Chapter 16

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Don't forget to follow, like and friend me on Facebook! I post a lot of pictures and quotes there and keep you updated on how my work on SBS is going for the publication!

I am currently thinking about a new title for the first book. Supernatural Boarding School wil be the name of the series. The first book could be called A Bond of Love or something (please tell me if you have suggestions, it's got to be like "A ... of ..."). The second book is A Touch of Red as you all know, and the third book will be called... dumdumdum... A Brush of Death! 

For those already on Facebook with me: thank you for commenting, liking, chatting with me, etc. It's real nice to know so many of you are involved in the story. :)

A big shout-out to my awesome editor KristabellePineault!


When I piled into my old crappy car with Eros, Simon and Dylan, I couldn’t help but wonder how it had come to this. A crazy female vampire, her two bondmates and the guy that hates her guts stuff themselves into a battered old car – it sounded like the start of a bad joke instead of a scene out of my everyday life. I was just about to drive out of the underground parking lot when Antwan pretty much threw himself in front of my car. I rolled down my window and raised my eyebrows.

“Please tell me this isn’t what I think it is.”

“I’m coming with,” he announced, opening the backdoor and forcing Simon to scoot closer to Dylan.

“Oh no!” I said angrily. “I know what this is – there is no way I’m taking you to see her.” What was he even thinking, going off to see Anne while leaving his sweet girlfriend behind?”

“It’s not what you think,” Antwan said quickly. “Will and Minnie wanted to see your friends again. Sam and Paulie too. Apparently, everyone really hit it off that time at the hotel. But Will has this really tiny car, so I got thrown out. You’re my ride.”

I sighed and started the car once more. “Fine – but no funny business while you’re in my hometown.”

“I promise,” Antwan said solemnly.

“Yeah well, I don’t trust your promises anymore,” I bit out. “You’ve been known to break them.”

In the rearview mirror I could see Antwan’s mouth open and close a few times, no words coming out.

“Oh yeah,” I said nastily. “I know. You’re horrible.”

Simon started to ask what the hell we were yapping on about, but I turned on the radio to tune him out. Eros ruffled my hair and smiled reassuringly. Despite my promises to Will and Antwan to keep their secrets, I had ended up telling my boyfriend everything anyway. I needed someone to talk to about this whole messed-up situation and if there was one person in my life I could trust completely, it was most definitely Eros. It felt good to be completely open and honest with him. He still refused to talk about his mother’s letter though and for now I’d decided not to press the matter. I liked the happy and sweet version of Eros too much to throw him back into the deep dark pit he’d only just crawled out of. For now I was allowing him to push the letter to the back of his mind and focus all of his energy on me. The time would come to discuss his father, but now wasn’t it.

“Jeesh, Antwan!” Simon exclaimed.

I glanced in the rearview mirror and saw my bondmate scoot even closer to Dylan. It looked like the lack of space in the backseat had caused Antwan to almost stick his finger in Simon’s eye.

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now