Chapter 5

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You have NoorWehbe to thank for yet enother chapter being uploaded. :) It's against my policy to respond to people begging me to upload again, but since I was in a good mood and working at the story anyway... Well, here it is! Don't all start asking for more uploads though, I beg of you - this is a sporadic kind of thing!

Thanks To KristabellePineault for editing!

I love you all <3


My palms were pressed up against the cold material of the wooden door and my forehead rested just above them. I could hear people yelling at the other side – it had been going on for almost ten minutes. I had been standing in front of Eros’ dormitory for almost fifteen minutes now, but I did not have the nerve to knock, not yet. I was scared of what I might find: anger, hate, sorrow… I had done this to him. Or well, his mother had done it, and I had participated like good little message girl. Had Dylan be right? Should I have held the match while Eros burned the one thing that could possibly salvage his relationship with his mother?

The yelling stopped and I took a deep breath. Standing here was futile, so I should either knock or leave. With a trembling hand, I knocked.

“Yes?” Dylan yanked open the door and looked down on me with a scowl on his face. His blue eyes were bloodshot and his jet black hair was all over the place, sticking to his sweaty forehead. “Oh, it’s you. Come on in.”

Surprised that he wasn’t trying to shut me out, I stepped into the living room. The stench of alcohol immediately hit me, making me scrunch up my nose in disgust. In the middle of the room, right there on the floor, was Eros. He was lying on his back, moving his arms like he was making a snow angel.

“He has been like this for an hour now,” Dylan informed me, tugging at the bandage on his arm to see if he was still bleeding.

I tried to ignore the scent of blood that came from the wound, but it was hard. I could already feel my fangs poking out. It had been a week since I had last fed, so it was only logical for me to have cravings. I was carefully ignoring them, pretending I was not a vampire with throbbing gems.

“Eros?” I kneeled next to him and put a hand on his forehead – he was burning up. He smelled horrid – there was the smell of vomit on his breath and his white shirt was stained with blood. “Oh Eros…” I breathed, sitting down on the cold floor and stroking his hair.

He opened his eyes and looked up at me, recognition sparkling in his eyes. “Dem,” he whispered, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “You came.” He hugged my left leg then, curling up to it.

I looked up at Dylan, who towered over us with a frown. “We need to get him cleaned and sobered up,” I told him. “Classes start tomorrow morning, he can’t be like this.”

“Like I don’t already know that,” Dylan spat. “This is your fault, you fix him. I have been dealing with your crap for over a week now. Nothing I do seems to help.”

“I’m hungry,” Eros told me, stroking my hand. “Feed me?”

His fangs were already out and he looked longingly at my exposed wrist. I froze up – I had never let anyone drink my blood and I wasn’t sure if I ever wanted to. Not like this, at the very least. To my surprise, Dylan put his hand underneath my arm pits and hauled me to my feed.

“Better to keep your distance,” he warned. “He is going to get real mad in a few seconds.”

Right on cue, Eros crouched on the floor and looked up at us like he was going to lunge. “I’m hungry!” he bellowed. “Feed me!”

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now