Chapter 8

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“Now, how are you doing?” our principal asked when Simon had shut the door behind him. “Did you drink the bags of blood I sent you?”

I hesitated, unsure whether or not to tell the truth. “Not exactly…”

“Meaning no sir, I didn’t,” he understood. “Yeah, I thought so. You are nothing if not stubborn. So, how exactly are you going to manage being a vegetarian vampire?”

I shrugged. “Just… not drink any animal blood.”

“Just like that, huh?” Hammerhead shook his head. “How is that working out so far?” The look on my face told him all he needed to know. “I figured. Come on; let’s get down to the feeding rooms. You need some blood in your system, or you’ll start attacking students at random.”

He opened the door and gave me a mocking bow, which I would have found funny if the situation had been different. I felt uneasy walking out of the office and down the stairs toward the basement. I did not want to know where I could go to feed, because I was afraid I would succumb to the temptation. And since me feeding would result in the death of a bunny or a chicken or something, I was very reluctant to learn anything about giving in to my urges.

When we had walked down the last staircase, we stopped in front of a large door with a code panel on it. There was a sign above it reading:

Feeding rooms

Vampires and staff only

Entrance code needed

Identification required once inside

Mr. Hammerhead let me watch while he entered the code and told me to try and remember it. There were only five digits so that should not be a problem.

The door swung open of its own accord then, revealing a brightly lit hallway with a woman sitting at a desk at the end. I had expected darkness, mystery and an air of danger, but everything was clean and white in here. I guess I should have learned by now: the stereotypes were rarely true.

“Duncan,” the woman at the end of the hallway exclaimed. “What do you think you’re doing? Even the principal cannot bring a non-vampire in here!” She got up, her dyed red hair bobbing around her face. She had a fierce devil-may care look about her – kind of like Sam actually, but the woman was a witch, not a werewolf. She must be staff, since she was a ‘non-vampire’ herself.

“This is Demona Hollow,” Mr. Hammerhead replied with a smile. “So don’t get you panties in a bunch, Patricia.”

“Oh, the legendary Demona Hollow,” Patricia replied, sitting back down. “Right – I haven’t  met her before, so excuse me for not knowing she’s not a fairy.”

“Why does everyone always assume I’m a fairy?” I asked, irritated. Ever since I had come to this school, people had been telling me I looked cute and innocent. I hated it – I would rather people had just assumed I was a witch or maybe even a werewolf.

“It’s the hair,” Patricia replied with a smirk. “My natural hair color is pretty much the same; it looks all fluffy and cute. You should dye it.”

“Can we move on from girly hair-styling tips?” Hammerhead rolled his eyes. “I am Demona’s mentor and I would like to show her the feeding facilities.”

“Bloodlust settling in, huh?” Patricia nodded knowingly. “Sucks to be you right now.”

“Tell me about it,” I agreed with a sigh.

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now