Chapter 57

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Instead of just me, Simon and Eros heading down to Sheila's cell – it was called a holding facility, but anything with bars screams prison to me – with Ben to help us out, a lot more people joined us that night. It wasn't just Hammerhead either. Jillian Radecki from the United Board was present as well, along with her colleagues Bantam and Thorn.

"So, you can use compulsion too?" Jillian seemed surprised by the mere existence of Benjamin, which surprised me. With the amounts of mind control Benjamin had been using ever since he got his powers, surely his name was already known by anyone even remotely involved with KTS? Even if Jillian didn't work for KTS directly, but for the United Board, I still had a feeling she should have known.

Ben didn't seem fazed by having so many people following him down into the restricted and heavily guarded area of the school. None of us had ever been there before.

"No, I don't have any powers," Benjamin said with a teasing smile. "I have no idea why I'm here."

Jillian blinked in surprise for a moment before realizing he was having a go at her. She was not happy.

I let myself fall back a bit, wanting to have a quick word with Mr. Hammerhead. "Sir, how come-"

"-that no one realized before today that there is an even more powerful wielder of compulsion living right under everyone's noses, able to control the minds of supernaturals without blinking an eye?" he finished for me with a frown. "What do you think, Demona?"

We locked eyes and I realized what he'd already known. If Ben could control minds so easily, who was to say he couldn't compel anyone who had found him over the past couple of years? If he'd wanted to stay under the radar, he could have just compelled anyone who found him to forget. Eros had been able to compel Mrs. Eisenberg, after all. And she was a witch with the power of mind control and the head of the educational department of KTS. If Eros could compel her, there was no knowing if Ben hadn't done the same to her at some point.

"Can we trust him?" Hammerhead asked me silently, trying to make sure Ben wouldn't hear us.

I took a moment before answering. Could we? "No," I decided. "I don't think we can. I sure don't." I didn't keep my voice down either. He could sent me flowers and apologize to me as much as he wanted to, but that didn't change the fact that he had made Dylan cheat and got made Eros lose control and feed on a girl. Even if he might not be a bad person at heart, he wasn't someone I would trust with my life.

"Can he help Sheila?"

"Yes," I replied without thinking. "If anyone can, it's Ben."

It turned out I was right. Sheila was already in her cell and it was late enough that she should have already felt the power of the full moon and change into her wolf form. Instead, she just sat on the floor, her back against the wall as she scowled at the huge group of people looking at her through the bars.

"This wasn't what we agreed on," she told Simon. "You said only Dem's uncle would be joining the three of you. Not an entire congregation."

Simon explained about the predicament Eros was in and that compelling her to change was something that had never happened before, since not many vampires could control the minds of supernaturals and of course, werewolves didn't lose the power to change. With all the trouble Eros and I had caused for the school already, there was no way they were allowing my uncle to just walk in here and stroll into the holding facility.

"So you think you help me, huh?" Sheila got up and grabbed the bars with her hands while she gave Ben a scrutinizing look. "Compel me to do something I haven't been able to do in over a year?"

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now