Chapter 36

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Sorry if there are mistakes - no time to edit! This one's for kenza15, to enjoy before her trip to Morocco. Enjoy both the chapter & your trip. :D


After the hearing, Sheila came up to me as soon as the teachers were out of earshot. “If you think this makes us even, think again, bitch,” she hissed, her dark eyes glaring at me through her heavy fake lashes. “You still stole my guy.”

I rolled my eyes and took a step back from her. “It would only take a second to file every single one of my complaints again,” I told her lightly. “You might want to be nicer to me.”

Sheila scoffed and through her hair extensions over her shoulder. “Please. How stupid do you think I am? If you wanted me expelled, I wouldn’t be standing here right now. You’re too much of a do-gooder. That’s fine with me, but I’d watch your back if I were you.” Her lips curved into a sardonic smile. “Now I know that you won’t tattle on me, there’s nothing holding me back from destroying you completely.”

“You’re welcome,” I replied, feeling my temperature rise and my heart rate speed up. “It was my pleasure to help you out. If I hadn’t stuck up for you today, don’t think for a second Eros would have supported you in there.”

“Oh, he would have,” Sheila scoffed, but her cool façade shattered just a little. “It’s more obvious than ever that there’s still a chance for me and if you know anything about me, you’ll realize-”

“That you’ll kill to get your way?” Dylan joined in, his arm encircling me from the side. “I hope that you realize how lucky you are Demona went all sappy in there. If you ever do anything to harm her again, I will string you up and nail you to the front entrance of this school, understood?”

Eros and Simon joined us then, both of them glaring at Sheila. Simon’s death glare was less impressive than Eros’, but still – the fact that he was looking this mad at anyone was a big deal.

“Guys?” Mr. Hammerhead poked his head around the corner of the hall and smiled at the scene before him. “Sheila – I hope you know that everything you just said has been noted?” When the girl turned sickly white, he laughed heartily and pointed at his ears. “Might want to save threats until you’re truly out of earshot. Vampire hearing and all – take it into account if you want to go ballistic on Demona’s ass.”

Sheila nodded and left, leaving me to stare after her. I couldn’t help but feel sad for her, walking through the empty hallway on her own. Her friends had left as soon as the hearing was over – something I couldn’t possible fathom. Dylan, Simon, Eros and I would never do that to one another. No matter how mad we were with each other at times, the problems we faced, the weird dynamics that kept shifting, I knew all four of us would stick up for each other. And waiting for us in our dorms were plenty other people who always had our back. For someone to have to face the crazy world of supernatural boarding school alone… it didn’t exactly make me understand her, but I pitied her, to say the least.

“Dylan, would you be so kind to go inform all of your friends and prepare for the party you’re surely throwing to celebrate Eros not getting expelled?” Hammerhead asked with a smile. “I need to talk to these three idiots for a moment.”

“Hey!” Eros said while we walked back into the office. “Who are you calling idiots? You’re the one that failed to mention that I can’t possibly be expelled! You could have saved us a whole lot of worrying over the past weeks.” His eyes met mine when he said that, smiling ruefully.

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now