Chaptter 41

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I was playing with Amira when Nick came in, "what are you doing here?" He sighed as he looked at me then he looked at the floor. "I...I just want to apologize Gage quit the band and kinda disowned us for standing up to him for you." I looked down as I fiddled with my hands. "I just wanted to make sure your okay." I smiled at him as I nodded. "I'm should go before you run into Aria." He nodded. He left as I sighed after a while Aria walked in with people.

I shifted uncomfortably as I looked at the people as I laid back putting Amira on my chest. "Uhm Everyone this is Gerret, Blake, Seth, Flinn, and Ricky." I just waved as I saw Amira was asleep again I kissed her head as I laid my head back on the pillow. Everyone was talking while I spaced out.

"Cristian I'm heading out with Josh and Ricky." I nodded as I went up to my room as I shut the door. I grabbed mom and dads wedding picture. I just sighed, I always get teased for not having a mom .... Only if they really new... I traced mom as I just staired at it my mom was beautiful. No matter what pictures she had taken of her she was always beautiful.

Uncle Tyler is supposed to bring my dog Lala (dad doesn't know I was trying to say moms name when named her.)

-end of flashback-

I snapped out if it because I heard my name being called by people I looked up as I saw everyone just staring at me. "Sorry I ads just remembering something." They all nodded as they started talking again. I zoned out again as I felt a hand on my shoulder as I looked up to see Aria she looked at me worried as I shook my head.

She waited till everyone left again as I sighed, "what's wrong Cristian?" "Besides confused about everything?" She nodded as I looked at her. "Nick wants me to take Gage's spot in the band but I don't want to leave my baby girl. She smiled at me as she just kissed my head and left. I watched Amira sleep a bit before I got my phone out and started to watch Bad Ink on Netflix.

I heard Amira start to cry as I paused the episode as i picked her up. "Sh baby I'm right here." I mumbled to her as she looked at me. I wiped the tears as I looked up to see Seth. I looked back at Amira as I rocked her. The nurse came in as she looked at me. "Does she need a bottle?" I smiled and nodded. "Yes...thank you." "Your welcome sweetie." She said as she left again. Just as Seth was about to say something uncle Ricky cMe in.

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