Chapter 19

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(A/N: Sorry it's short guys!!!)


Gage and I were getting ready at my house since we leave today; I already showered and was in my boxers and Gage was in the shower. I changed into my Anthem Made White Tank top with the purple logo in the middle, I decided I would wear my Super Skinny black jeans. I got my socks and my all black Converse All Stars on. I looked for my Batman logo wallet as I found it in a pile of the clothes I was bringing. I hooked my chain to it as I than put my belt on. When Gage came out in just a towel around his waist I just smiled at him as he smiled back. I kissed him softly before I went into the bathroom. I put my Black and Red lip rings in and eyeliner...and again don't judge...

I started shoving stuff into my Nightmare Before Christmas Bag as I looked around for my phone. "Have you seen my phone?" I asked Gage as I looked at him. He had his Black Speck Super skinny jeans in and his Joker All Star Converse on. "On the bed...well that's at least where I saw it last." I nodded as I went over to the bed to see my Aunt Jessica texted me. "The Cab will be here soon." He nodded as he got his belt on. I put my Authentic Playboy Ibiza Cologne on as I put it in my bag. I went to my closet as I put my Guys Sleep Forever Hoodie on as I left it unzipped. I put my IPhone in my pocket as I went into the bathroom to see Gage teasing his hair. I smiled as I turned on my hair straightener. "Are you sure you want to tell them?" Gage asked as I nodded. "If I get kicked out think your parents will care if I stay." He just shrugged, "probably since my mom is pregnant." I nodded.

I straightened my hair as Gage left as he had his eyeliner in his hand. I laughed, "Getting pretty?" he smiled, "Just for you." I smiled. "Always for me." I said as he smiled. "You get pretty for me all the time." He said as I nodded, "True enough." He kissed me as I smiled. I finished straightening my hair as I turned it off to let it cool I put my bottle of hairspray in my bag. Your probably wondering why I'm telling everyone, because I thought it'll get off my chest and so Aunt Axelia will stop asking questions. ...Hopefully.... I looked at Gage smiling as I saw he was wearing a Falling In Reverse Tee and also his Authentic Playboy London Cologne.

I heard the door open as I shut the bathroom door as I got Gages All Rise Anthem Made hoodie. I opened the door a little as I handed him the hoodie he thanked me as I headed downstairs to see Aria, Nick, Tyler (Jr.), Ben, Craig, and James. "Hey guys." I said as they nodded. "Aunt Jessica said that the Cab will come here since Tyler nor I want to be with mom in a cab." "She giving you guys a hard time too?" They both nodded as I nodded; "Let me go get Gage and our stuff." They nodded as I went upstairs as I closed my door I saw Gage without his hood on. "They here?" I nodded as he rolled his eyes. I laughed at that as I hugged him kissing his cheek. He laughed as I got my bag and he got his as we headed downstairs.

"The Cab is here." I nodded as I set the alarm locked the door and headed out; we all fit into one cab somehow. When we got to the airport we piled out as went in with our bags we got our bags checked in or whatever as we had to go through security I had to take everything metal off including my lip rings and our shoes. When we got cleared we got everything back on and headed to the plane I was sitting next to Gage and Aunt Jessica. The thing is Aunt Jessica guessed that we were together and Gage just nodded at her. I think Aunt Jessica see's that Gage is fucking perfect for me; we found our seats as Gage and I were texting each other cute things. I turned off my phone when time came to as did everyone. I leaned my head against the chair as I knew this was going to be a long ride.

-Skipping boring plane ride and car ride-

When we got to the bus Gage and I were the first one's on as I walked on to see my dad making out with Ashley Costello. "DAD!" I yelled as he jumped up and looked at me. He was speechless as I just shook my head. "I-" Ashley said as I cut her off by putting my hand up. "Save it. I don't care." I said as I went into the back room as I put my shit on the couch. Gage touched my shoulder as I looked at him. I took a deep breathe in as I sat on the couch. "Let's do this now." Gage said as I nodded. "Uhm can everyone go into the living room;" I said really quietly. Everyone went into the living room as I took a breath in then let it out. "I have something to tell all of you." I said quietly as Aunt Jessica came over as put her hand on my shoulder and Gage just smiled at me. "I'm gay and dating Gage." "WHAT!!" I heard Aunt Axelia scream as I flinched.

Dad just sat there and looked from me to Gage who was now holding my hand. "Uhm Since we are sharing secrets..." Aria said as she looked at me I just gave her a smile as she gulped and looked at everyone.

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