Chapter 8

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I was shaken awake by Josh, “Time to get ready.” I nodded as Jessica came in…Jessica what the hell is she doing here. Cristian was wide awake as I kissed his cheek making him giggle. I picked him up as Jessica smiled at me, “I’m taking over for Allie, she went home today.” I nodded as Cristian said, “Essa!! Essa!” We both laughed as Cristian reached his arms out for her. She got him from me as I got ready, “You know your boyfriend is like my girlfriend!” I yelled at her as she started laughing, “Only when I’m not here, I can share him!” she called back as I laughed as I started to get ready.

 Ricky came in as he smiled, at me; “So I heard I’m your girlfriend when Jessica isn’t here.” “Mhm.” I said as he laughed, “YAY!! That means I can keep playing mommy!” he said randomly like a little kids as everyone laughed at him. “Ricky if Jessica n’ you have a kids I swear you would have your kids confused on whose mommy and whose daddy.” Jessica came in as Cristian put his hand in the paint as he put his hand on Jessica’s face. She didn’t even freak out this time; “I’m proud of you.” Ricky said as Jessica laughed, “I just learned to take it.” She said as she handed Cristian to Ricky as Cristian put his hands in my paint again as he put both his hands on Ricky’s on Ricky’s cheeks as Cristian giggled.

“Everyone’s getting paint on from Cristian!” Ricky yelled as some of the guys groaned, “Get in line!” I said as they all lined up, Balz got handprints on his mouth and forehead, Ghost on his nose and cheek. Brandon on his forehead and arm and Ryan two on his forehead. I got one on my cheek and one on my hand. I smiled as I washed the paint off his hands as I said, “Now everyone can put a Finger tip of pain on Cristian since he seems to want to be like us.” Ricky laughed as he put war paint on Cristian’s arms. “Since Mother Ricky can’t follow the rules he gets to bathe Cristian.” Jessica shook her head at us as we laughed. The rest of the guys just put random paint on Cristian as we laughed as I handed Jessica our manager my phone as he took a picture of us. I put it on twitter;

Chris Motionless (@ChrisMotionless): Today Cristian got into my paint and this is the outcome we got him back too :D

After I posted that the fans went crazy as we went out to the stage as New Years Day finished as the fans chanted the band’s name. I handed Cristian to Jessica. I kissed Cristian on the head as we went out and rocked the stage. When it ended I said, “I want you all to be a little quieter as I bring someone special out to the stage tonight.” I went back to get Cristian as he giggled at me. I went back out as I said, “Cristian is just like us tonight!” I said as the girls awed, as Ricky came by Cristian and I as he gave him a peach ring. Cristian ate it happily as I chuckled. “Ricky I told you not to do that!” I playfully slapped him as the fans laughed. As Cristian looked at me as I smiled, “Dada!” he said making the crowd awe. I laughed, “Alright, see you at the tables!!” I yelled as we went off stage as we went to the tables.

Cristian has his own marker this time as I laughed, Cristian tilted his head back as I kissed his nose; “Now it your turn to sign instead of daddy.” He giggled at me. We signed stuff including Cristian to those who wanted it and almost everyone did. We got on the bus as I put Cristian on the floor as I watched him crawl all over, I sighed “Okay let’s teach you how to talk more.” I smiled at him as I said, “Let’s teach you Ricky’s name.” I said making him giggle, “Ri” I said as Cristian said, “Icky!” I laughed, “No silly Ri-cky.” I said as he looked at me. After about two hours he said, “Ricky!” Ricky cheered as I smiled, “Good job!” I handed him a Peach Ring. He giggled as I said, “Okay let’s get dinner.” He squealed as I got his coat on and we got into the car. We went to the Olive Garden, as we got out I got Cristian out of his car seat as we went inside, “Table for Motionless In White?” Josh said, “Right this way.” The waitress said as we went to the back ‘Family Room’ we ordered drinks as I smiled as Ricky Ordered Wings.

When the wings came I watched Cristian eat one as my phone buzzed, I looked to see I was mentioned in a tweet, I shrugged and checked it.

Danny Worsnop (@thedannyworsnop): @ChrisMotionless Missing the little guy man!!! Hoping to see you guys again at Warped Tour!!

I chuckled as I shook my head as I locked my phone as I wiped Cristian’s face after he was done eating as I handed him my phone as he played with it for a little bit we ordered I put the milk in Cristian’s bottle as he looked at me as he put his hands out to me, I picked him up and out of his highchair as I put him on my lap as I gave him his bottle as he just slowly fell asleep. “I figured this was going to happen.” I chuckled as they laughed, I put the bottle on the little table on the highchair as I made it so his head was on my shoulder as he started to suck his thumb. I smiled a little as our food came we ate, I asked for a couple boxes as I put the rest of my food in one and all of Cristian’s in the other. Cristian fussed a little bit so I rubbed his back a little as he stopped as we all paid as we went back to the car as I carefully got in Ricky put the car seat in the trunk as I sat by the window were the car seat was. I just kept rubbing Cristian’s back as we got back to the bus, New Years Day had already left. We got everything packed as I Let Lala out.

She did her business as she came back inside as I put Cristian in his playpen to sleep a little more…It didn’t work he woke and started crying, I changed his diaper as I got his food as I sat at the table as I fed him get his food from the box. Once he ate I wiped his mouth as Ricky got him from me, Right after his bath the bus took off as Ricky handed him back to me as I got onto my bunk as he fell asleep as I picked up Lala as she looked at me she licked my face as I laughed a little, “Lala you better take care of my son when he gets older. I trust in you to protect him when I can’t.” Lala barked at me as she licked my face as I put her down she licked Cristian’s face before circling around as I closed the curtain I stayed up a little while more as we headed to Florida to meet up with Mariana’s Trench. I didn’t set up the schedule so don’t blame me for this. I kissed Cristian’s head, “I love you Cristian Clifton Cerulli” I said softly as Ricky said, “I love you tooo CCC!!!” I laughed, “No remember it’s CC Jr!!” he snorted as he said, “Fine be that way.” I chuckled, “I call him Cris.” The guys laughed, “How about Cristian.” Jessica said as we all snorted. “Little Cerulli” I said out of the blue as I looked down as Josh said, “It has my vote.”

We just laughed, “We all agree.” Jessica said as I laughed, “I bet that the first name he is going to say for Black Veil Brides is Andy!!” Ghost said, “or Ash since he has the shortest nick name.” we all laughed as I fell asleep with Cristian laying on my arm and Lala with her head on Cristian’s tummy.

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