Chapter 3

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I woke I didn’t have a nightmare this time…I wonder why? I saw Cristian was rolling around him my arms as I chuckled at him as I got him changed as Ricky yelled, “Dress him warm it’s a little cold.” I changed his diaper before I changed him into his Security onsie, ninja turtle shirt, dark faded jeans, and his shoes. I got him into his Ninja turtle hoodie it was a little too but that’s okay. I put his pacifier in as I changed into skinnies and a shirt. “GUESS WHAT DAY IT IS!” Ricky yelled as Cristian just giggled at him. “Halloween?” he nodded and smiled. “We need to get Cristian an outfit we are in Denver Colorado already.” I chuckled, “let’s eat breakfast first.” He nodded as Ryan, Allie, Ricky and I got into the car, I got Cristian into his car seat as I buckled him in. I put his pacifier in as he giggled; When we got to Ihop as we got out and I got Cristian, I held both his hands as he walked (with my help of course).  Ricky chuckled at us as he held the door open when we got inside I picked Cristian up as his pacifier fell Ricky picked it up.

“Thanks Rick.” He smiled hugely at me, “I haven’t heard you call me that in a while.” I laughed, “I just feel better today, I didn’t have a nightmare last night.” He smiled as we got seated I set Cristian on my lap. As Cristian started clapping Allie Ryan and Ricky chuckled as I clapped with him making him giggle more; I smiled as kissed his head we ordered drinks I asked for a tiny bit of orange juice. “Can he have juice?” I nodded, “only a tiny bit though.” They all nodded as they came back I let Cristian drink a little as Ricky handed me the bottle of milk that he brought along. “I didn’t think of bringing one.” He laughed, “I know that’s why I brought it.” I chuckled as our food came I cut it up for Cristian as he ate I watched him so he didn’t choke. I ate too after we finished Allie insisted on paying for everyone so we let her as we got into the car I buckled Cristian in as he grabbed my finger making me smile. We went to Wal*Mart as Cristian and I got out with everyone as I put him on my hip as we looked around for a while as we got him a Skeleton Romper costume. I smiled as I bought it as everyone else checked out too.

We got back to the bus around 3pm as I didn’t realize it was that late, “Let’s get ready.” Ricky said to Ryan and I we nodded as I handed Cristian to Allie he giggled and said, “Li!” he squealed as we all chuckled as I went to get ready. When I was done I went back in as Cristian was crying, “What happen?” I asked as Allie looked at me, “I don’t know he just started crying and I don’t know what to do I mean I tried rocking him I changed his diaper I gave him milk and I don’t know.” She said as I nodded as I picked him up he looked at me as I kissed his cheek as I got his pacifier as I put in his mouth as he quieted down as he fell asleep. “Where was his pacifier I looked everyone.” “Except his playpen.” I chuckled as she sighed and nodded I handed her, her glasses as she took them. “Thanks.” I nodded as I went out to the Stage as I quickly did sound check as our manager came up, “We have a LOT of things for Cristian now.” I looked at him confused, “We had whoever bought him toys, diaper’s, clothes, and stuff and we have about three big box’s full.” I shook my head as I went over to the Merch Stand.

I saw three box’s over flowing as I shook my head and smiled, “You’re popular Cris.” I whispered as I went back to the bus as everyone looked at me as I smiled at them as Josh said, “what’s up with you?” I shook my head, “I just didn’t have a nightmare last night for the first time in a year.” They nodded, “That and it’s the first time I’m bringing Cristian out to go trick or treating.” They chuckled as time went by it was about 6pm before we went on. I handed Cris to Allie, “I’m going to fed him and get his costume on.” I nodded as I kissed Cristian’s head as I ran onto the stage. Once the concert was over I went to the bus quickly as Cristian looked at me; “Dada!” he said as I smiled, “Hey Cris!” he giggled as I picked him up, “Looking good in that costume.” He hugged me as I went back outside as I got Cristian’s strolled in the car for later, along with his other stuff. When I got to the table I saw some really impatient fans as they looked at me I just smiled as sat down putting Cris on my lap.

