Chapter 23

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When we got to Uncle Danny's house I had a surprise for Gage since Aunt Myca had to work and Uncle Danny is going to be really busy for a while. I'm in my Sleeping With Sirens (SWS) Raglan shirt with my Dayshell Symbol hoodie on I have my RUDE Rust Overdyed Skinnies on and my Combat Boots on. I had my Playboy Cologne on as I looked at Gage who had his hood down In public I may add he's been really comfortable lately since he showed his parent's his face to just have his hood down. Though at times he'll have it up but I don't mind he's my lover and if he doesn't feel comfortable than he doesn't have to have it down. Anyway he had his Littler Painters Anthem Made shirt on his SWS sleeveless hoddie and his Skinny Jeans with combat boots. I had the promise ring in my hand as I saw Gage smile at me. I smiled back as I went over to him as I gulped. "I want you to have this." I said as I handed him a little box. "What is it?" He asked, "Open it." As he did he smiled at me. "It's a promise Ring, because I promise I will never hurt you, never let you be hurt again or leave you...I love you Gage."

"I love you too Cristian." He said as he put the Black ring on as he handed me a box, I opened it and smiled hugely it was also a black ring. I chuckled, "I promise to never hurt you, I'll kick ass if anyone hurts you or your family and I promise to love you with all my heart." I smiled hugely at him as I kissed him. "Always and forever babe." I whispered against his lips. He smiled as we pulled apart, "Guys I'm home!!" Aunt Myca is home obviously from her yell. Gage laughed, "We noticed." "Ben and Samantha are here too." "WOO!" Gage and I both said as we left our room. I put a picture of Gage and I up from yesterday at the pumpkin patch were we were with the band's nieces and nephews. "So guys what's up?" I asked as they smiled. "Wondering if you two wanted to go to the maze with the rest of us tonight, Myca doesn't have to work but Danny is doing stuff with his side project." I nodded. "Yeah sounds fun." I said as they smiled at us. Gage held my hand as I smiled at him.

"SO are you guys going home any time soon?" "I have to be back to school after Christmas but I mean if you want us gone..." They laughed, "No it's okay I'm sure Myca loves the help with the dogs and cleaning." Myca smiled at us, "I really do." Gage and I smiled, "what are you guys doing for the rest of the day?" "I'm going to see Danny hoping to talk him into going with us." Myca said as I nodded. "Fun!" she snorted, "I can try but I'm sure hoping I will succeed." "I'm sure you will." Ben said as we all laughed. "We are going to the farm again." I chuckled, "Sounds like fun Gage and I are finally having alone time." They smiled, "No getting into trouble please." Aunt Myca said. "I won't I promise." I said as they all laughed again. I kissed Gage passionately as he wrapped his arms around me as I smiled in the kiss as my phone went off. I groaned as I ignored it but it kept ringing....I pulled away as I answered. "Hello?" "Cristian I need help." Ty said shakily. "What's wrong Tyler?"

"I'm....i'm trying to get clean but I need help." "What now Aria? You've done enough." I said as she sighed. "I need to talk to Tyler I want to say I'm sorry." "Don't look at me for help Aria every time I tried to help you always twisted what I said...I'm sorry I can't help you fix this." I said as I hung up "What was that about?" "Aria wanted my help to get her to talk to Tyler to apologize." He nodded as he leaned his head against my shoulder as I put my head on his as I held his hand. "Guys?" we heard Aunt Myca say. "Yeah?" I called. "we are leaving around 8." "okay!" I called back as she kissed both of our heads as she left. My phone rang again as Gage kissed me. "I'm got to call my mom." I nodded as he left to our room I picked up my phone. "Hey dad." "Hey Cristian are you at home?" "No I've been with Uncle Danny and Aunt Myca for the past week and a half why?" "Okay." Is all he said as it got really silence Gage peaked out he looked at me as I shrugged.

