Chapter 21

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After we went to Hot Topic Aria started to get suspicious of Tyler Jr. "Leave it alone Aria and don't even think about going through his stuff." She looked at me than looked away. When we got back to the hotel we all went our separate ways and got ready; we went into our room as I put my hands on Gage's hips as he smiled at me; he put his hood down as he kissed me. I smiled in the kiss as he put his hands on my cheeks. After a couple minutes we heard a knock on our door, I pulled back. "Yeah?" "We are almost ready to go!" Craig yelled as I sighed, "Alright! We're coming!!" Gage said as I pulled his hood on and kissed him one last time before going into the bathroom. I went to the bathroom as I flushed and washed my hands; I walked out as I took Gage's hand as he put up his hood and we headed out. We walked out of our hotel to see everyone waiting.

"Let's go, Tyler Jr., Balz and a couple others will meet us at the Venue." We all nodded as we headed to the Venue as we got there we as Gage and I started talking to the Fans. When Dad got on stage Gage and I went back stage and Rocked out with everyone Craig, Ben, Nick, Gage, Tyler (Jr.), James, Aria along with the fans who got back stage. Gage grabbed my hand as I looked at him and smiled we rocked out some more as the concert was over I saw Ty Zoned out I worry about him I mean he's my cousin he's been acting weird lately but haven't we all. When dad came off the stage he kissed Ashley as he came over to me and hugged me. "Love you Cristian." "Love you too dad." I told him as he went over to the meet and greet table as Gage and I went onto the bus as we went into the back room. I closed the door as he smiled at me. "What did your dad tell you the other day?" he asked as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"He gave me the sex talk..." I looked at Gage as he just looked at me before we busted out laughing. I looked out the window to see Tyler talking to a girl, I nudged Gage's shoulder as I pointed to my cousin. "Awe, they would look so cute together." "Agreed." I closed the curtains as Gage looked at me as I smiled. I got out my phone as I took a picture of Gage and I kissing. I smiled, as I set it as my background on my phone. He took a picture of us with my head on his shoulder and his head on mine; With his hood down of course!!! When we heard footsteps Gage put up his hood as I put my head in his lap. When the back door opened as we saw Nick. "When we get back we get to show Motionless what we got." Gage nodded as Aria pulled Nick back to her as she giggled. "Do you wanna go out?" I asked as he looked at me confused. "On a date." He smiled, "Yes let's go." I laughed. "Aria if anyone asks were we are just tells them to text me."

"Okay!!" she giggled as I shook my head; we walked for a while until we found a place called The Capital Grille. We went in as we were seated, we got some water as we agreed on getting Lobster and Crab Cakes for appetizers as our waitress winked at me as I shook my head. "Think I should let her flirt than kiss you before we leave?" "That is so mean but I like it." I laughed as I smiled. We talked about random things for a while before we got our appetizers. "Can I take your order?" She giggled and smiled at me, "Can I get the Dry Aged Sirloin Steak? With Lobster Mac 'N' Cheese." I asked as she giggled and wrote it down, "and for you?" She said slightly more of a 'I hate your with him' voice. "Dry Aged Stake au Poivre with Courvoisier Cream." She nodded as she left. "She does not like you at all." Gage chuckled. "Oh well "she's going to hate me even more when you kiss me." I smiled and shrugged.

We ate the appetizers as we waited for our food, I saw a girl who was just staring at me. "This is getting really creepy." I whispered as Gage looked at me confused. "Why." I nodded at the girl who was staring at me. He looked at her as she looked away; "That is really creepy..." I nodded as our food came we ate but couldn't finish it as we put them in boxes as we shared the bill and as I kissed Gage I could hear our waitress curse at herself. I chuckled softly as we headed out. "So why do you think that girl was staring at you?" Gage said as I shrugged, "Stalker maybe?" I asked as he shrugged. "who knows. Right now I just want to go to the hotel and relax." Gage said, "Amen babe amen." He laughed, "Hot tube?" I nodded as we got to the hotel as I opened the door to see the girl Gage saw her too as we went back out and went over to her.

