Chapter 16

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A/N: Okay if you guys are getting really really confused than please go read @I_am_Souless sequel of the books because her book and mine are going off one anothers chapters. Alright I will let you read now :3


After Aria came and explained everything Myca, Danny and Aria let me have some time to talk to my mom. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?" I asked as she sighed, "Because I thought you and your dad would move on." I shrugged, "Dad, and I just are stuck probably me more than him because I can remember all this stuff when I was started high school all these things just hit me all at once. Dad is now usually always gone he never wants to be around me because I'm a freak." Mom sighed at me. "Cristian Clifton Cerulli you are not a freak. I know everything has been so hard for you without me there but you are my baby boy my only baby and I love you. I'm just sorry that I forced Chris to go out with the guys." I hugged her as I teared up, Sometime when I touch people I can see their past...I never told anyone this ever. I pulled out of the hug as mom wiped my tears. "Does my mom come around?" I shook my head. "No she doesn't really like dad and I anymore she blames dad and I for your death."

Mom shook her head as I sighed, "I don't want to tell dad about you." I said softly as she looked at me. "Why?" "because I feel like he has already moved on. Oh and Kuza says I look like you." She laughed, "He would say that." I just smiled. "I want to show you something." I said as I ran to my room getting my sketchbook running back as she looked at me as I turned to the page where I drew mom and axe when they were little. "How did you?" she asked as I looked at her, "When Aunt Axelia touched my shoulder the other day while I was at your grave." She nodded, "It's beautiful." She said as she just flipped through it. She kissed my head. "I have to go Aria needs her energy but remember Cristian I love you." I smiled. "I love you too mom." She smiled as she went back to her other invisible to the eye self. I just looked at my sketchbook on the floor.

-a couple days later-

Aria and I are back at home her friend(s) picked us up I was wearing my 'She's A Fucking Witch' MIW shirt, with my Tripp Red & Black Split Leg Grommet Stud Pants, and my Demonia Steam- 12 Black Steampunk Leather Combat Boots. I had my bags with me as I just had my headphone plugged into my IPhone 5S as I listened to Full Frontal as I drew Aria in her Wicca robes. I was still drawing when I felt someone touch my shoulder I jumped as Aria looked at me. "I told you not to touch him." Aria said as I just sighed, "Sorry what?" I asked as Aria looked at me again, "we are almost to the house and the guys want to play the guessing child game with you." I nodded as I signed my drawing as I took it out of my sketchbook and gave it to Aria. "So are you parents still together?" I just stayed silent, "In a sense yeah." Aria just gasped as everyone looked at her as she looked at me. "But you've never seen me in my Wicca robes. "I uhm.." I just looked down as she looked at me, "You can tell all of us. I told them about me." I nodded, "When I touch or people touch me some times I can see into their past it's just happened when I hit high school it's why I hate people touching me an di don't touch people."

Aria nodded as everyone looked at me, "Are you Ricky's son?" I looked at Aria as her and I bursted out laughed. "no, but he is a dad to me in a sense." "Does your dad have long hair?" one of them said hyperly as I face palmed. "Did you know your shirt can be offensive?" The driver said as I got super quiet as I put my headphones back in. I saw Aria glare at him and talk to him softly but I can tell she was pissed off by the way her eyes get they change color sometimes Aunt Axelia does too but again I'm the only one who notice's the small details." Aria touched me as I just zoned out into one of her memories.

~Cristian watching Aria's memory~

"Daddy!!!" she squealed as Josh came in, "What sweetie?" "Can we go see Auntie?" "Which one?" "Layla!" she giggled, he looked at her stern. "Honey we can go just don't tell mommy." She nodded as she got her shoes on. I saw josh walk over to her grabbing her hand. When he drove them to the cemetery I saw my dad as Aria squealed. "Uncle Chris!" dad turned to looked at her, "Hey Aria." "Hey Josh." "where's Cristian?" She asked softly as dad said, "with Ricky, Ricky is taking Cristian to the park today with Tyler Jr." Josh nodded.

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