Chapter 51

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As was to be expected, setting the record straight with Sheila sounded a whole lot easier than it actually was, even though we had two strong vampires with super compulsion on our side. We decided to corner her after dinner on Sunday, since Simon had decided to stay in his dorm with his roommates. Even though they still wouldn't let me play because of my back wounds, they were knee-deep into a very intense Guitar Hero battle. Not even dinner was enough to draw them out. In fact, I suspected Simon and his friends had been living on nothing but coffee and chocolate all weekend. Oh, how I missed those day...

Long story short, when Sheila left the cafeteria with her bitchy friends, the four of us were already waiting for her right around the corner. When she saw us, she snarled. To my surprise, Amy seemed to have become a part of Sheila's posse. Even though her clothes were less slutty and she was wearing a pink hair tie, Amy still managed to fit right in with Destiny, Hope, and the other bimbos.

"Sheila," Eros started with an almost flirty smile. "Could we talk to you for a second?"

"No," was the immediate response.

"Homeboy here may have made it sound like a question," Ben chipped in, "but you'd be wise to regard it as a command."

"And why should I listen to anything you say?" Sheila bit out. "From what I hear, you're just as crazy as the rest of them. The four of you make a seriously dysfunctional family."

I decided to ignore the fact that – like anyone seemed to be doing this days – Sheila was calling my boyfriend my family. No matter how many bad things we'd both done in our lives, we'd never stoop so low as to date our own flesh and blood. The thought alone made my skin crawl.

Before any of us could reply to Sheila, Amy spoke up. Her voice was still as silken and sugary as I remembered. "Sheila, let them talk," she said to my utter shock. "You know they won't leave until they've said whatever's on their deluded minds. Besides..." Her gaze rested on my rainbow hairdo and she smirked. "Maybe you forgot, but I most certainly didn't... We've got some news to share with them as well, about her little... friend."

Amy's words made my skin crawl with fearful anticipation. When a psychopath who thinks you've robbed them of the love of their life tells you they've got news, it's probably wise to prepare for the worst. There was no way she wasn't going to pester me until I reached a breaking point.

"Thanks for the awesome shampoo, by the way," I told her with a nasty smile at Amy and Sheila. "Simon and Eros both love it."

My comment hit home right away. Both girls' faces screwed up with hatred. Amy opened her mouth, undoubtedly to taunt me some more, but it was Sheila who spoke first.

"Say what you came to say and then leave," she spat. "I'm sure we all have better things to do that yelling at each other all night long."

"Fine," Eros agreed, stepping up. "It seems our good friend Simon is quite obsessed with helping you out with the whole full moon thing, and we just wanted to-"

Sheila's face had turned almost purple. "I already told him that being powerful beyond measure isn't something I need any help with," she spat. "Sure, I'd love to change with my friends..." She gestured at Destiny and Hope. "...but I get that I'm a danger to them, because my wolf form is just so incredibly powerful and dangerous to anyone who comes near me during the change."

The fact that she was lying didn't surprise me, but the look in her eyes did. Her eyes crossed mine, almost pleading with me not to tell the truth in front of her so-called friends. Again, I felt like even Sheila deserved better friends than those bimbos. You should never make your friends feel like they needed to lie about themselves. Sheila's trouble with changing was horrible and quite concerning, but nothing she should be ashamed of.

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