"Why are you stalking me?" I asked as she looked behind me, "Hey Gage, hey Cristian!" I looked back to see Tyler. "Hey Ty what's up?" "Nothing whose this?" "Some one whose stalking me." He gave her a nasty looked as she looked away. "I'm not stalking you just following you." "That's called Stalking." Ty said as we nodded. She got upset as she left, I shook my head, "What are you doing tonight?" Ty asked me, "Gage and I are hitting up the Hot Tube why?" He shrugged, "Could you guys help me pick out something first?" "For?" He blushed a little. "I'm meeting a girl I met today." Gage and I smiled at one another as we followed Ty to his room. "Whatever it is you're doing Illigal or not you better hide it good. Aria is getting suspisous." He nodded. "Thanks for the tip." I nodded as we went into his room as we saw Aria and Nick sitting on the couch watching TV.

I shook my head as she looked at me, "I'll be right in." I told them as I went over to her. "You have better not be looking in his things Aria that's an invasion of privacy." She nodded as she didn't look at me. I went in to Tyler's room as Gage already picked out a pair of Skinnies as I saw a shirt that I loved. "Here were this." I said as Tyler nodded, We picked out a couple other things. "Were are you going after this?" Ty asked, "Back to Texas with Gage why? Just wished you where back at school you know?" I nodded, "I'll be back before you know it." He laughed, "sure cousin." I smiled as we headed out. We got to our hotel room as we got changed into our swimming trunks. "You don't mind being hoodie less?" He sighed, "I think it's time for people to see my face." I looked at him. "Are you sure?" He gulped and shook his head. "Do it when your" I said as I put my Beanie on him and bandana over his nose so it covered his face. "Thanks babe." I chuckled.

"It's not a problem sexy." He smiled as we headed downstairs to the hot tube. "I hope she doesn't follow us to texas." I mumbled as he laughed. "So what's going to happen when your dad finds out." He shrugged at me. "Let's hope no one tells him...but if we talk to your dad..." he said quietly as I smiled, "We can after this." I said as he smiled. We relaxed in the hot tube; when we got out we went to our hotel room took showers and got into pajama's I kissed Gage softly as he smiled and I put up his hood. We went to dad's hotel room as I knocked. "Hey guys." "We need to talk dad." He looked at me a bit confused. "What happen?" "Well we were thinking about telling Gage's dad but he'll get kicked out if he does...We were wondering if he could move in with us if he does." Dad smiled, "I don't mind; but we'll figure everything else out when the time comes." He said as Gage hugged my dad whispering thank you over and over again.

Dad laughed as Gage let go as dad smiled, "You got a good man Cristian." I smiled, "I know dad I'm lucky to have him." Dad just smiled as we went back to our hotel room as went to bed I heard Gage Whisper "Je t'aime (I love you)." I smiled as I said; "je t'aime trop(I love you too)" When we woke we went out play video games for a while. We finally got dressed why James told us we had to go out for the Band Breakfast, we nodded as we went into our room and got dressed I put on my Tripp Black Straight Jacket; along with my Royal Bones Black and White Pinstripe Zipper skinnies. I couldn't get the zipper as Gage laughed at me as he zipped the back of my shirt. "You could have asked you know." I stuck my tongue out as he laughed some more as I smiled. I put my Playboy Cologne on and my converse. I love Gage's shirt it had Cookie Monster on it as it said ' Today me live in the moment unless it's unpleasant In which case me will eat a cookie' I smiled as we where wearing the same style pants but the zippers were in different places.

I gave him a quick kiss as I did my eyeliner and used a bit of Gage's concealer. When I was done Gage went in and did his thing. We went to Tyler, Aria and Nick's room to hear everyone yelling. When I knocked on the door the yelling stopped...I wonder what happen....

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