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Saterday rolled around I was still with Aria when she told me she and Selena where going to a party I told her that she wasn't going to call me for a ride home. I don't like her drinking but she can do what she wants. After they left I decided that it was time for Amira and I to leave. I wrote Aria and Selena a note as I rolled my eyes I looked at Amira she was and is beautiful. I picked her up and out of the car seat as I changed her into the Anthem Made Onesie I bought her off the site, I put her little jeans on and a coat. I put her back in the car seat as I buckled her in and texted Gage that i'll meet him in Texas. yes i'm going back to Texas with Gage and Nick. I don't know why Nick was coming but it sounds like a good idea. I texted Ty jr. and Brianna for a while. I have gotten close to them they are my best friends and I hope they get married soon because they have been through a lot together.

I got the bags down stairs as I saw Aria. she looked at me confused. I new she was drunk she is drinking her feelings away. I sighed shaking my head at her as she looked hurt and confused. once the taxi came I got the bags in the trunk and got Amira into the cab.


I was at the house alone, because the kids where going to Texas for a while. I had to think of a way to tell Cristian that Ashley was having a baby.. I sighed as I went into Layla's room...which used to be our room. I picked up Layla and I's wedding photo that Cristian lives so much.


"Chris?" I heard as I looked up from the bed to see Layla as she smiled at me as she held Cristian. She handed him to me as I kissed his cheek and laid him on the bed with my arms wrapped Around him. "do you think my sister and Josh will be pissed that we are seeing one another a couple days before pur wedding?" I laughed. "she can deal she hasn't even got the bus yet." she smiled, "true all our dresses and tux's are in a van that she's driving." I chuckled as I kissed her softly. she smiled at me as she sighed.

"What's wrong?" "I'm just happy, excited, nervous." I smiled at her. "Layla calm down," I told her as she looked at me and smiled. "you always newbie to clam me down." I smiled at hers, "isn't that the reason your marrying me?" I said playfully as she giggled. I got Cristian as I put him on my chest as she laid next to me. I kissed her softly again as she just looked at me smiling.


End flashback


I put it down as I looked up to see Layla.

"Hello Chris" she said as I smiled, "hey Layla." she smiled at me. "I don't have much time so listen." I nodded. "i'm happy for you that you moved on, though I didn't like Ashley you seemed to click with her. Cristian still doesn't. Break the news to him easy though he may be pissed just let everything take it's course. I love you Christopher I always have and I always will." she said kissing my cheek softly before disappearing.

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