Chap. 45

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I looked at Cristian who let his new boyfriend Seth hold Amira. I smiled to myself as I noticed his tattoo. I got sad as I read it. He got that for me... I watched as Aria and Nick came back happy as could be. I decided to meditate.


I looked at Aria and Nick and shook my head and sighed. "Don't trust it?" I shrugged "she's my family but he is the lead singer of the band I don't want the. To break up...again. And have this all over again." Seth nodded as he kissed Amira's cheek. I smiled as Nick came up to me. "Can we talk?" I nodded as Seth kissed my cheek as he put Amira in her crib.

When Seth shut the door behind him as I looked at Nick. "Look I know how you feel about-" "you have no idea how I feel Nick and as a friend I have to say this I won't be there every time she hurts you." I pick up Amira putting her in her car seat I buckled her in and left. Aria was going to say something as I pushed her out of my way.

I buckled Amira in the car as I got in and saw Seth in the back seat n mom in the passenger seat. I speed out of the drive way as Amira giggled. "She loves it when you speed." Mom said as I nodded. "It always makes her giggle." I said as Seth chuckled. I smiled as I stopped at Burger King, mom looked excited. "I haven't had BK in years!! Not since I had you." I chuckled as I saw dad. "Well it looks like it's about to get cut short." She huffed. "Not till I get my food." I smiled as Seth got Amira I smiled at him as I held his hand. Mom got her food as they left as dad was talking to her quietly as she was getting mad.

I looked at Seth as he smiled at me.

I smiled back as he gave a bottle to my daughter.

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Hey guys sorry it's so short I'm in need of ideas. If y'all got some please comment.

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