we are stuck in that fucking small town...Aria is doing her own thing, Tyler moved here." Willow snorted. "It hasn't been a picknick for me with him here." I looked at her. "Why?" "Because dad and Max are always worrying about them I feel left out like I don't exist." I nodded. "Why do you think I used to go to my mom's grave because that's were I felt the most peace at till Gage came along." Gage laughed at me as Caige looked at all of us and smiled. "Why don't we go to L.A. for the Winter! I'm sure my sister can check up on us but it gives us...time to be away from our family." I nodded. "We can invite Copeland and Olive they are having the same issues." "Whoa hold on guys how are you guys getting the money?" "I'm sure if I ask my dad he'll give me the money to do it." Caige nodded. "Dad's been wanting me to get out of the house since mom and him have been fighting lately because she's pregnant again." Leila shook her head. "I'm sure my mom...will let me she see's how unhappy I am here."

Leila sighed, "We'll talk about it later alright." We all nodded as Gage kissed my cheek as Leila's phone went off. "What Tyler Jr.?" She asked sassy. I laughed as she rolled her eyes and smiled at me. I looked at Gage as I kissed him quickly as Willow squealed in happiness at us. We all heard, "WILLOW THAT HURT!!" "Quit screaming Tyler Jr." she snapped as she hung up. "I hate him so much sometimes he thinks he's boss when my dad isn't home." I laughed. "Isn't your mom the boss?" She nodded. We all laughed as she shrugged. "What are you going to do till January?" I shrugged. "I haven't even been doing homework...I'm supposed to do online but I just gave up." "How are you supposed to get online?" "I'll get a GED." Gage nodded. "That's what I'm doing." "You are?" He nodded at Leila. "I didn't want to tell any of my friends expecally James because we dropped out at the same time because we hated our school." "At least you guys don't have to wear uniforms." I chuckled. "you do?" "Yes! I hate it so much!" Gage smiled. "It's November now so we should start planning this thing." I nodded, along with everyone else. "how pissed do you think that Aria and Tyler Jr. are going to be?" "Very but right now I need to get away." I sad quietly as they nodded, when we started planning I did it on my phone.

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