Chapter 24

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Again: the chapter has not been edited, so please bear with me, okay! 

Oh and the chapter is a lot longer than usual. Hope you guys don't mind and that you like the chapter... Not so sure about it myself to tell you the truth. Some action in here, but there's also a lot of filler stuff, things I go over faster than I usually do because there is just so much I need to put in there...


When the second full moon of the school year came around, I decided to head over to Eros’ until curfew set in. It always felt weird to be at my place with all of my roommates in their usual full-moon-moods: Sam too happy to be real, while Paulie and Eve skulked around. I walked over to Eros while singing a song, happy that it was almost weekend. It had taken some convincing to make him refrain from coming to pick me up every time I walked out of my dorm. The whole Sheila and Kevin thing had scared him straight, even though I was as good as over it. Talking to Anthony had helped me come to terms with it all, but Eros was worried they would try something again.

“Demona?” I turned around to see Milford and Rennor walked toward me.

“Hey guys,” I greeted them happily. “My heroes!”

Milford grinned and slapped me on the back. “You know I love a good fight.”

“We didn’t expect to see you here,” Rennor said, cutting right to the chase. “We heard Kevin got beaten up again, so we figured you must have had something to do with it. The person responsible is supposedly serving detention right now, but since you’re skipping around…”

I frowned – I was more than sure Eros was waiting for me in his room, so who had gotten into a fight with Kevin? Maybe it hadn’t been related to me?

“Well, whoever it was, serves him well,” Milford shrugged. “See you around, Demona.”

I nodded distracted and headed over to Eros’ quickly, no longer singing and smiling. Charlotte opened the door for me, frowning when she saw it was me.

“Didn’t expect to see you here,” she said instead of her normal hug and warm smile.

“Erm… nice to see you too,” I replied.

She chuckled. “Sorry, Eros did say you were coming over, but… well, I figured you’d be in detention, with Dylan. I heard he got in a few pretty good punches with Kevin.”

“It was Dylan?” Now there was no question: it must have something to do with me. I pushed past Charlotte and found Eros on the couch. “Why are watching TV while your best friend is in detention?” I asked surprised.

Eros shrugged and got up to kiss me. When I fended him off and gave him a stern look, he sighed and flopped back down. “I’m not the one who went all ballistic on Kevin’s ass. Besides,” Eros added when he saw me still standing there, staring off into thin air, “he made it perfectly clear he didn’t want to see me today. We got into a huge fight. I don’t know what’s gotten into him today. I swear... he’s being even more rude than usual. I wish he would tell me what’s bothering him.”

I looked down on my boyfriend and smiled ruefully. Dylan’s problem wasn’t something he could discuss with Eros. The red streaks in his aura, his anger over my relationship with Eros, the strange affection and hate he had been showing me the past couple of weeks... I was pretty sure that Dylan felt a lot more for Eros than strictly friendship. I could hardly blame him: my boyfriend was pretty damn hot, intelligent, sweet...

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now