Chapter 22

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After what's all happened lately Cristian and I are going to Texas, from there I am going to tell my parents to see if they kick me out or not. Cristian and I were in pajama's still we didn't want to get changed. "Does your dad know we're going?" I asked him as he nodded. "He's not thrilled but he and Ashley are going to go out tonight to get away from the drama." I nodded as I pecked his lips as I packed the rest of my stuff. "Cristian?" We heard Tyler's Voice as he kissed me and headed out. "I'm sorry for everything." Tyler said quietly. "Ty it's okay I think you should go home too and take time off family." "Sounds like a plan to me." He said as Cristian came back into the bedroom. "What's going on?" I asked as he looked at me. "Tyler just apologized for everything that's gone on lately, I told him that he just needs to go home and cool off." I nodded as I was wearing my Batman Pajama pants and my Asking Alexandria Run Free Tank. Cristian was in his Sleeping With Siren's Shorts and his Ben Bruce Clothing tank.

"Does your Uncle and Aunt know? About us?" I asked as he smiled at me. "Yeah he's cool with it and stoked to meet you." I smiled as he came over to me. "You're so beautiful." I blushed as he smiled at me. He kissed me passionately as he pulled up my hood to hide our faces. He does that lately when we hear footsteps. He bit my lip softly before he pulled away as I smiled; "Just be glad our lip rings didn't tangled again." I mumbled making him laugh. "Are you love birds ready?" I shook my head as I face timed my dad. Cristian held my hand as my dad answered, "Dad..." "Yes Gage?" "I'm gay." He got this dark face as he hung up. "I think we need to go home." I told him softly as he said, "I can get my Uncle and Aunt to fly down?" he suggested as I nodded. He called his Aunt and Uncle who agreed to fly down. We headed to the airport as we got tickets we got through security and our bags checked in.

We were waiting for our plane to get called as I held his hand and squeezed it he looked at me as he hugged me and kissed my cheek. "Dad said it'll be okay. You can move in with us." I nodded as he wiped my tears away. "I promise." He whispered as he kissed me softly. "Je t'aime (I love you)." He whispered as I smiled, "I love you too Cristian." He smiled at me as our plane got called we got on found our seats.

_Skipping The Plane Ride_

When we got to the airport we got our bags and headed to get a cab. "Your house than mine?" "We'll put our bags in my car, than when we get to your house we'll fill both cars. Give your mom my address I don't want you to lose contact with her." He whispered as he kissed my temple. I nodded once we got to his house we paid the Cab Driver as he quickly went inside with our bags turned off the alarm, got his car keys and turned the alarm back on. "Ready??" "As I can ever be..." I said quietly as he looked at me. "I'll be right by your side." He told me quietly as I nodded. "I know just I am just nervous sad confused." I mumbled as we got into his car as we headed to my house.


We got to Gage's house as we saw his mom just sobbing on the porch. "Can I talk to your mom?" Gage just nodded at me as he looked at his hands. I got out as I went over to his mom. She sniffled and looked at me. "Who are you?" She said as I whispered, "Gage's boyfriend." She looked at me as she smiled at me. "Is he okay?" I sighed, "He's sad he is going to miss you and the little one in your tummy." She nodded. "My husband isn't home yet so I would hurry and get his stuff." I nodded, "Oh don't worry about him not having a place to stay. He's going to be living with my dad and I; and your welcome there any time." I said as she looked at me shocked. "I'll have Gage text you my address." She nodded. I saw Gage get out of my car and come over; "I'll start packing I told them as they nodded at me.


"I'm so sorry mom I had to tell him." She smiled at me, "It's okay I just wish your dad would be more open about it." I nodded as I bit my lip, I pulled my hood down as my mom gasped. "Your so handsome Gage." She whispered as I smiled and teared up. "Thanks mom." I started to cry all over again. She smiled at me as she kissed my head. "Go help your boyfriend pack." I chuckled and nodded.


I saw Gage come in with his hood down as I looked at him and smiled; "you showed your mom." He smiled sadly at me and nodded. "I thought...I thought it was the best thing to do." I nodded as I put the bag of clothes on the floor. "Gage you are beautiful, sexy, fun, a great person, full of life and don't ever forget it." I told him as I hugged him. "I love you." I whispered as he chuckled. "I love you too but we got to hurry my dad could be back any minute." "I'll help." We heard as we saw his mom. I smiled and nodded as we started packing both of our cars. When we got them packed his dad pulled up as Gage smiled at him mom as he got in his car. "I'm sure we'll see you soon." I told her as she just smiled at me. I got into my car as I followed Gage to my house; We got home to see Uncle Danny and Aunt Myca there.

I got out as did Gage; "Hey Uncle Danny, Hi Aunt Myca." I said as I hugged them. "This is my boyfriend Gage." I said as I saw Gage had his hood up. They smiled and shook his hand. "Let's get everything set up inside. Your dad told me that he's having you and Gage, move into the basement since it's finished it's a bedroom a huge bedroom." I laughed, "I know." I said as we got everything downstairs and put up, than we got everything in my room downstairs. "Alright we need to pack again don't we?" Uncle Danny laughed, "Yeah; but Myca and I are heading back tonight since I need to talk to the band about a couple things." I nodded. "Alright." Gage smiled at them. "Thank you." He said quietly as they smiled at him. "Your welcome we'll see you guys soon." We waved as they left. "We'll leave in a day or two." I said as Gage laid on my bed. I crawled in next to him as he texted back his mom quickly. He put his head on my shoulder as I pulled down his hood.

He looked at me as he kissed me softly; I smiled in the kiss as he crawled on top of me as I tangled my hands in his hair. We made out for a while as he pulled back he smiled at me and went into the bathroom. I groaned as I laid on my stomach; "Babe you taking a shower?" I yelled as he laughed. "Yeah! Why wanna join me?" I blushed. "Maybe!" I yelled as he came back into the room as he smirked at me. "Maybe later." He said, I stuck my tongue out. "Make sure it's cold babe!" I could tell he was blushing as I smiled. "Love you too~" he yelled as I smiled. We are so weird sometimes!!!! Gage came out in his Wolves Skinnies, a Asking Alexandria Tank he put his hoodie on the bed as he as I just looked at him as I got up. Gage smiled as I went into the bathroom as I winked at him as he blushed as I smiled.

I showered as I dried off wrapped a towel around my waist as I went out to our bedroom. I saw Gage blush as I smiled at him. I got on my boxers quickly as I leaned over the bed to kiss Gage as he smiled and blushed. He kissed back as I pulled back and got changed into my Halloween Black Veil Brides shirt, RUDE Indigo Acid Black Pigment Was Super Skinnies. I went back into the bathroom as I put my Morbid Metals Rainbow and Black lip rings in. "babe we really need to get me some concealer." He laughed as I used some of his. He came in, "Stealing my stuff are we?" he asked as I looked at him. "But you love me." I said as he smiled. "True very true." He smiled as I said, "I'm thinking about inviting, my cousin's, plus the guys to Fear Factory." I told him as I looked him.

He smiled, "Sounds fun to me!" I laughed as he smiled at me. "Alright we'll go on Halloween. After we go trick or treating of course." I said making him laugh. "OOOO I wanna be Batman." He teased. "Maybe or you could be my lover." He smiled at me. "Already am sexy already am." I laughed as I left the bathroom and got my TOMS on and my RUDE Turquoise Cloud Wash Hooded Denim Vest on. Gage came out as he got his hoodie on and we left to Hot Topic...again.

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