Chapter 5

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When I woke Cristian was rolling around on the bed he was on the side with the wall so he didn’t fall don’t worry. I got up as he looked at me, “Hey I hope you don’t mind Cheerios?” Ricky said as I shook my head and stretched, “it’s fine.” I said as there was  a knock on the door, “if it’s Axe and Josh I’m sleeping!
 I said as I laid back in bed as I played with Cristian as I heard, “Is Chris up yet? We need to talk.” Axe said, “Sorry he’s sleeping AND we are a little busy today.” She sighed, “When can I talk to him?” I turned to see Ricky shrug, “when he feels like talking to you.” I picked up Cristian as I walked to the door. “Axe you need to drop this I’m finally starting to get happy again why can’t you just drop it! I’m getting better can’t you just leave me alone?” I snapped making Cristian more fussy. “Look my son is sick and I don’t feel like bringing up the past again. Now please leave.” I said a little mean. Her jaw just dropped at me as I shook my head and closed the door on her face. “You okay?” I nodded,  “we are going to Danny’s again he texted me saying that Myca and him bought stuff for Cristian.” I chuckled as I changed Cristian’s diaper as I sighed, “Well we have to get diapers.” I said as Ricky nodded adding it to his list of things to get.

I changed Cristian into his ‘I love My Dad and His Tattoos’ onsie his grey skinnies his skeleton tee I decided on his Blue and Black Vans. Ricky held him as he sat at the table putting Cristian on his lap as I took a shower. Once I was out and dressed I saw Cristian lying on the bed as Ricky was getting dressed, “you ready?” I asked as he nodded. I grabbed a bagel on our way out as we got to Danny and Myca’s apartment we knocked on the door as Danny answered, “Hey guys.” He said as he let us come in. “We bought a lot of stuff, mostly for his cold.” I laughed and nodded as Cristian said, “An! An!” as Danny pointed to himself as Cristian giggled a little before he put his hands out to him as I handed Danny Cristian as he led the way. When we got in Myca looked at us and smiled, “hey guys you just missed Axelia.” “Thank god.” I mumbled as she looked at me, “having issues with family?” I just nodded as she sighed as Cristian said, “Ca!” we chuckled as Myca grabbed Cristian, “Cristian seems to like us better than Tyler and Aria.”

I shrugged, “You’ve been around Cristian longer than either of them.” She nodded, “True…OH here!!” he said as she handed me a Mega box of wipes, Mega box of diapers, a Swing, a bath support hug tub, a Crane Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier Elephant Crane, Superhero blocks, Pillow pets Dream Lites Penguin, Little Remedies soothing syrup, pajama’s with a dog on it, Johnson’s bedtime bath with Lavender Chamomile, and Johnson’s soothing Naturals Head to Toe. “Thanks guys I’ll probably use some of these tonight.” They smiled at me, “It’s nice to have you back.” I chuckled, “It’s nice to be out on the road again I think it’s what I needed.” They smiled as Myca put Cristian on the floor as Cristian crawled over to me he crawled onto my lap as I smiled at him as he fell asleep. “How you guys been?” Myca smiled, “Great, Danny just got back from tour but leaves again soon I work at 6 tonight.” I chuckled, as I smiled at them. “It’s nice being around friends again.” I said as they chuckled. It was about noon when we left.

I smiled at Cristian who had his head on my shoulder, his hair is longish but he looks good; “Hey Chris?” I heard Ricky say as I looked at him, “Yeah Rick?” he smiled at me, “don’t you think you should talk to Axelia and Josh.” I shook my head, “I will talk to them when am ready.” Is all I said before he dropped it, “You talk to Josh…” he mumbled, “But every time it’s not around Axe.” I snapped as I just shook my head as I looked to see Ricky a little hurt, “I’m sorry Ricky just everyone is getting on my case about this I just want them to drop it till I’m ready.” He nodded as we got to the hotel as we saw everyone swimming, “go ahead Ricky.” I said as I opened the door an set Cristian on the bed as I went out and started to bring stuff from the hallway inside our hotel room when I came back in Ricky was heading out the door. “See you Rick.” He just smiled at me as he left the room. I saw more Box’s in our room as I sighed as I checked on Cristian who was up now. I picked him up and set him in his playpen that someone brought in and set up.

I watched Cristian play with his toys as I opened on of the box’s as I took out, a lot of clothes, in the next box was a Dino walker as I chuckled I set it up as I put Cristian in it he giggled as he played with the toys, I put his thermometer pacifier in as his temp went down a lot since I gave him the medicine that Myca and Danny got us. There was also an organic balance seat in there as I chuckled as I got the next box there was just toys and more toys in there. I shook my head as I put the stuff back as I saw Cristian giggling and walking around; I chuckled at him as I went to the kitchen as I cooked some food as I let it cool down as I got Cristian I changed his diaper quickly as I sat down at the table as I shared my food with Cristian. The door opened as I looked up to see Ricky, Ryan and Allie came in, Allie and Ryan were already dressed and ready to go as I just fed Cristian as he giggled. When he was done eating I kissed his cheek as I went into the bathroom and got ready. When I was done I got Cristian from Allie as we headed to the Venue Asking Alexandria was on I made sure Cristian had his ear muffs on as I kissed his head as I saw Myca, “Hey again.” I laughed as she looked at me. “Hey!”

I hugged her carefully as we talked for a bit as Cristian wanted Danny once he came off, “Is it okay if we take him to our signing.” I nodded, “he might take your marker.” Danny laughed as I just smiled and went on stage. When we were done I walked off as Danny handed me Cristian, “One of the fans gave him a pit puppy.” I smiled, “Really?” he nodded as Myca came over with the puppy, “she’s well trained.” I smiled, “ppy~” Cristian said as I chuckled, “later Cris.” I said as he giggled, your probably wondering what happen to our last do Xenon(I think the dogs name was…) we let Tyler have him since I wasn’t in a good state. We did our signing as we went back onto the bus as Cristian just played with lala (is what he calls her) as everyone got the stuff packed.  

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