Chapter 23

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Sorry for updating so late - my editor still hasn't gotten back to me. So I'll just post it anyway I guess. Can't make you wait any longer - I'm pretty sure I'll soon be receiving death threaths if I don't. :P I'll make it up to you by updating again this weekend (Saturday or Sunday, not sure when I'll have the time). 


“Dylan,” I breathed. “Thank god.”

My relief was only short-lived, since Kevin soon recovered and was already moving in on us, landing a hard blow on Dylan’s shoulder that made him grunt in pain. Sheila snarled and threw herself into the fight as well, clawing at both me and Dylan. I quickly backed out of the way. I didn’t want to abandon Dylan: every nerve in my body screamed at me to help him, but I knew I had to be reasonable. I wasn’t nearly as strong as any of them, so the best thing I could do was get help.

I sprinted out the door and hurried to the nearest dorm. I started yelling and knocking, hoping someone would open up soon.

“Demona!” Someone was hurrying to me from down the hall. “What’s going on?”

I looked up to see Rennor coming at me – he’d apparently been out late, sneaking into his dorm down the hall before someone found out. Little did he knew that the teachers no longer needed to catch him to know he had been out – stupid spells they’d put up!

“Kitchen,” I managed to get out, panting. “Dylan.”

Without further questions, he hurried the way I pointed. The door I had been pounding on finally opened, revealing a guy I’d never met. I tried to get him to help me too, but he just looked at me with blank eyes – he looked like he’d been asleep just moments earlier.

“Demona?” The guy’s roommate pushed him aside, looking down on me in surprise.

“Milford!” I said in relief. “Come on!”

I sprinted back to where I had left Dylan and Milford followed me without question. I praised myself lucky for finding two guys from the Special Program class from the year before. A powerful werewolf and a vampire no less! I surely could have done worse.

When I entered the kitchen with Milford, I saw Sheila on Rennor’s back, clawing at his face while he tried to fend her off. Dylan and Kevin were on the floor, but it was hard to tell who was winning. Milford let out a low growl and stood still for a moment, his hands trembling. I realized what he was trying to do – he possessed a very rare power: he could change even when it wasn’t a full moon. At first it had just been his hands, but after training with me, Simon, Eros and Sam, he had managed to change his full legs and arms into their wolf form. I placed a hand on his shoulder, lending him all of my energy so he could change more quickly. He grunted his thanks and jumped on Kevin, his hands and feet now transformed into full claws. When I heard Kevin scream, I knew the fight was over. No way Kevin and Sheila could go up against these three guys.

The temperature dropped all of a sudden, freezing everyone right up. My teeth started clattering so hard it actually hurt. When Rennor finally managed to get Sheila off, I realized that he was the one making it so goddamn cold: his power was to manage the temperature. While Rennor slowly brought the temperature back to normal, Dylan pinned Sheila to the floor and Milford held Kevin in a headlock.

“What the hell is going on here?”

I swiveled around to see Hammerhead standing in the doorway, a dumbfounded look on his face.

“You couldn’t show up about five minutes earlier?” Dylan panted when Sheila tried to wriggle from his grasp.

Hammerhead’s eyes shot from one person to the other, trying to assess the situation. He shifted his attention to me eventually, his eyes widening when he smelled the cut on my leg and saw my bruised arms and tear-streaked face.

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now