"I got to go dad Gage and I are going to a corn maze with All of our uncles and aunts." "Alright well, see you later." "By." I said as I shook my head as I hung up. I called Willow; "Criristan." "Hey Willow do you think Uncle Ronnie will let you come to Texas for the rest of the week?" "Probably him and mom are fighting...again over me." I sighed, "Can I talk to him?" "Yeah hold on cuz." I laughed as Gage sat next to me as he talked to his mom. "Hey Cristian." "Hey Uncle Ronnie." I said as he chuckled, "I was wondering if Willow could come to Texas? Please?" he sighed, "what about school...why aren't you at school?" I'm suspended till after Christmas for fighting with a guy who called Aria a freak." He sighed. "Alright, I think it'll be good for her till Crissy and I can figure something out." He said. "Okkay have Willow call me or text me when she's on the plane or boarding." "Alright I'll talk to you later." "Bye." I said as I hung up as Gage looked at me "So I guess my sister is in Texas since my mom told her that we were here. "okay" I smiled as we got up. "Were are we meeting her?" "At McDonalds." I nodded as we headed out.

Gage put his hood but and we got to McDonalds as we looked for his sister as we saw a Pink and Green hair girl as he went over there. "Hey May." He said as she smiled "Hey Gage!" she smiled as she hugged him Gage looked really uncomfortable. I smiled at him as he gave me a help me smiled. "HI." I said as she let him go. "who are you?" "My boyfriend." Gage chimed in. I raised my hand as a hello as she looked at me up and down. "Are you sure he's the one." My jaw dropped as Gage glared at her. "yes May." She backed away a little as he glared at her. "God are you still this rude?" Now her jaw dropped as she was just speechless as she sighed. "Yeah I guess." Gage just shook his head at her as he held my hand. "I don't know why you even came here." He said to her as she said. "I just wanted to see you and spend time with you before I introduce you to your niece Rayland." She told him as he nodded. "but I guess since your boyfriends here too..." "What the hell are you really going to be like dad right now." She gasped. "I am nothing like dad!" "can we take this outside?" I said quietly as they both looked at me.

"yeah." Gage said as his sister pushed through us and went outside Gage and I apologized to everyone before we headed outside. His sister was hanging on some guy who was holding a little girl. "Tyler his is my brother Gage and his boyfriend uhm..." "Cristian." I said as she nodded as Tyler nodded. "Chris and Layla Motionless son?" I nodded as may looked at me speechless. I put my arm around Gage's shoulders and he put his arm around my waist. "I've meet your dad before." "Everyone's either meet my dad uncles or cousins I usually like being along but Gage changed that a little." Gage laughed, "I like being alone too don't worry." I chuckled as Tyler handed Rayland to Gage as he held her. She hugged him as he chuckled. "Are you guys going to the corn maze tonight?" "I am with Rayland but May is in the middle of kissing her dad's ass." I laughed. "Funny because he just kicked Gage out." I said as she glared at me. Gage nudged me. "Sorry." I said as I said, "Well you can hang with the 12 of us." "12?" Tyler said as May left. "My uncles from Asking Alexandria." He smiled. "That's awesome! I better not say anything to May she is a bit of a hater." I nodded. "Than why date her?" He sighed, "We are only staying together because of Rayland...May hates the fact that I would get Rayland if we broke up since I work and everything."

Gage nodded. "She's always been like that." I chuckled as did Tyler. "I know I've dated you sister since 7 years ago." "Whoa since high school...she dated girls too." He nodded she would cheat on me with them." We nodded as we got quiet. "Alright well I'm going to be talking to dad tonight." Rayland wanted me to hold her so I got her from Gage who just smiled at me. "She's so cute." "She doesn't speak much." I smiled. "I used to talk all the time but in highschool I stopped and just visited my mother's grave daily." He nodded. "That was a tragedy I cried so hard that day." Tyler said. "I remember a lot about my mom." They all looked at me as I heard Rayland whisper to me; "Can I spend the night." I chuckled, "It's up to your parents." I whispered back as she giggled at me as I put her down. She walked over to Tyler as she pulled on his pants. "Yeah sweetie?" "Can I spend the night with Uncle Gage and Uncle Cristian?" She said cutely as Tyler looked at May. She just shrugged. "Yeah sweetie it's fine." She smiled hugely as we followed them to the hotel.

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