Chapter 53

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I woke to a soft male voice sounding from the darkness surrounding me. It hurt my eardrums to even try to let the voice reach me.


The headache that had been starting in my forehead now moved its way through my entire head, making it pulsate as if it was an African drum being played by an overenthusiastic player.


I grunted and tried to block our Eros' soft, remorseful voice. There was nothing he could say to make me feel any less like a crappy pile of flesh and bones. He was sorry. He felt like he'd caused all of his. He wished he'd never done anything to hurt me. I already knew all of those things. Why should I allow him to say any of it and make my head hurt from the sound?

"Dem, I'm-"

He shut up when I pushed my hand into his face. I had meant to just press a finger to his lips, but my coordination wasn't that it used to be just yet. I grunted my approval to his silence and slumped back into my dark slumber.



Damn you, I though, my eyelids trembling when I tried to see where I was. The light was too much to take for my poor little blue eyes. There weren't made for the brightness I was faced with.


If this wasn't a déjàvu, I don't know what could ever be.


Again, I moved up my hand to press a finger to Eros lips, only to come up with a wet dumb. Laugher

filled my ears, but it wasn't Eros'.

"Dylan?" I croaked, shifting slightly so I was lying on my side instead of my back.

"Hi there, sis," he replied, sounding just as playful and angry as usual. "Drink up."

I opened my mouth to ask him what the hell he was talking about, but I was shut up by the cold feeling of a glass being pushed to my lips while two strong arms hosted me into a sitting position. I almost choked at first, but soon the warm blood made its way down my throat, making me feel more alive than I had in... who knows? How long had I been like this?

"Dylan?" I repeated, my tearing eyes trying to find something besides the blinding light of the sun of light bulb or whatever it was that was obstructing my vision in such a painful way. The blood had tasted like him. I had grown used to the tangy, wonderful taste of it. The animal blood I'd been drinking for weeks couldn't even begin to compare to it.

"Go back to sleep, sis."

Normally, I liked to whine and make every little thing into a discussion. Just this once, I decided to comply. My bed felt so good, and the strong arms wrapped around my shoulders made me feel at ease. Why shouldn't I allow myself to slip back into a blissful slumber after drinking blood?

"That's it," Dylan whispered. "Sleep tight."



Oh no, I though, not this again.


My head was protesting so loudly to any sound reaching my ears that I felt like punching someone. Or putting my first through a brick wall. Or hitting my head against said wall. Anything to make it stop.


I gritted my teeth and rolled onto my stomach, pressing my face into the pillow. Oh, that thing was so soft. So damn soft. So soft it made me wanna fall back asleep instantly. At least when I was asleep, I couldn't hear the voices around me.

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now