We signed things for about an hour before Allie, Ryan, Ricky with Cristian and I got in the car as we went to a nice neighborhood as we got out I helped Cris walk to his first house. A woman looked at us as I said, “Trick or treat.” Making Cristian giggle, I picked him up as she put candy in his bucket. “Shouldn’t his mother be here too.” That made me sigh, “His mother died last year.” Is all I said before I walked away. “What’s wrong?” Ryan asked me, “Judgementel people.” I said as we walked to the next house about an hour in I had to get the stroller. I put him in the stroller as we continued as Ricky and I were goofing around, he got candy too as I laughed. “hey I can get candy too!” I stifled a laugh. “Right Ricky.” He stuck his tongue out at me as I asked,  “were the hell did Allie and Ryan go?” “To dinner.” I chuckled, “where is the next place?” “I have no idea but I do know that we are meeting Asking Alexandria in Texas, All Time Low in Baltimore, Falling In Reverse in Los Vegas, and a couple other bands.” I nodded, “We are trying to just get with all our friends again basically?” he nodded, “They wanted to see us and Cristian again.” I nodded, “Understandable.”

Is all I said as I stopped the stroller to see Cristian was asleep, “wanna call Allie or Ryan? Cristian fell asleep.” He nodded as I got Cris out of the stroller he fussed a little, “I know, but you have to eat and take a bath when we get back.” I said as Cristian looked at me as he kissed me. I laughed a little as Cristian giggled as he laid his head on my shoulder again and fell asleep. “So what was your dream about last night?” Ricky asked as I looked at him. “It was strange; it was Layla telling me to try and be happy again and take one step at a time.” Ricky nodded, and smiled at me. “I’m glad one of us could talk sense into you.” I laughed. As Allie and Ryan pulled up I handed Cristian to Ricky who fussed but looked at Ricky, “ICKY!” Cristian squealed. We laughed as I broke down the stroller and put it into the trunk of the car; once I got into the car Cristian was wide awake. I chuckled as Ricky sat by Cristian this time as he stuck his tongue out I laughed as I looked out the window, it just started down pouring as I sighed. Ryan parked the car as we got out, I got Cristian as I put his blanket over him so he didn’t get wet. Ryan and Ricky hooked up the car as I got onto the bus.

“Guys did you make something or did you order food.” “Ordered tonight.” I nodded as I went into the kitchen to find something for Cristian to eat. Everyone thinks that it’s weird not to give my son fast food but I don’t want him to eat fast food till at least 3or 4; If you think that’s weird I’ll let you think what ever you want. I put Cristian in his Playpen as I cooked some food for him. When it was done I let it cool off for a while as Ricky got Cristian for me. “Thanks.” I said as I sat at the table as I fed Cristian as he was done I gave him a bath he splashed water everywhere he loves the water. I changed him into pajama’s as I brought him into the living room with me after I changed into Basketball shorts as I went into the living room as everyone was looking at me. “what?” they all chuckled, “You and your ways..” I shrugged, “but you have to understand my ways though, I’m not going to be one of those parents that just let their kids eat whatever they want.” They nodded as I was texting Kuza and a couple others for a while as I watched Cristian crawl all over the place.

I smiled as I scooped him up making him giggle, “Dada!” he giggled more as I smiled I took a picture of Him and I putting it on Instagram my twitter, and Tumblr. I watched the fans just go crazy on the picture I shook my head as I got one of the two octopous that had a moustache as I handed it to Cristian as he leaned his head against the arm of the couch, I grabbed his pillow from his playpen as I put it under his head as Ricky handed me his pacifier. “Thanks.” I mumbled as I put it in Cristian’s mouth as he played with his toy and I smiled at him as he was about to fall asleep. “Alright guys I’m going to go to bed.” They nodded as I gave one more goodnight to them as I laid Cristian on the bed next to me, he grabbed my finger as he fell asleep as he just held onto it as I put my hand on his tummy as I just smiled at him. He’s my baby boy and I love him to death this will be our new start, I hope you watching us Layla…  

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