Chapter 9

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I woke to Cristian crying as I picked him up as I set him on my chest, he calmed down a little as I held him as I got up. “Come Lala!” I said as she hopped off the bed as we went into the bathroom I started the water. As Cristian looked at me, “Would you rather go to the beach?” I mumbled making him giggle; as I chuckled, “Alright, alright let’s go wake mama Ricky.” I said as Cristian looked at with a confused face making me chuckle. I went in to the bunks as I woke Ricky; He groaned as he looked at us. “Yeah?” “Cristian wants to go to the beach did or THE OTHERS want to come.” I saw Josh get out of his bunk. “I’m coming.” He sad as Brandon, Jessica, and Ryan came out. “no I want sleep.” He mumbled as Cristian said, “mama Ricky!” I cracked up as Ricky looked at him. “did he” I nodded. “but” Jessica looked at us in shock. “Did he just say-” “yeah I told him we had to wake mama Ricky I didn’t think that he would repeat it.” I laughed as did the others.

I changed into my swimming trunks as Christian was playing with Lala; I put Lala’s leach on as we headed out of the bus as we walked to the beach as we got there as I sat in the shallow water with Cristian who was standing and splashing water all over with lala. I took a picture as I posted it to twitter:

Chris Motionless (@ChrisMotionless): Little Cerulli and Lala playing in the water!!! Though the water is a little cold but we are having fun this morning<3 this morning Little Cerulli called Ricky Mama Ricky after I called him that haha XD We love you @RickyOlson

When  I looked up Cristian was sitting in my lap as I took a picture of Cristian and I, I kissed his cheek as I took the picture when I looked at it he had a huge smile on his face as I saw lala on his lap. I posted it to Instagram.

Chris Motionless: Cristian and I enjoying a great morning on the beach<3

I posted the picture and I started to play with Lala as we played some more I saw Ricky come over as Cristian said, “mama Ricky! Mama Ricky!” he squealed as everyone just bursted out laughing as Jessica just shook her head. We looked at Ricky who just smiled at Cristian. “I can’t believe he is repeating that.” I sais as Ricky picked him up as he giggled, “we have to go before our manager blows. He’s new.” I nodded, “Why do we have a new manager again?” I asked as he laughed, “Because our manager is on vacation.” I nodded as Josh said, “Well most of us are going out tonight did you want to come?” I shrugged as I sighed, “I would…” Josh looked at me and smiled. “I know a girl who can baby sit; she s amazing with kids.” I sighed, “It’s okay Josh really I don’t mind not going out.” Cristian looked at me as he reached for me.

I got him from Ricky as he buried his head in my neck, “And I don’t really feel like going out.” Josh just nodded as we got back to the bus as Cristian had my phone I didn’t lock it as I heard ‘The Road’ started playing as I checked on Cristian who made a giggling sound, I picked him  up from his Playpen as I sat him on my lap as I sat on the couch he looked at me as he kissed me I laughed as he giggled. “I lov oo dada.” I smiled. “I love you too Cristian.” He smiled at me as I kissed his nose. “You guys have an early show today!” our manager yelled as Cristian looked at me as I smiled. “Wanna do daddy’s paint?” I asked as he giggled and bounced on my lap. As I picked him up as I went into the bathroom as Ryan left he stood by the door as Cristian put his hand in my paint as he put his hands on my cheeks as he put his finger in it as he looked around. “Wanna grab the white and green paint?” I asked Ryan as he nodded as he left.

He came back with the Green and White paint as Cristian looked at me as I smiled, he did his think as I looked at myself in the mirror he did pretty good I have his hand prints on my face but it works. “Thanks baby boy.” I said as he giggled. Ricky came in , “WHOA what happen?” “I let Cristian do my paint today.” Ricky looked at Cristian as he giggled at Ricky. Ricky just laughed as he kissed Cristian’s head before making out with Jessica. I shook my head as I washed Cristian’s hands as I put paint on him again as I looked at my phone as the background was Layla, holding Cristian for the first time. Layla is and always will be beautiful.

Hey guys I know it’s a short chapter and I’m sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve been really distracted lately so I hope you can forgive me for now posting this chapter and for it being short!!! Please don’t forget to vote and comment thank you all so much for reading the sequel!!!! I love you all~ XIdobelieveinfairies

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