Chapter 37

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_couple days later_

"Well I better tell you all this," I said as they looked at everyone, "Gage and I broke up and he doesn't want anything to do with Amira or I anymore and also I found out that I have a tumor in my Brian that I'll. need surgery for soon so it doesn't grow I to other parts on my brain." I looked at my dad who was skyping me. He looked like he was going to cry. I looked at the other computer with Ty jr. N Brianna. "We'll be there when you wake up." My dad said a bit horsely.

I nodded as I called Aria and left her a voicemail, I sighed as I knew we were pushing one Another away. I rubbed my head as I looked Amira she giggled at me As I smiled, I know she's going to be the little sunshine in my world of darkness. I know dad is hiding something from me by the way he acted when I called him. Amira started to cry as I got her I went over to make a bottle as Aunt Myca handed me one. I gave her a small smile as I went into my room and fed her the bottle I turned on. Paranorman as she looked at my tv and started to watch it. I chuckled at her all As I kissed her head. When she fell asleep I put her in her crib and turned the baby monitor.

My phone vibrated as I looked to see an unknown number I looked at the text as it was some guy named Seth I asked him how he got my number and all he said was Aria. Figures. What startled me was his next text.

Seth: I know I may not know you or even met you in person. But your my idol; you've been through so much and still standing strong as ever. If I meet you all I would say is thank you. Thank you for teaching me that no matter what you've been through you've always gotten back on you're feet and didn't give up.

I didn't know what to say back to him I just sighed putting my phone up as I looked up to see Uncle Danny. "Myca and I will watch little Amira, you need to get going." I nodded as I went into my room as I kissed Amira's head and got my keys.

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