Chapter 7

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Cristian wouldn’t stop crying and fussing, figures he doesn’t want to be around New Year Day; Layla was pregnant with Cristian when she met them after the video Layla was just sitting in the car. We fought when we got home and then didn’t talk about the band or video again. When her twitter followers asked her how she felt about the video all she said was, “I don’t want to even get into that” I sighed as I went back to the bus. Cristian looked at me he was so close to crying again he always had that look when I was thinking about Layla. I kissed his head as we too Lala out as she did her thing I put food and water out for her as Cristian was asleep as I put him in his crib. I heard the bus door open to see Ricky and Ashley. “He sleeping?” Ricky asked. I just nodded as I laid on the couch as I watched Cristian slept; “So he doesn’t like me or the band just like his mother.” I looked at Ashley as she backed away a little, “I’m sorry Chris I didn’t mean it like that.” I shook my head as I heard Ricky sighed. I heard the bus door open and close; “She didn’t mean it.” I sighed, “Ricky everyone and I mean EVERYONE except you and the guys excluding Josh has been acting like I will go off on a rage. I just need time I told everyone on twitter, Instagram, Facebook, hell on stage the other day to just give me room and thinking time about talking about Layla.”

He nodded at me as he laid on the floor, “you know sometimes I think about her.” He said as I looked at him, “What’s your last happy memory of her?” I asked quietly as he looked at me on the verge of tears.


“There is so many but the last one I thought about was the time we all went to the zoo.” I heard him chuckled a little…


We were at the zoo a couple months before the twins were born; we split up so it Chris, Cristian, Layla and I, and Josh, Axe, Tyler and Aria. “The Monkey’s?” I asked as Layla made a face at me, “No, how about the wolves.” She said as Chris said, “No, no how about the penguins first?” We all looked at Cristian who just giggled and said, “mama!” “I win!” she squealed as Chris and I sighed, she picked up Cristian from the stroller as we went to the wolves, Cristian giggled as I smiled as I stuck my tongue out. He giggled again as I smiled at him. “Layla I wanna play tag.” I whined as she looked at me, “No Ricky! You will not play tag with Chris here.” I pouted at her as she gave me that motherly look like when my mom told me no. I sighed and stomped my foot. “Ricky Horror Olson do not make me spank you in front of everyone you may be my brother but I can defiantly take you on.” Chris just laughed at us as she put Cristian in the stroller as she took over in pushing it as I went over to Chris. “On one two three.” I said as we begun running. She looked at us as I shivered; “dude your wife is freaking scary as hell.” He laughed. “No just when she’s being motherly she is.”

“So when are you going to tell her about our short tour?” “I already did she is really depressed about it.” I sighed as I smiled, “Tag your it!” I said as I begun to run. He laughed as we saw Layla sitting there with Cristian as she kissed his nose we both walked over there. “hey.” We both said as she glared at us. “Don’t be like that we love you.” I said as she stood up and slapped us both on the back of he head, “I swear you two are just children.” Chris and I laughed as we continued walking around.

~end flashback~

Chris laughed, “I loved that day.” He said quietly as I chuckled, “what about you Chris.” He looked at me as he sighed, “Uhm the day we went to the beach with Cristian the first time.”



I woke to see Layla in her bikini I smiled at her as she looked at me, “what?” “Going to the beach are we?” she giggled at me, “Yeah we are.” I laughed as I got dressed. I went out to see Cristian in swimming trunks I smiled as I picked him up, “Did you put the Little Swimmers or whatever their called on?” I called, “Yeah I did it before I put his swimming trunks on.” “Okay.” She came into the living room as she said, “did you hear about the toddler who used baby cruisers? Or I think that’s what there called.” I shook my head, “The poor toddler got chemical burns.” I shook my head, “poor him/her and the parents.” She nodded. “Let’s go.” She said as we got Christian into his car seat as I picked it up as we went out to my car. “we have to get Jessica and Ricky.” She told me as I nodded driving to Ricky’s apartment. When we got there they both got in, I drove us to the beach as she got Cristian out she put sun block on him as she put some on herself as I kissed her before going out to the water she giggled at me as I watched her bring Cristian to the shallow water as she sat behind him holding him. Cristian was splashing water as I laughed a little as I went over there as Cristian giggled as I sat in part of the shallow water.

We both were just splashing water while Layla was just laughing at us as she took a picture, I sat next to her as she put on Instagram:

Layla Cerulli: my boys playing in the water together you have to love how cute this is!!! <3

I laughed as she smiled at me as she kissed me softly as Ricky came over and pushed me as Layla started laughing as Cristian just started kicking water at Ricky who was splashing water. Layla and I looked at one another as we laughed as I joined in and took another picture. “I love you guys.” She said as Jessica sat next to her, “We love you too,” Jessica said as Layla smiled, “You better I take care of your man child boyfriend.” Jessica just laughed. “I know and I take care of him when your not around.” Ricky pouted as we smiled at him making him smile, “it’s a good day.” She mumbled as she kissed Cristian and gave her heart melting smile at us.

=End of Flashback=

Ricky and I just smiled at one another, “There are so many memories funny ones, heart breaking, fighting, random, weird and just us talking.” I said as he nodded, “I just remember those times telling myself that Layla wanted always in the end wanted me to just get up on that stage and save as many fans as I could like we did with her and Axe.” I said as I wiped my tears away. He nodded, “Me too Chris, but only I just remember what she told me out of the blue before she got kidnapped.” I looked at him as him, and make damned sure he’s there for Cristian and his fans.” I nodded as the door opened and slammed shut making Cristian start crying. I got him from the play pen as I put his pacifier in as I lay on my side now putting him on the couch next to me. Josh came into view as we looked at him. “everything okay?” I asked as he nodded, “I didn’t think anyone was on the bus.” I nodded, “Cristian doesn’t like New Years Day.” He nodded. He sat in the living room with us as we just sat in silence. “I know I’ve been a pain in the as-butt but I’m sorry.” I shook my head. “It’s okay Josh.” He looked at me as I smiled at him.

It’s a couple hours before we have to get ready so I went into my room I called Lala as she ran in, I got into bed with Cristian using my arm for a pillow lala jumped on as we all fell asleep.

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