Chapter 59

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When I saw Antwan at breakfast, he looked downright frightened, as he should. At the same time, I had never seen him this happy. Red flames danced in his aura without her begin anywhere near, but the thought of what they'd done the night before was enough to set his glow ablaze.

Staying mad at the guy that my best friend loved so much and who obviously loved her a whole lot as well... It proved too difficult for me in the end. I think I lasted until lunch before just giving up. Simon patted my knee in sympathy and handed me a plate of food.

"I know that you've got about ten million reasons to be depressed, but you still need to eat." He wiggled a carrot in front of my face.

"I've always had that many reasons to never get out of bad in the first place," I agreed, biting into his finger instead of the carrot.

It had been meant as a joke, but I overdid it and the taste of a single drop of blood filled my mouth. We stared at each other for a long, tense moment. I took the carrot from him, took a bite and handed him a napkin for his finger. It was only a small bitemark, nothing that wouldn't heal in a matter of a day or two at the most.

"You're doing really well with you bloodlust," Simon concluded, monitoring my feelings closely while he wiped off the blood. "You're not even really tempted, are you?"

I shrugged. "I wouldn't cut open your entire arm to test my control, but I guess I'm not the mess I was not that long ago."

Simon hugged me. "I am so proud of you, Dem. So proud."

I couldn't help but feel at least the tiniest bit of proud in myself as well. I wasn't the girl that had ripped open Dylan's skin. Or Simon's. Or Amy's. Hmm, I had hut a lot of people already, hadn't eye. Still, it was nice to know that those days seemed to be behind me after all. I still needed to make sure I regularly drank animal blood, but that didn't make me uneasy anymore. With Simon, Eros and Dylan no longer eating meat, my guilt had lessened somewhat. I was doing what I could for the animals. It wouldn't be right to hurt my friends just to keep the bunnies safe.


On Saturday, I got to take my mind off Anne's many calls that I carefully ignored. Antwan had assured me that Anne wouldn't tell anyone else about what she knew and I had to agree with him. She would never put Antwan or me at risk by blabbing about this. I felt certain that even Greg wouldn't find out from her.

Still, I was more than happy to be called into Hammerhead's office in the afternoon to finally have a talk with Mr. Combright. He had agreed to talk to us after much pestering from Hammerhead's side. Simon and Eros were as tense as I was when he walked in and saw our old teacher.

"The three whirlwinds," Carrick Combright stated gruffly when we walked in. "I see you're still alive and kicking. Good."

Hammerhead left us to it, closing the door behind him so we could have some privacy. I could tell he felt uneasy seeing his old friend again and after the story he'd told us about their past, I understood that they weren't exactly each other's favorite persons.

"I understand you want to drag up old stories that I've been trying to put behind me ever since they happened." Mr. C cocked an eyebrow and let his gaze sweep over all of us. "And I can also tell that you've gotten stronger and even more involved with each other since I last saw you. Very unwise."

"Yeah, yeah," Eros said offhand. "We know what you think about that."

Mr. C remained silent and kept staring at him. I could see his eyes focus on things we couldn't see, much like I did when I scrutinized someone's aura. His eyes narrowed even more before moving over to me. He clicked his tongue in disappointment and sighed.

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now