Chapter 26

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Gage went to spend more time with his family so he left leaving me alone in dad's house, I grabbed the picture off the nightstand. It was mom and dad's very first picture together...I outlined mom with my finger as I felt like crying so bad. I heard the front door open as I put the picture down as I went downstairs I didn't know this guy...who is he? "Who are you?" I asked as he smiled evily. "I'm sure your father told me about me?" "No...oh shit..." I said as I ran up to my room I locked it as I called dad. "Cristian I'm about to go on stage." "DAD HE'S HERE!!" I yelled as my door was now broken down. "DAD!!!" I screamed as I was getting dragged out of my room...


"NO this can't be happening again!" I screamed as everyone looked at me. "What's going on Chris?" "Charles Layla and Axelia's dad...he took Cristian. That bastered new that Cristian was home alone...he's been watching the house...I have to go home." I said as I heard on the phone. "Don't think you'll be able to find your son so fast Christopher." Layla and Axelia's dad laughed. As I looked at everyone "I have to go home..." I said sobbing. "What's going on?" Ashley asked. "The man who killed my Layla has Cristian." I said as she nodded. "I'll tell the bust driver." I nodded as Josh was one the phone. "Damn it AXE LISTEN!" he yelled as we all looked at him as we all got quiet. He put it on the speaker. "What is going on Josh you never yell at me!" she said as I sniffled. "Your dad's got Cristian." There was silence. "He should be out of prison yet." "well he talked to me telling me I won't be able to find Cristian as easy as we found Layla. We heard her start to cry, "I'll get Tyler and Aria." She ssaid as she hung up. "Why now?" I asked as they all sighed. "because he knows that if Cristian is gone you'll be alone." "He won't be I'll be here every step of the way." Ashley said as I gave her a sad smile.

I called Gage, "Hello?" "Gage are you at the house?" "No I haven't been there since something wrong? IS Cristian okay?" "No he got kidnapped by the same man that killed my wife." I said softly as I heard him start to cry. "I'll try and be home soon Gage." "Okay." He said softly as he hung up. "He didn't take it very well?" "Not at all." I said as I everyone was on the phone except Ashley she came over to me as she sat next to me and held my hand. "we will find him Chris." I nodded. "It's just the matter of will we find him on time." I said as she nodded. "Josh did you call Tyler Jr yet?" "No..." "I'll do it." He nodded as I called Tyler Jr. "Hey uncle Chris." "Tyler." I said as my voice broke. "Uncle Chris is everything okay?" He sounded worried. "You know about your grandparents from your mom's side." "Yeah grandpa is in Jail and Grandma moved to Florida." "Yeah well he got out of jail and took Cristian." "WHAT!!" he yelled in rage. "Ty settle down we are on our way home your mom sister and uncle are getting together with the other Wicca's. "Okay..." "You don't have to come I repsect that your girlfriend doesn't like it here none of us do expecally me." I said as tears slid down my cheeks. "I'll come Uncle Chris. I'll tell Uncle Ronnie about it." "Thanks Ty." "No problem I love you uncle Chris." "I love you too Tyler stay safe." "You too."

I hung up, "How'd he take it?" "He's in a rage about it." He nodded. "Cristian and him are extremely close." I nodded. "They always have been they are closer than Aria and Tyler." Josh nodded as I went to my bunk and prayed that Cristian was alright till I passed out.


I was duck taped, my mouth, my hands are taped together, my legs taped together. "Your mother was a bitch just like her damn twin sister." I didn't say anything as we came to this old abandoned house. He laughed. "I'm surprised this shit hole is still up!!" he laughed as he got me out of the truck as he dragged me into the house I could smell the mold, and the food that was molding I gaged as he brought me down into the basement. "See that blood stain?" I just nodded. "That's where the bitch died." He snarled as the tears just kept rolling down my face. He put me in the spot where I could see the blood stained on the cement.

-Flashback to Layla's memories that Cristian has-


I felt dead, my body was bleeding all over the floor, I couldn't move I just felt myself fading as I heard a voice, "Tyler I don't see her anywhere!" he sighed, "I can still feel her Derek she's alive!" I heard the steps come closer into were ever I was I hide behind a desk as the came in I quietly breathed in as my heart felt like it was going to stop. I choked on blood that I started coughing up and I collapsed on the floor.

-end partial flashback-

I couldn't help but cry this is my mother, she was down here she endured so much god If I am going to die please just let my dad and everyone know I love them....


"Willem stop running around the house!" I yelled as he stopped as my phone began to Ring Myca looked like she's been crying as I picked up my phone. "Hello?" "Hey Danny." Chris said with his voice cracked really bad. "What's going on?" "He's back." is all he whispered as I knew right away. "He got Cristian." I said as Chris started sobbing. "I'm so sorry Chris I'll get the rest of us ready and we'll meet you at your house." "Thanks." "Not a problem." I said as I hung up and mass texted the guys to bring there girls for a meeting. I hugged Myca, "Will your mom is coming." "Otay!" he said cutely as Myca just kept crying. We didn't do anything besides hug. When everyone was here they looked at us. "Did someone die?" "No but Cristian's mom's dad kidnapped him and we are worried that he's going to kill Cristian like he did with Layla." "This can't happen again." Samantha said as she started sobbing.

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Hey everyone I thought that I would cause chaos by bringing Charles (The guy who kidnapped Layla in the first story (her and Axelia's dad)) and I am so sorry for this

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P.S. SORRY FOR THE CHAOS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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